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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Seirei Dawnwhisper on August 26th, 2016, 5:39 am

I'm working on getting my post ready. :)

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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Pulren Marsh on August 28th, 2016, 4:56 pm

I'm still here, everyone! I started training this week for my new job. I can't write from work anymore, so I have to figure out the new writing period, when I am not mentally taxed from the training. Nevertheless, I have not vanished and will make sure I keep up with the rest of season!

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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Prophet on August 30th, 2016, 2:18 am

Calendar and registry are up. Please do not claim any events though you are free to register at any time!

I've been excited for some of these things for a while now...months, even. Now that it has been shared, I hpoe some of the enthusiasm catches fire. Also, if you want to know why I posted the calendar early, it's because Jasmine graded 16 or 17 threads in 3 days. So thank her for your good fortune.

That is all...

For now.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Prophet on August 31st, 2016, 9:28 pm

Hello children,

I have a small bit of information for all of you. As you may have noticed, there was a peculiar question in the Character Registry. If you followed the directions, you came up with an answer that lists a color, an animal and an object that describes your character. If you didn't answer properly, you can always go back and change it.

The reason behind this odd inquiry has bearing for the Fall season. As a way to give PCs something to bond over, I am giving you all a one-time, magic 8 ball flashbang!


You are each being given the ability to use a dream to pre-empt a calendar event. Here's how it works:
  1. Your character will be visited in a dream by an image that reflects the three words you used to answer the aforementioned registry question.
  2. This image will give your character a heads up on any one (1) event listed on the season's calendar.
  3. The information can ONLY include what has been posted for public display. This means that if you have claimed an event and been given details not listed, you CANNOT use them in your dream.
  4. The dream must come directly before the event and no sooner.
  5. You cannot alter any outcomes.
  6. You cannot alert any characters aside from NPCs that are listed on your CS before the event. After it has started, you may freely talk about your dream.
  7. You cannot "beat" and event or get a jump on it. What I mean by this would be easiest explained in an example.

    The 22nd, the city's move is delayed. A man might dream about it then wake up in the morning and not bother to ask if he should begin packing. A woman might learn of this in her dream and decide to work on a project that she's been putting off because she knows there will be a few days before she has to break up her camp. Regardless of how you play it out, I don't want to see any Metagaming.
  8. When you have posted this dream, I would like to read it so please PM the link to me. I'm going to archive these for a later purpose.

My goal is just for everyone to have fun with it. I think it gives a different type of interaction with the events of the city as well as one another. Also, you don't have to incorporate this concept into your writing. It's strictly volunteer. please shoot me a PM if you have any questions.

That is all.

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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Meadow on September 1st, 2016, 9:33 pm

So sneaky Prophet

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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Prophet on September 1st, 2016, 9:43 pm

The event on the 20th is full. The participant requests have been moved to Meadow's office, courtesy of me, since she's going to be in charge of that. She's also going to mod the event on the 75th. I've changed the link in the calendar so the link will take your to her office instead.

I will be handling all of the ST starters. If you claim any thread that has the [D] or [ST starter], shoot me a PM and I'll give you a timeframe for my opener or cough up the juicy secrets. ;) Questions?

Sidenote: I'm working on something for the codex to help explain a few things. If you ever have any ideas concerning development like locations or something else beneficial to the city...SHARE! Endrykas doesn't have a development thread... I don't think we need one. You want to see something new/different? Let me know.

That is all.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Lorcan Gregory on September 3rd, 2016, 11:05 pm


Hello Folks! I am very excited to be joining the city of tents this season and look forward to immersing myself and my PC in the community of Endrykas :D

I have begun an Open Thread in the Sea of Grass, if anyone would like to join? :D

Lörcán suffers from dissociative amnesia and is waking up randomly in the middle of nowhere, so if there are any healers, Watchmen, hunters or anyone who would really just be interested in helping a stranger, by all means hop on in! :thumbsup:

And if you would be interested in a thread, please don't hesitate to throw me a PM
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Aoren on September 4th, 2016, 1:24 pm

Hello Endrykas,

Returning player here hoping to get situated in the migrant city of the Sea of Grass. I've been around Miz for some time and unfortunately work and life took me away for a bit. I look forward to getting to know folks. I'm happy to write alongside anyone in whatever scenario you like. Be it simply to say hello, fighting off predators, or solving a mystery like who stole the shirt from the clothes line, it's all good fun to me.

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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Prophet on September 7th, 2016, 6:06 pm

Just so everyone is aware... the Zith will be taking people this season. I have one person lined up already because they player failed to meet the cs requirements.

Are there any volunteers? Send me a Pm.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Prophet on September 8th, 2016, 8:53 pm

If any of you cretins read the announcements, you may have noticed that I am going to be restructuring the Watch. Without going into too much detail, I do have some tidbits.

  1. The variety of assignments will grow making job threads easy to diversify.
  2. There will still be basic requirements and a new system for advancement.
  3. The requirements will be 3 skills at competent or better; Riding - Horse, Weapon or Combat Magic (reimancy, shielding, flux) & Useful Skill (webbing, medicine, tracking, animal husbandry, etc)

Anyone may apply so long as you are a bonded Drykas and meet the required skillset. There is also the need for a recommendation from your PCs ankal to join - in a sense, someone of standing to vouch for you. Riding is non-negotiable. I am fairly well set on the weapon/combat magic as well. Most tasks will not be combat related but everything in the Sea of Grass poses dangers and this must be accounted for which is why the requirement exists. Useful skill is something that is open to interpretation but I will not accept anything craft-related. The Watch is about action and results. PM me with any questions.

That is all.
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