Closed What a small twisty world(Ash)

Ashely helps two girls find their father

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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What a small twisty world(Ash)

Postby Lo'campo on July 29th, 2016, 8:47 am

"Normal Text"
Mental text

13th of Summer 516 A.V Sunberth

"Are you sure that this is the right place?"

"I'm positive, the man on the ship said that this was Sunberth."

"People say a lot of things. How do we know that he wasn't screwing with us? That was a lot of miza, we should've just stayed in Zeltiva and lived off that."

"And what would happen when we ran out? Mother wouldn't have wanted that anyways. Plus, I kinda want to see him." Losasa mumbled the last part of her sentence as the two walked along the docks of Sunberth.

"I want to see him too. That bastard will cry begging me to stop when i'm through with him." Oumren sneered playing with her flametounge. Losasa let out a sigh. She loved her sister till death, past death even, but sometimes she just got too violent for her taste. They haven't even met the man that was said to be their father and she was already talking about killing him. Not that her reasoning was flawed. She herself had a plethora of questions for the man, and did seek out vengeance for the time lost as well, but Oumren was just so...Homicidal.

"This place is filthy, are you sure that The Great Tall Blue One lives in this dump?" Oumren continued to tease their deceased mother's words of him. Another sigh escaped from the humbler sister's mouth. Once again she didn't agree with her sister's methods, but she was right. If this man was as great as mother claimed he was, why did he live in a city this dirty? It all really didn't make any sense to her, but it would all soon come together once they met. She began to wonder what he would really be like. Mother did say he was very tall and handsome. "He is a very quiet and humble man, passionate about what he wants in life and aims to reach all his goals." This part intrigued her the most. She continued to walk as her sister rambled on about nonsense.

"Hey watch were the petch you're going." A man let out as the two collided. "Rude much?" Oumren shot back towards the man who sneered in their direction. "Hey, I'm hungry, how much coin we got left?" Giving her head a shake at the unsatisfied hunger of her look a like, Losasa went to open the money pouch that dangled from her waist only to have her eyes widen with surprise. "Ren, the money, it's." Looking at each other in shock, they boy darted their heads in the direction of the man that had bumped them. "Stop him! Thief!" Losasa called out only to see that no one moved to help. Oumren on the other hand already gave chase after the man.

Flametounge already out, she bobbed and weaved through the crowd giving chase behind the thief. It wasn't until she placed her hand on the man's shoulder did he realize that she'd caught on to what he had done. Giving her a slight shove, he pulled out a dagger ready to fight. Ren dove to the ground, hearing the faint but familiar whistle moving through the air. Sas wasn't a good shot when it came to fast and quick archery skills, but if given time to aim and prepare herself she could hit the target at least. The man let out a yelp of pain as the arrow sprouted from his thigh. Catching him off guard, Ren brought the butt of her dagger to the man's temple causing him to stagger. "Teach you to steal from us."

"Ren no-" Before Sas could finish her sentence her sister's dagger had already slipped into the man's side doubling him over before he fell to the wooden ground. Shyke she thought to herself as her identical sister now stood next to her. "What are we going to do?"

"We have to hide the body, we don't want any guards to catch us."

"Petch, it's not my fault, the bastard stole from us first!"

"I don't think anyone noticed, let's just move him somewhere. Here you take the arms"

"I don't want the arms."

"Well fine, I'll take the arms, you get the legs so we can move him and not be killed before we can even get to whomever we are looking for"

Moving the man proved to be a hard task as he weighed very heavy. It took them some time, but they finally were able to stuff his body into a empty crate along the docks, but now they were lost and confused. Walking away from now dead man, they came across a woman. "Excuse me ma'am but we are in need of assistance, could you help us?"

-Loxudeianis Basunreph Campo

Oumoc Basunreph Campo
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What a small twisty world(Ash)

Postby Ashley Blairen on July 29th, 2016, 8:34 pm

Ashley walked near the docks, she was with out her cane and thus it made her feel vulnerable, as well as the fact that she made sure she looked like a woman now. She realized she couldn't dress as a man every day of her life and eventually people will recognize her, it would be inevitable. What the oddest part was that she was wearing her skirt that she bought before she went to Sunberth... Thinking about it this was probably the first time she wore a skirt sense she was a young child. Before she found her passion for disguise, of course. When she did uncover it that is when she started dressing as a man for to go against her older brother's wishes.

That could be the reason why it just felt so alien to her, to be dressed as a her gender. Other than her skirt she had her leather boots on, as well as her vest. Thinking about it when she first looked at herself in the mirror she thought she could pass off as some sort of barmaid or waitress. She didn't really know how to feel about that when she first dressed like she was, what made her uncomfortable was when some men would stare at her as she walked. She wish she could have used her cane with her current get up with out seeming odd.

What caught her eye was what seemed to be two very distressed Konti, they called her over. She studied them... They look similar, most likely sisters. As she looked them over she wondered if they were new to Sunberth or not. She couldn't really tell right now, she probably would need to pry information from them to see if they were or not. These two seemed to interest her for some reason. "Hello, what is the matter?" She said, she tried to warp her voice still, and she grabbed the sides of her skirt to do a sort of bow. "You two lost?"
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What a small twisty world(Ash)

Postby Lo'campo on July 30th, 2016, 2:21 am

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"You two lost?"

"In fact yes we are." Sas piped up before Ren could blurt anything rude out to the woman. She was a strange person indeed. Why was she walking with a cane? She didn't seem to have any injuries or damaged legs that would require her to have any use of the item. Did it mean something of social standings or did she fancy the item? Either way it didn't matter, she was willing to help them and that was enough for her. "Hi, my name is Sas and this is my sister Ren. We are from Zeltiva. Our mother passed....And her dying wish was for us to travel here to meet our father."

"But lucky us, we don't know where to go and we've already had someone attempt to rob us. We managed to get our coin back no thanks to the guards. Lazy bastards. What do they do around here anyway?" Ren cut her sister off, wanting to get on with their life story. She had things to do and people to deal with. She didn't have time to give a verbal book to some random chick with a cane.

Sas let out an agitated sigh that told Ren that she was now pushing her limits. The two sisters loved each other very much so, but where almost completely opposite in just about every way that they did things. Most people would call it sibling rivalry and they're fights were rare, but when the two girls did decide to bump fists, things got wild really quickly.

"Look miss? We would very much appreciate it if you could help us get around the city. We have but few coins as of now, but if you could help us find our father i'm sure he'd be highly appreciative of your deed and would pay you for your help." It was a lie she knew it and for the most part wasn't proud of it.

She didn't mind lying to those that needed to be lied to, but when you're speaking to an innocent person who's only trying to help, lying to them just didn't sit right with her. Who knew, maybe he would pay the woman for helping his daughters. Unlike Ren, she always tried to see the lighter sides of situations. Ren on the other hand suspected everyone and everything to be guilty of something.
Everyone has a skeleton in their closet"
She'd say.

"Speaking of showing us around, mind taking us to some food?And not fish. That was the only thing they served on that fucking ship." She let the swear roll off her tongue ever so gracefully. Sas shot a glare at her to which she counter attacked with an eye roll. Mother wasn't here to scold her for using vulgar words and she didn't expect Sas to do it.

She was her own woman now. She'd try to get Sas to understand that they were out here on their own with nobody now and she did understand the concept to a point, but still refused to go out and take what they deserved by force. Something about killing innocents was wrong and the guilty should blah blah blah. The way Ren saw it, everyone was guilty of something, and had something for the taking.


-Loxudeianis Basunreph Campo

Oumoc Basunreph Campo
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What a small twisty world(Ash)

Postby Ashley Blairen on July 30th, 2016, 4:21 am

Ashley leaned on her cane, a small smile on her face as they spoke about their adventures to Sunberth and their encounter with the thief. The complaint about the whole thief thing was quite amusing to Ashley, giving out a small chuckle. As she thought the mannerisms of the two twins reminded her of a certain multi personality-ed Akalak. She could still feel the wide hands around her throat as he tried to kill her... She rubbed her chin, they do act like him... She decided to stab in the dark and ask them who exactly they are looking for.

"You wouldn't happen to be looking for a Akalak?" She said, squinting slightly. "If not I can still show you around and all." She waved her hand slightly as she picked up her cane and held it in the middle. You see, I am falling a bit short on Mizas. If you could pay me or get your father two then fine, if not. Well." She shrugs. "From the good of my heart I will still show you a place to eat at the least... I can feel your pain for fish as I am from Zeltiva myself, damned ship captain made me eat fish head stew with a side of pickled fish eyes." She shuddered slightly as the taste flooded back to her.

She thought back to the comment on guards, "Lady, Ren, what ever your name is. There aren't any real guards in Sunberth, not like Zeltiva. There are gangs that roam the streets in case some one that looks off walks in to their territory. So they can fill said someone with holes and probably throw them back into their territory. So if you get robbed then that is a real shame." She shook her head. "You said you got your mizas back, I assume you killed the thief because they probably wouldn't just give back the mizas with a big watered eyed sorry." Ashley grin. "That is the way of Sunberth, and if your father is who he I think he is then he is one of the best examples." She said.
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What a small twisty world(Ash)

Postby Lo'campo on July 30th, 2016, 4:48 am

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"Akalak yes! That's what mother said he was. I told you it was a cat Ren." Sas shot at the red head. "Yes, ma'am we are looking for a tall blue man with blue eyes and long silver hair. Here these are the names he's known as." Digging into her backpack, she pulled out the letter that her mother had written to them before she died. It was written beautifully and lamented by a family friend so it would last. It was their mother's last words to them, they would keep this for as long as they could to remind them of her words of encouragement. Handling the item as if it were a prized jewel, Sas presented it to the woman to read.

"Wait there are gangs, but no guards? Like, at all?" A mischievous grin stretched across Ren's face that made Sas worry. Knowing her sister ever so well, she knew that the red head was plotting on getting into a troublesome situation now that she knew that there wasn't any guards here to keep her in check.

"But there are still gang and they can be just as dangerous as guards I would guess. It would be smart to not do anything too rash or that would bring trouble in our direction. We don't even know the city let alone the people other than. I'm sorry I didn't catch your name, and we don't have much coin left but we can spare 10 gold rimmed miza for having to deal with us, and maybe our father would pay you for looking after us."

Ren gave Sas a look now as she dug out ten gold pieces and gave them to the cane lady. She didn't like asking for help, it made them look weak. They would have found it on their own eventually, how hard could it have been to find a tall blue man. Keeping her words to herself, not wanting to hear a long lecture from Sas, she rubbed her still rumbling stomach. She really needed to eat something, anything would've sounded good at this moment.

Anything other than fish. She made a face remembering the taste of all the fish dishes that they had to eat on the ship. Having a sense of insight, Ren cut the coin purse from her side before putting it into her pockets for safe keeping. Didn't want another thief to take something of theirs. Zoning back into the conversation the other two girls were having, she rudely cut in. "So where can we get some food?"


-Loxudeianis Basunreph Campo

Oumoc Basunreph Campo
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What a small twisty world(Ash)

Postby Ashley Blairen on July 31st, 2016, 6:43 am

She looked at the names, leaning forward to see better. "Lo'campo and Oumoc... Knew it. The man tried to kill me once. Well, at least Oumoc did." She said as she rubbed her chin. She grabbed the Mizas and put it in her pocket, she had to admit she felt a bit bad about taking them but times were getting hard for her. She shifted slightly. "From what I gathered in my time there with Lo'campo and Oumoc, his split personality, goes around at night killing people. His... 'Play' time I think he called it." She leaned forward and whispered. "I feel like Ren and Oumoc might get off a bit well from what I seen of her and how excited she became at the aspect of no guards.

Ashley popped her back as she stood up, cringing slightly as she did so. "So about food, best place is the Pigs Foot Tavern." She looked at Ren, her eyes studying her features. Ashley wanted to remember their faces just in case things get rather... Sour between Lo'campo and Oumoc when she presents them with to him. Hopefully Oumoc wont instantly crash his way through and impale her and use her intestines as streamers for the orphans he worked for.

She shrugged, "Other than that I haven't really eaten anywhere else... I suppose Baker's Butchery and Bakeshop if you want some bread and probably good meat. Can't really be sure until after you eat it." Ashley rubbed the back of her head. "After you two eat would you want to go straight to Lo'Campo or should I show you around first." Ashley tilted her head as she spoke to the two twins.
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What a small twisty world(Ash)

Postby Lo'campo on August 1st, 2016, 12:17 pm

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Sas glanced at Ren as the woman whispered the information about their father. This made her reconsider meeting the man if there was a possibility that he was just as bad as Ren. "No, I'm doing this for mother." She thought to herself. "It's fine, and yes it would be nice if you could show us around a bit so we could get our bearings. Don't want to go around wondering in the wrong places. I think the tavern would be a good place to start." She noted, her own stomach starting to growl demanding food. Following suit of her sister, Sas tucked her own money pouch in her bust. She highly doubted any thief unless a cutthroat would dive into her chest for the little miza she had now.

"A murderer by night huh? You say he tried to kill you? What happened?" Ren asked filled with mixed emotions about the information she just learned. Sas's eyes dimmed, she had pretended not to hear that part, but if he was in fact as evil and twisted as the woman claimed, they would have a serious problem on their hands. She looked to the skies hoping that mother was right about all of this. "How did he do it? How did you get away? Does he have a weakness?" Ren started bombarding the woman with questions. On one hand she wanted to know so she wouldn't be going in blind to kill the man, on the other however she was a bit intrigued and drawn to the man known as her father. To be the daughter of someone so powerful and ruthless filled her eyes with stars and dreams of the potential she may have etched into her dna.

"Ren!" Sas let out now tired of her sister's constant rambling. Taking a breath, she calmed herself before directing her words towards the woman. "Excuse my sister, but she does have a valid point. You say you survived him once, do you feel comfortable approaching him again?" She asked out of concern for the woman's safety. She didn't want to tell her of their plan to kill the man, not just yet anyway. She didn't strike Sas as the type of person to want revenge to start with.

She was a nice lady it seemed. Quiet, content. Then again a city with thieves, gangs, murderers and no guards wouldn't surprise her if there were liars and con artists about too. As for now the lady was seen as an ally, but if she got out of character. She could feel the weight of her bow resting upon her back, the smell of blood upon the tips of her arrows. A dark smirk began to creep across her face before she shook it off. "No need for those thoughts." She checked herself mentally. Looking to the woman she gave a heartfelt smile gesturing her hand forward so she may lead the way to breakfast.

-Loxudeianis Basunreph Campo

Oumoc Basunreph Campo
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What a small twisty world(Ash)

Postby Lo'campo on August 1st, 2016, 12:17 pm

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Mental text

Sas glanced at Ren as the woman whispered the information about their father. This made her reconsider meeting the man if there was a possibility that he was just as bad as Ren. "No, I'm doing this for mother." She thought to herself. "It's fine, and yes it would be nice if you could show us around a bit so we could get our bearings. Don't want to go around wondering in the wrong places. I think the tavern would be a good place to start." She noted, her own stomach starting to growl demanding food. Following suit of her sister, Sas tucked her own money pouch in her bust. She highly doubted any thief unless a cutthroat would dive into her chest for the little miza she had now.

"A murderer by night huh? You say he tried to kill you? What happened?" Ren asked filled with mixed emotions about the information she just learned. Sas's eyes dimmed, she had pretended not to hear that part, but if he was in fact as evil and twisted as the woman claimed, they would have a serious problem on their hands. She looked to the skies hoping that mother was right about all of this. "How did he do it? How did you get away? Does he have a weakness?" Ren started bombarding the woman with questions. On one hand she wanted to know so she wouldn't be going in blind to kill the man, on the other however she was a bit intrigued and drawn to the man known as her father. To be the daughter of someone so powerful and ruthless filled her eyes with stars and dreams of the potential she may have etched into her dna.

"Ren!" Sas let out now tired of her sister's constant rambling. Taking a breath, she calmed herself before directing her words towards the woman. "Excuse my sister, but she does have a valid point. You say you survived him once, do you feel comfortable approaching him again?" She asked out of concern for the woman's safety. She didn't want to tell her of their plan to kill the man, not just yet anyway. She didn't strike Sas as the type of person to want revenge to start with.

She was a nice lady it seemed. Quiet, content. Then again a city with thieves, gangs, murderers and no guards wouldn't surprise her if there were liars and con artists about too. As for now the lady was seen as an ally, but if she got out of character. She could feel the weight of her bow resting upon her back, the smell of blood upon the tips of her arrows. A dark smirk began to creep across her face before she shook it off. "No need for those thoughts." She checked herself mentally. Looking to the woman she gave a heartfelt smile gesturing her hand forward so she may lead the way to breakfast.

-Loxudeianis Basunreph Campo

Oumoc Basunreph Campo
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What a small twisty world(Ash)

Postby Lo'campo on August 1st, 2016, 12:20 pm

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Mental text

Sas glanced at Ren as the woman whispered the information about their father. This made her reconsider meeting the man if there was a possibility that he was just as bad as Ren. "No, I'm doing this for mother." She thought to herself. "It's fine, and yes it would be nice if you could show us around a bit so we could get our bearings. Don't want to go around wondering in the wrong places. I think the tavern would be a good place to start." She noted, her own stomach starting to growl demanding food. Following suit of her sister, Sas tucked her own money pouch in her bust. She highly doubted any thief unless a cutthroat would dive into her chest for the little miza she had now.

"A murderer by night huh? You say he tried to kill you? What happened?" Ren asked filled with mixed emotions about the information she just learned. Sas's eyes dimmed, she had pretended not to hear that part, but if he was in fact as evil and twisted as the woman claimed, they would have a serious problem on their hands. She looked to the skies hoping that mother was right about all of this. "How did he do it? How did you get away? Does he have a weakness?" Ren started bombarding the woman with questions. On one hand she wanted to know so she wouldn't be going in blind to kill the man, on the other however she was a bit intrigued and drawn to the man known as her father. To be the daughter of someone so powerful and ruthless filled her eyes with stars and dreams of the potential she may have etched into her dna.

"Ren!" Sas let out now tired of her sister's constant rambling. Taking a breath, she calmed herself before directing her words towards the woman. "Excuse my sister, but she does have a valid point. You say you survived him once, do you feel comfortable approaching him again?" She asked out of concern for the woman's safety. She didn't want to tell her of their plan to kill the man, not just yet anyway. She didn't strike Sas as the type of person to want revenge to start with.

She was a nice lady it seemed. Quiet, content. Then again a city with thieves, gangs, murderers and no guards wouldn't surprise her if there were liars and con artists about too. As for now the lady was seen as an ally, but if she got out of character. She could feel the weight of her bow resting upon her back, the smell of blood upon the tips of her arrows. A dark smirk began to creep across her face before she shook it off. "No need for those thoughts." She checked herself mentally. Looking to the woman she gave a heartfelt smile gesturing her hand forward so she may lead the way to breakfast.

-Loxudeianis Basunreph Campo

Oumoc Basunreph Campo
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What a small twisty world(Ash)

Postby Ashley Blairen on August 5th, 2016, 4:14 am

"Well, if you really want to know I see no problem in telling you. I was walking down the street, I was a bit late getting back to my home, to put it simply, and I walked a bit to close to an alley way. Oumoc or Lo'campo or what ever his name is at that point grabbed me and threw me against a wall, strangling me. I confused him and delayed him and he got tired of it. He proceeded to throw me into the ground and walk away thinking I was knocked out. Of course I wasn't, I was a bit dazed and I got him good with my cane here." Ashley said, holding out her cane for them to see. "There are some secrets about this cane, and I rather not share them with you until I can trust you."

Ashley slung the cane on her shoulder as she looked at the pair, "Now enough talking. I imagine you two must be starved after only eating fish until... I have no clue how long you have been here and I rather don't give a flying petch." She cleared her throat as she took her cane and placed the end on the ground, leaning on it. "Now ladies shall we go?" Ashley said, a slight smirk on her face.

Not exactly waiting for an answer she immediately turned around on her heel and began to walk. Using her cane to help her even though at this point she clearly didn't need any walking assistance. "Do hurry up will you? I will look straight silly if I enter the Pig's Foot saying I am showing people around with no one behind me!" She said, sounding a bit cheerful. She was plotting on what exactly she should do to Lo'campo if she her plan were to fail. Which was to show him his kids and hope Oumoc doesn't use her guts as streamers and her skin as boots.
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