Fall 72 Denen was quiet. This was not abnormal for him, of course, but it was something that had been intensified as of late. He tugged at the scarf around his head, positioning it over his ears, and sucked on his lower lip as he walked. His thin hands wrung together, and he tugged anxiously at the bottom of his tunic. His blue eyes were thoughtful, almost glowering at the effort and set beneath furrowed brows. He smoothed the tunic over his legs, giving a soft, trembling sigh. A hand rose absently, pushing soft, dark hair out of his face, though it fell back immediately. He gave a murmured sigh and his shoulders slumped slightly. So many people knew so much more than he did, even in his own family. He thought of the men his older brothers were, of how strong they were. It was difficult to live up to the healers they were, and the men in general. His eldest brother was twenty-four years older than Denen, and he had never been close to any of them, missing, therefore, chances to learn what they might teach him. He had wanted to ask Sam for help, but he had been embarrassed to think that he should have to ask Sam to teach him how to defend himself. He wanted to impress his friends, and he doubted that not even knowing how to hold a blade wouldn't help him with that. He thought of the people he had met on the Hunt, and one came to mind. Kayiri. He was kind, and not as intimidating as some of the others. After a great deal of peptalking himself, Denen gathered the humility required to ask someone to teach him a basic skill. He asked around and was, at last directed in the proper direction. His slender hands shook, arms rigid at his sides. How did one even ask such things? This was mortifying. He caught sight of Kayiri, and he trembled as he moved to stand near him, waiting for him to finish a discussion with another before he sought to catch his attention. |