1st of Summer, 516 AV
"Aww, come on! Just one mug. I'm good for it!"
The man behind the counter chuckled, even his eyes smiling as he held his hand out to the Vantha. "Now, lassie, you know I cain't just be givin' away ale like that. Elsewise, everybody would be wantin' some. And everyone here ain't good for their word. You know that."
Aladari usually wasn't a beggar. However, her sober, smarter-self had left most of her coin at home this morning, and at this point in the night she was far too drunk to walk home and get more. All she had left at this point were 2 copper, and that wasn't enough to buy herself much of anything. Especially not on the first of the season, when the Drunken Fish was filled to the brim with all kinds of celebration and revelers, all of whom had coin in their pockets. The bartenders were never open for negotiation when there was someone behind you willing to pay full price. However, Aladari refused to give up just yet.
"Well, what abouts we play for it? A game a pig, huh?" She nudged the man sitting beside her at the bar, and, nodding drunkenly, he gladly produced a set of dice, presented with a big, toothless smile. But behind the counter, the bartender just shook his head. "I said no, lassie. I'm sorry. Is prolly time fer you to go home anyways."
Aladari shrugged her shoulders in defeat, her eyes shifting to a deep blue color in disappointment. Going home sounded boring, and she didn't necessarily want to end the party any earlier than she had to. "I'll just find someone else ta buy somethin' for me, then," she said defiantly.
"Uh huh. You go on and do that, then."
Standing up, Aladari wavered on her feet, but kept her balance by sheer force of will. She stumbled about for a chime, rocking back and forth, before she reached the first table. Seated there were two men, both very skinny and rather young. They were clothed in normal Sunberthian attire- the kind that made her think they had very little to gamble with. Across from them, though, was an older woman who looked comfortable and possibly even wealthy. She wore clean clothes, and her stomach was visibly rounded through her tight shirt.
Aladari smiled upon spying her chance, her eyes flashing a distinct purple. She pulled over an abandoned chair from the next table, seating herself clumsily next to the woman. Aladari knew, even from her short time in Sunberth that you had to be careful with the wealthy ones. One only got wealthy in Sunberth in a very limited number of ways- chiefly murder or theft.
But no risk, no reward.
You think I could int'rest you in a game a Pig, ma'am?
"Aww, come on! Just one mug. I'm good for it!"
The man behind the counter chuckled, even his eyes smiling as he held his hand out to the Vantha. "Now, lassie, you know I cain't just be givin' away ale like that. Elsewise, everybody would be wantin' some. And everyone here ain't good for their word. You know that."
Aladari usually wasn't a beggar. However, her sober, smarter-self had left most of her coin at home this morning, and at this point in the night she was far too drunk to walk home and get more. All she had left at this point were 2 copper, and that wasn't enough to buy herself much of anything. Especially not on the first of the season, when the Drunken Fish was filled to the brim with all kinds of celebration and revelers, all of whom had coin in their pockets. The bartenders were never open for negotiation when there was someone behind you willing to pay full price. However, Aladari refused to give up just yet.
"Well, what abouts we play for it? A game a pig, huh?" She nudged the man sitting beside her at the bar, and, nodding drunkenly, he gladly produced a set of dice, presented with a big, toothless smile. But behind the counter, the bartender just shook his head. "I said no, lassie. I'm sorry. Is prolly time fer you to go home anyways."
Aladari shrugged her shoulders in defeat, her eyes shifting to a deep blue color in disappointment. Going home sounded boring, and she didn't necessarily want to end the party any earlier than she had to. "I'll just find someone else ta buy somethin' for me, then," she said defiantly.
"Uh huh. You go on and do that, then."
Standing up, Aladari wavered on her feet, but kept her balance by sheer force of will. She stumbled about for a chime, rocking back and forth, before she reached the first table. Seated there were two men, both very skinny and rather young. They were clothed in normal Sunberthian attire- the kind that made her think they had very little to gamble with. Across from them, though, was an older woman who looked comfortable and possibly even wealthy. She wore clean clothes, and her stomach was visibly rounded through her tight shirt.
Aladari smiled upon spying her chance, her eyes flashing a distinct purple. She pulled over an abandoned chair from the next table, seating herself clumsily next to the woman. Aladari knew, even from her short time in Sunberth that you had to be careful with the wealthy ones. One only got wealthy in Sunberth in a very limited number of ways- chiefly murder or theft.
But no risk, no reward.
You think I could int'rest you in a game a Pig, ma'am?