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Hey all this is my Scrap. I'll be updating this with important information about Brocton. So, what I'll introduce to you all at first hand. To those I have threaded with recently, I have Changed Broctons surname. Given permission by Prophet. So, it was changed from Adan-Firestone. I'm just letting all of my thread partners know of this minor change. I don't think it'll majorly affect any of those I have threaded with so far, so I hope you all can understand thanks!
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Hey all this is my Scrap. I'll be updating this with important information about Brocton. So, what I'll introduce to you all at first hand. To those I have threaded with recently, I have Changed Broctons surname. Given permission by Prophet. So, it was changed from Adan-Firestone. I'm just letting all of my thread partners know of this minor change. I don't think it'll majorly affect any of those I have threaded with so far, so I hope you all can understand thanks!