Frostfawn Hold
61 Summer 516AV
61 Summer 516AV
It was like watching one of his kills die. He had never really seen a death like this up close. He always waited in the trees, in the shadows, another arrow knocked and ready if his kill moved again. He had seen his kills gutted, skinned, flayed, but he'd never seen then gushing, he had never seen them turn red with such force. So here he was frozen... in shock... in rage... in complete and utter misery because he was watching his family die.
His mother was yelling, his sister was crying in the corner, his brother was screaming even louder and his grandfather and father, like him, were standing still, immobile, unthinking, useless, staring as his sister in law bled in her bed.
Something bad had happened and no one knew quite what. Aumber had been sleeping and then awoke with a sudden and excruciating pain. She had been complaining of lower back pain for a good few days now, though no one, including her, had thought anything of it. Perhaps she was unused to the extra weight of her unborn child, although she defensively argued that she hadn't gained that much, which was true, she was only 13 weeks pregnant.
Aumber, sobbing helplessly in her bed, holding herself as if she was trying to keep the blood in as it soaked the sheets and dripped down the legs of the bed. It was his mother that snapped him out of his fright. "Talon!" She had screamed, his hunting name, a name he paid more attention to, it seemed than his normal one. A name that was almost always used during events that required extreme attention and focus, during his hunts as he stalked and killed prey. The use of it within his normally calm hold frightened him even more, though it also made his realize the severity of the situation and his obligation to help.
He jumped into action, as did his father as Junco's mother called him by his second name as well. Along with his brother the three men hoisted bleeding Aumber up in their arms, keeping her horizontal, as if on an invisible cot. Junco's mother quickly draped a clean blanket over Aumber, hiding her gore slightly from those who may see. The men then rushed, though aware of the pain Aumber was in, outside of the safety of Frostfawn hold. They needed to go to Whitevine. No one here could save Aumber. They needed a healer.
As they rushed through Avanthal people stared although did not ask. A few questioned his mother, she quickly and ferociously waved them away along with their offers to help. More people would slow them down. The rest of Junco's family followed close behind. His mother trailing close behind Aumber and the men, his grandfather holding the hand of still crying Danila, who, for some reason, they did not leave at home. They were a family, and if Aumber was going to die, everyone would be there to say goodbye.