Sunberth Location: Bare Fists and Broken Bones
Hopes of a new Sunberth
Sunberth Location: No Man's Land
Sunberth Street Layout
Sunberth, Summer 516: Anatomy of an Epidemic
Sunberth Location: Tall Johnny's
Sunberth: Wealth never comes Legitimately
Sunberth Location: Blood Pits
Sunberth Location: Pig's Foot Tavern
Practicalities of Sunberth: Debts are Paid in Mizas or Blood, not Petching Booze!
Sunberth: Openly wear a weapon
Sunberth: No one stops to help
Sunberth: The Clinic
Lore of Mura: Crystal Clear Waters
Lore of Mura: Animal-Shaped Boats
Lore of Mura Location: Silver Lake
Lore of Mura Location: Two Sister's Winery
Lore of Location: Fountain of Cascading Harmony
Lore of Location: Sebakem Ocean
Syliras Location: The Temple of All Gods
Religion: Morwen
Belief: Laviku must sound just like the ocean
Yahal: God of Faith and Purity
Yahal: Protects the Weak
Priskil: Goddess of Hope
Group Prayer is More Powerful
Gods Must Know All
Endurance: When you can’t walk, crawl
Stealth: Hold your breath to stay silent
Stealth: Easier With a Distraction
Endurance: One foot in front of the other
Floors and tables can be safer during a brawl
Everyone is part of a brawl, whether they like it or not
Sunberth: Mages are Not Welcome
The Curse of the Temple of The Unknown
Petrious: Valued, but Notorious
Tall Johnny: No Matter What, He makes his Coin
Chase: Surly, Furry Zith
Autumn: Compassionate woman from Sunberth
Riluc: Muscular Sunberthian
Riluc: Previously a resident of Mura
Negotiation: Securing a Zith's Services
The Vigilantes: Fighting against the gangs
The Vigilantes: Just another gang?
The Vigilantes: Is joining a good thing?
Doctor Petrious: One of the few unbiased people in Sunberth
Doctor Petrious: Will help those with the coin
Lore of Socialization: Body Cues of Irritation
Lore of Socialization: Smile, So as Not to Scare Them
Common Language: 'Snag' means when your line gets caught on something
Persuasion: Tell Why They Need You
Persuasion: Offering hope to make a sell to a desperate man
Persuasion: Showing your mizas
Persuasion: With stubbornness
Nik: An Inarta with a heart for sob-stories
Kyru; Well fished Inartan man
Running in a market earns cries of 'Thief'
Mizas calm an enraged merchant
Some guards don't want to kill ladies, but will
Lore of Politics: Introduce Yourself for a Good First Impression
Lore of Politics: Don't Be Late!
Lore of Socialization: Feet Up Means Relaxed
Ferrin, man that wanted to spar
Lore of Akalaks: Dark Colored Skin
Lore of Konti Culture: All Konti Are Sisters
Lore of Konti: Possess Special Gifts
Lore of Konti: Can Breathe Underwater
Lore of Konti: Enthusiastic Islanders
The Zith: Born, Bat-Like Hunters
Inarta: All family is close family
Thought: Is Avanthal just like the tight knit Inartan community?
Inarta: Of vibrant hair & bold faces
Drykas: Bond to their Cyphrus Striders
Kelvics: The Bonding
Svefra: Typical style of dress
Wind Eagles: Intelligent, proud steeds of the Inarta
I'll not Murder over Mizas
Stubbornness trumps fear
Wine at home is for fancy people
Aladari: Won’t be intimidated by anyone when there’s coin on the line
Worry Gets Me Nowhere
Lore of Self: Not a Fear of the Water, Just Distrust
Childhood Revenge: Muddying One's Clothes
Mother is Always Right
Lore of Sailing: Keep Tiller Ropes Tight
Lore of Sailing: A Crew's Favorite Words are "Land, Ho!"
Fishing with less effort
An inventive use of a net
Comparing fish to check for abnormalities
Fishing with a net full of knots
Preserving Fish
The gift of Charity
A good business woman connects with her customers
Fishing: Avoid loud noises
Fishing: Relaxing, not dull
Fishing: Untangling crossed lines
Fishing: Staying still & playing the waiting game
Swimming: One can still drown in shallow waters
Lore of Fishing: Braided Lines are Stronger
Lore of Fishing Technique: Scare the Fish Out
Lore of Fishing: When Fish Bite, Wait!
Nets can catch crazy people too
Management expects you to ask questions
Careless fishermen only feed the fish
Fishing: The thrill of the reel-in
Fish: Catfish, whiskered and stings
Catfish are good eatin' when fat
Fishing: A pole isn't most efficient in freshwater fishing
Fishing: Freshwater fishing is completely different from sea fishing
Fishing: Use a net where fish feed
Fishing: Fish will forget you if you're still and silent long enough
Fishing: Use Morwen's ice to keep fish still and calm
Fishing: Freshwater fish prefer to eat bugs and eggs
Fishing: Freshwater fishing requires a thinner, lighter net
Basements are deeper than 2 feet
"It isn't worth the work unless you want to give up at least once."
Lore of Wilderness Survival: Seashells are Not Strong Enough to be Useful
Lore of Wilderness Survival: Crafting a Makeshift Fishing Pole
Wilderness Survival: Predators Come Out After Dark
The beautiful smell of the sea
Favored compliment: "You've got some fire in ya."
Nagging thought: "How d'you see what's I's gonna do?"
Acting: Trying to keep a straight face
Medicine: Checking for a Pulse
Alcohol: I'm a giggly drunk
Alcohol: Slurs speech.
Lore of Logic: Do Now What You Can't Later
Gambling: Let them think they'll win
The Basics of "Pig"
Intelligence: Whistle Blasts for Communication
Tactics: Choosing the method that will maximize pay-off
Animal Husbandry: A working dog is a happy dog
Medicine: Dealing with a nose-bleed
Medicine: Antiseptic stings
Medicine: Drinking healing pond waters to ease the ‘Unknown Curse’
When a bad deal comes back to bite you
Medicine: Adrenaline abates pain for a while
Drunks have no coin worth stealing
Homes are warm & safe places
Intelligence: Rumors Spread with Bartenders
Investigation Requires Planning
Logic: Information Can be a Substitute for Coin
Lore of Suvai: Poisonous Konti Weapons
Lore of Philosophy: Konti and Vantha are A Lot Alike
Medicine: Washing bandages
Medicine: Scabbing & coloration of a healing wound
Scabbing wounds are incredibly itchy
Herbalism: Mint leaf bath to soothe wounds
Dried figs are terribly expensive
Staring too close at symbols may blind you
False Memories: A city being destroyed
No one saved that boy
Survival of the fittest means leaving people behind
Motivating yourself in your native tongue helps a lot
Wilderness Survival: Ocean water can soothe some stings
Lore of Animal Husbandry: Whistling for a Follow
Lore of Cosmetics: Covering Up Crying
Lore of Cosmetics: Hair is Best Worked With Wet
Lore of Cosmetics: Stripping Hair Color
Lore of Disguise: Cover Identifying Traits
Lore of Disguise: Start Small
Lore of Cosmetics: Face Powder Can't Change Deep Textures
Lore of Philosophy: Appearance Can't Change Who I Am
Lore of Disguise: Voices are Distinct
Lore of Cosmetics: Tying a Turban
Lore of Meditation: Putting Worries on the Back-Burner
Clean shaven and well dressed in Syliras? Must be a Knight
Horsemanship: Just because a horse is staring, doesn't mean it understands. Or cares.
Horsemanship: Some horses need to have the rider take charge
Horsemanship: Horses need to burn off wild energy
Horsemanship: Sometimes its best to let the horse lead the way
Philosophy: Focus on the Present
Disguise: Faking an Accent
Disguise: Copying Others
Meditation: Becoming Aware of Oneself
Meditation: Slow, Deep Breaths
Meditation: Blocking Out Outside Senses
Meditation: Focus on a Belief or Feeling
Meditation: Using Mental Imagery