35 Summer 516
Clyde looked up as he entered the building he'd been directed to, with Cha in his hand and the Isur Terag at his side.
He had the hope that bringing along an Isur to do the dealing would make things work smoother, if not giving him an advantage outright over non-Isur customers seeking wares.
And if it came up he also had Cha herself, which was a clear case study of what he intended to do with any items he acquired. Cha was made of a branch of vian wood, something found on Mura. However it had then been izentor crafted into the staff he now carried, though it had been done by a half Isur in Ravok.
After that he'd Magecrafted the staff on Sahova, turning it into a true Magic Staff, and making it indestructible by normal non-magical means.
Three steps of enhancement to one aspect of an item tended to do that with Magecrafting.
Finding the place had been oddly easy compared to other places in Alvadas. When he'd asked about where to find Isur made goods, people had quickly enough pointed him to the smithy and shop. That alone was odd, since a few literally pointed, pointed with the assumption that it would indeed be where they pointed. Something that in Alvadas was none to certain.
He knew when the two arrived at the indicated location and they found the Isur shop, that there was something rare about it. Every other place in Alvadas moved about almost constantly, or so it seemed, which made it almost impossible to find a place.
This place however didn't seem plagued by this problem, or at least seemed more stable as compared to the other structures about the city. It was a point he was interested in understanding, though not chief on his list of things to do.
As he headed inside Clyde spoke quietly to Terag, trying not to be heard by anyone else.
“Now remember Terag, when we speak to whoever is in charge, you do the talking. Your in charge of the dealing. If nothing else I need the dagger, but I'd also like a few other things. Possibly a second dagger, a pair of light hammers, and some type of light armor that's easy to wear, but still good. I'll leave that bit to your expertise as a craftsmen to pick out something. All of it Izentored and of Isurian Steel if possible.”
While it wasn't often Clyde gave someone else the lead, as a leader he did know that at times others had the skils, knowledge, or other qualities(such as being an Isur in an Isur shop) to do things he could not. With that in mind he gave Terag the lead, hoping he could get things done as needed.