First of all, I want to tell you what this letter of apology is about. I'm not giving excuses or trying to gain sympathy. I simply want to the people of Mizahar to understand that I am a person who's trying to change from my old ways. Being called to a higher standard by my Lord and Savior, I have to do what is right, no matter what. I'm sorry that it had to take this long for it to happen. Therefore, I will make this as blunt as possible, and try to speak from my heart. I hope any and all who read this will realize that I want to maintain Mizahar's positive reputation and integrity as a role-playing website, despite the fact that I will destroy my own.
Here goes:
As most of you (if not all) do not know, there was another PC that I directly and willingly lied to concerning my identity on Mizahar (I will not mention the name of whom I spoke to). I told this role-player a completely false story to hide shame I had been building upon since the beginning.
These are all the PC names I have used on this website:
Freya Schaeffur/Whitevine
Colin Winterflame
Iblas Nu'Vette
Aerges Frostfawn and
Julla Orrinade.
Some of these names may sound familiar and some won't. That was my purpose, after all -to be unrecognizable. The reason this began started when I first left Mizahar due to my wishy-washy personality. Still being very young in my faith, I had a hard time deciding whether role-playing was an ungodly thing or not to take part in. I have now matured spiritually to a point where I can discern more readily, like I'm doing so here. Nonetheless, when I first left and decided to come back, I was convinced that I could not return to previous characters because time and events had changed during my absence. Once I created a new character to be "with the times" and people began to catch on (Gossamer is exempt because she knew from the beginning), this vicious cycle continued up until today. Today I'm going to end this cycle, in hopes to regain something I probably will never have again.
So there, I've spilled my guts and confessed everything both to God and to you. Now, having written this, I know what the consequences could be and what they most likely are. I am prepared to take any punishment felt necessary. I'd still like to be a part of Mizahar, but if the above information proves it cannot be so, then I thank you for all the fun and joy that I experienced on this site. If you decide to extend mercy to me and give me a second chance, I will not abuse it and be forever grateful for the opportunity.
Thank you in advance for reading this.
I love you all.