Closed Truth or Lies?

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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Truth or Lies?

Postby Azmere on August 8th, 2016, 9:38 pm


Azmere was unfamiliar with the process of formal justice and hearings within Endrykas. He had never been a part of them nor had anyone he knew. His idea was essentially his job. The Watch looked out for dangers by riding patrols, scouring the web for threats or places in need of repair and then dealing with things through the chain of command. The archer had always thought the Conclave to be more of a symbolic figurehead than an actual cog in the wheel. It was fascinating to him to see everything in motion but at the same time confusing. Certainly it would just have been easier to go see Bull in the first place. There had to be some kind of evidence, right? If a Drykas needed only accuse a walahk of a crime and it be sent to trial for judgment then the chill which shot down Azmere’s back was justified. The city was currently filled with outsiders, slaves and other sorts escaped from the mine near Kenash. Would they all be under scrutiny? Were they already? The young ankal’s mind went to a certain kelvic that was not present within the proceedings.

Sparrow nudged Azmere as the verdict was given. It was plain that his friend could see the internal debate and decided it best to keep his partner on his toes and within the moment. The scarred man gave a subtle nod in thanks. The Watchman understood he had a job to do and would tuck his musings and concerns away for a later time when he was not supposed to be serving his people. The archer felt a smile pull at his lips and heard the contempt come across from the accuser. Azmere fought the urge to show his relief and straightened his upper lip with a stiff resolve. When Eli Grassmane explained the next step, Azmere took a step out to flank Ixzo anticipating a mixed reaction. He tried to place himself in her shoes. How would it feel to be told that you’re innocent and the very next thing you hear is that you’re trial is not over? The fact that Ixzo was being sent to Bull for a judgment on her status means that the vote was close and Eli is being cautious.

When the dark-skinned huntress turned to Azmere for clarification, he took a second to absorb what had just happened. She was asking him for an explanation. The act, in and of itself, shattered any doubt that she would be a compliant member of his pavilion. The Ra’athi’s hands came up with palms facing Ixzo. He waved them down several times in a motion that one uses to calm a person or animal. In a low voice, Azmere did his best to nullify her anxiety. “Peace, Ixzo.” His hands signed several things in conjunction with his words. First was the phrase ‘Be Still’ followed by ‘Truth seer’ when he spoke the name “Bull.” Finally, he ended with a sign for fearless as he said “Trust yourself.”

Hoping that this would be enough, Sparrow opened the flap and Azmere coaxed the woman back outside. They hadn’t far to walk to reach the Anchor of Gold and Earth where Bull spent his days. The man’s Lykata mark was well-known throughout Endrykas and he was generally a very busy man. Azmere kept his mind focused on the task at hand and did his best to look off the spectators in the center of town. A strangled shout from behind caused his head to turn, a hand falling quickly to his club. The contrasting eyes gazed back to see the Starrun brothers exiting the tent of the Conclave and one was silencing the other. For some reason, the hair on the back of Azmere’s neck stood on end as the pair fell under his gaze. There was something about them he didn’t trust. Whatever it was, he had a growing suspicion that it would reveal itself before this job was finished.
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Truth or Lies?

Postby Meadow on August 10th, 2016, 2:02 am


The bald ankal became enraged when the woman was escorted out. He violently shouted as Oaken quickly got his brother out of the room, before Cyrus had him arrested. Finally getting the man outside he seemed to calm down some. Looking around the younger tried to still his brother's nerves and anger before something happened.

“YOU STUPID OLD FOOLS! HE WILL SEE THE TRUTH!” Shane shouted one last time.

“Calm brother. We talk sense into Bull I'm sure,” Oaken whispered looking at him.

Shane nodded looking at his brother before calming himself. The pair walked with the other two Ra'athi. The bald man growled seeing her smirking he motioned a very malicious gesture at her before walking past. Oaken looked at the woman and hurried off after his brother like a scared mouse. Weebly easily kept up with the elder brother as Tackard took the rear making sure the young kept up. The group of Watch members and non made the short distance to the Anchor of Gold and Earth.


Bull worked over the threads of a family when one of his apprentices approached. Turning his head the man listened to the young one, who spoke of a group quickly coming towards the tent. Looking up he dismissed the boy and went to get Rosemary. Clearing his voice the woman looked over stopping mid-sentence. She turned to her students and dismissed them for the time being walking over to him. The pair walked to the entrance and waited.

“Welcome to the Anchor of Gold and Earth,” Bull started.

“You must be the group from the Conclave,” Rosemary said taking in the group before her.

“Yes, we are sorry to disturb you both. The Conclave has heard what has been said. All we need is for Bull to examine the item, and decide whether she is to stay or go,” Helena said walking up.

“Of course everyone come in please,” Rosemary said and stepped out grabbing the item and returning.

She handed the item, that is wrapped in leather, to the older man and stepped back. Bull took it and closed his eyes taking a deep breath opening the leather and just barely touching activating his gnosis mark. The man saw the frustration of the creation and what the talisman was truly created for. Opening his eyes the man looked to the group. It became clear to Bull that Ixzo had nothing to do with the talisman's creation what so ever. He stared at the Starrun brothers for a moment trying to decide what their game was. Shane's eyes instantly began to glow catching the man's eyes causing his to go blank for a moment.

“She.... is.....” Bull tried his hardest to make a straight thought form in his head with no success.

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Truth or Lies?

Postby Ixzo on August 12th, 2016, 3:58 pm

Yet another place she had not been. If this day was good for anything, Ixzo was beginning to realize there was a lot more to Endrykas law than just the Watch, as it had previously seemed to her. But Ixzo had to pay more attention to the conversation than the strange scarred woman who seemed to know too much already. The Item?

Ixzo's thought flew to the only legate she had successfully made, but was Iollu even aware of what it was? Had they taken it from the child? Did that mean she was without what measly protection the Kelvic could still offer her? Silver eyes landed on the leather as the woman in charge presented it. It seemed to be the right size for the bracelet, and her heart shrank because of it. Would they see such a tailsman as a threat? Really?

But the quickly distracted Kelvic had forgotten what they had accused her of: poisoning the water. Which meant it was no item of hers that they held. She wasn't sure what this man would know, or if he could tell, so the confirmation of that thought did not relax her. Unless they, with some magic, could find the source of the blood which activated it, she would surely be blamed for this.

Priskil, I trust you. I know there is a reason I must stay, I only ask you make this clearer for me. The swirling vortex on her skin that connected her to her beloved Goddess tingled as she did her best so speak to the deity. She did not expect a reply in any sort, although the action itself was comforting enough. Perhaps if she had not learned the patience and hope it took to survive the chains of another, she would not be able to handle the inability to fend for herself now. Still every instinct told her to run before she let this get too far. She could survive in the wild… she would find a way to take Rufio with her…

In an attempt to distract herself from the perceived doom she was guaranteed to receive, Ixzo concentrated on Bull. Good at her game, the huntress missed nothing. She saw the clarity in the man's eyes, and watched as they did not glance at her, but go for the Starrun brothers. He must've known, somehow, it wasn't hers. Unwilling to miss any detail, Ixzo kept her eyes on the man, trying in vain to read the foreign human emotions that crossed his face, and then the clarity disappeared.

"I don't like this." She snarled, without the intention of anyone understanding, keeping her eyes trained on the man. She did not want to miss any of his reactions, but something set the hairs on the back on her neck to a rise.

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Truth or Lies?

Postby Azmere on August 15th, 2016, 12:22 am


Azmere traveled in a single file line with Sparrow and Ixzo from the Conclave to the Anchor of Gold and Earth. When they arrived, they were just ahead of the main parade of folks who were involved or had been nosey enough to follow along with the trial. It was no surprise to the scarred warrior that a great deal of those lingering along the edges were outsiders; new faces who had arrived over the last few seasons. These people were eager to see what would happen with a woman who, although an outsider, had assimilated better than most for they feared their own fates might be intertwined.

The atmosphere was very tense and it seemed to the archer that he was not alone in picking up on this. His partner, Sparrow, gave him a concerned look with furrowed brows and a low sign asking if he thought there would be trouble. Azmere put on a stern and straight face and shook his head twice. It was not likely that this process would create much of a stir. The scarred face and contrasting gaze turned to study the faces in the crowd. He soaked up their anxiety and tension to a point that he had to roll his shoulders a few times to relieve some of the pressure that had built up. The watchman moved to open the flap into the Anchor as the processional came and poured into the golden canvas structure. He filed in after his charge with his partner and they moved off to the side.

Azmere watched his charge, Ixzo. She seemed very tense and uneasy with the way things had gone despite being given a not guilty verdict from the Conclave. The lines of her face were drawn as she stared at her accusers. The blue and gold eyes turned to see the Starrun brothers and he noticed a few things that gave him pause. Quickly, he glanced back to the dark-skinned woman. She was drawn into herself almost like she was praying. This made Azmere curious and he was about to ask her who she was consulting for divine council when he heard her say something in a language he didn’t understand. Something indeed wasn’t right, however. Azmere felt the wings on his back ripple with an energy he had not felt since being in the presence of Yahal. The watchman moved between Ixzo and the Starrun brothers. He was spaced about five feet from the woman and fifteen from the men. His head turned to the right as Bull came forward and spoke. The elder was no farther away than Ixzo and when he paused, the ankal leaned in closer as if to hear the words not yet spoken.
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Truth or Lies?

Postby Meadow on August 15th, 2016, 2:47 am


Bull put a hand over one eye trying to clear his head some. Taking several deep breathes the man swallowed some. Rosemary noticed the sudden state of her companion walking up she watched everyone and noticed something very weird about the eldest brother. With a small glare she touched the elder's man shoulder making him look at her.

“Do you need a moment?” The blonde asked looking at him.

“No, I-I will be fine,” Bull said and shook his head, “sorry for worrying you. Now where was I?”

The man looked at all but Shane the second time knowing something was off about the older brother. Shane growled seeing him avoid his eyes. The bald headed man knew there was no way he could get the older man's attention without making a scene and causing everyone to look at him. Keeping his head low the elder brother kept using his magic to momentarily catch Bull's eyes. Bull instantly pulled his eyes away before finally settling on the woman.

“Through my God's gift I have seen what this talisman has to tell,” Bull said and wrapped it up once more handing it to Rosemary, “this woman has had nothing to do with the item. It lifts my spirits to hear that not all of the Conclave has been clouded by hate. As of this moment Ixzo's name is cleared and she is free to stay within the clans.”

Loud cheers could be heard from outside of the tent. A sudden shout from inside caused everyone to look at the brothers.

“Shane please calm yourself,” Oaken pleaded to his brother standing between him and Bull.

“STAND DOWN OAKEN! NONE OF THESE FOOLS WILL SEE REASON!” Shane snarled as his eyes flared putting Bull in a trance once more.

Bull just stared at the brother's eyes. Tackard and Weebly gasped when the elder shot towards the man before them. Oaken gasped not sure what had gotten into his brother. Shane knocked both unsuspecting Watch members on their butts launching towards Bull.

“Shane!” He cried out trying to break through the man's anger.

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Truth or Lies?

Postby Ixzo on August 18th, 2016, 12:56 am

"This woman has had nothing to do with the item. It lifts my spirits to hear that not all of the Conclave has been clouded by hate. As of this moment Ixzo's name is cleared and she is free to stay within the clans." The somehow substatial voice of the brittle elder before her spoke the words, and it was much more than the lioness needed. As it seemed she had not been the only one holding her breath, and the cat would have been touched by the cheers had she been paying attention. Instead her reflective gaze had narrowed on the corner, and with a lithe silence she was headed towards it, towards Rufio.

She was done with these barbarians, and even Azmere held no interest to her as much as escaping in that moment, she wanted to find Rufio. She needed her sister, and no doubt her sister was feeling the stress too. She wasn't going to go out into the open, but she hoped Bull wouldn't mind her exiting through the back way, because she was going to do it anyway.

Before the snarls from Shane had rung out, Ixzo's long strides had pulled her halfway across the large golden tent. Finally allowing her tense nerves to roll free, Ixzo actually reacted to this, turning low and letting a guttural moan rumble from the back of her throat in warning. If any of them touched her they would lose an arm, she was certain.

Only no one leaped for her. Quickly taking in her surroundings the huntress found Sparrow and Azmere displaced, and Bull in the direct line of contact. Heat vibrated in her bones, pleading to allow her more violent form loose. But constricting clothes and constricting atmosphere's held herself together enough to realize she was weaponless. Even though he had been the ultimate pardoner, she felt no urge to protect this stranger, and yet she wasn't going to miss a chance to give Shane a good blow. He was asking for it. They'd punish her later.

Only she was too far away, and to her utter confusion, Bull made no reaction, even as he was pummeled by the much younger Drykas. With two powerful strides, Ixzo was on them too, one massive hand wrapping around the back of Shane's neck. With the strength of Myri, Ixzo yanked the eldest brother back up. She had little combat skill to speak of, merely strength and the instinct of the hunt, which did her little good here, so, for the sake of simple self-preservation, Ixzo released her prey. The Kelvic quickly took two short steps back, not letting her silver gaze leave the older brother, waiting for the reaction.

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Truth or Lies?

Postby Azmere on August 19th, 2016, 7:01 pm


The watchman relaxed when Bull handed down the judgment. It was an interesting thing to witness someone using magic. Sometimes there were huge flashes of light and fire but in this case everything happened below the surface. Hearing that Ixzo was free to do as she pleased, the warrior stopped paying attention to her and began to think of what he would do once he got back to his tent. Sleep came to mind but he also knew that Grey needed a lesson or two in stalking. The canine still had a tendency to lead beyond his boundaries which had cost Azmere several times in recent hunts. This would all have to wait because, naturally, not everything goes according to plan.

With a quick snap of his azure and golden gaze, Azmere brought the figure of the elder Starrun brother into his sights. The watchman nodded his head towards Oaken and Sparrow moved to intercept in case things got further out of hand. The ankal made quick, long strides to close the gap. Even though Shane would reach Bull before the Watchman could cover the ground, his timing would need to be precise for what he had in mind. He was going to use the man’s own body weight as a means of damage. A nice sneak and slam would remove the air from Shane’s lungs yet again, the day took a turn that was unexpected. Though in truth, one would not be so surprised that a recently acquitted woman would ant vengeance on her attacker. The surprising part was the strength at which Ixzo was able to heave the big man aside. Azmere had met Ixzo before. She was curious, gentle and there was nothing about her that made him think she was hiding the power of a grassbear in those skinny arms.

He would have to ask her later. The angle he had taken placed him in the perfect spot to receive the projectile formerly known as Shane. Instincts kicked in and the warrior made a quick drop step with his right leg. This allowed Shane to fall past the archer who spun with the man’s large body. It might’ve looked a bit like a dance but it was one that the elder Starrun would not choose to repeat anytime soon. Azmere curled around the man by pivoting on his right foot. His right hand grabbed a fistful of the man’s shirt just below his collar but rather than catch Shane, Azmere fell with him while cocking back his left hand into a fist. With the combined weight pulling them to the earth, the watchman rained two quick hard shots at Shane’s face. Normally, Azmere would use his right hand to lay in a haymaker but the bracers he wore had leather, formed and hardened to cover his knuckles thus giving each impact a whip-like crack.

When the pair finally hit the ground, Azmere allowed inertia to carry him onward so he tucked his head and rolled through a somersault off of Shane. The feeling of earth beneath his boots flipped a switch in his mind and the watchman pivoted without rising to a stance. He remained crouched with his arms and legs tensed; like a coiled serpent, he was ready to unleash more imminent violence upon the ruffian should the need present itself. A voice in his mind told him to bludgeon the fool while a stronger, wiser and older voice told him that restraint was the sign of an effective leader. For now, grandfather was right.
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Truth or Lies?

Postby Meadow on August 21st, 2016, 5:29 am


Shane snarled stumbling back just slightly when the woman threw him away from Bull. With his concentration lost Bull finally snapped out of the trance. Shaking his head the older Drykas looked at what was happening before him. Not only had a fellow drykas attacked him, but an outsider had stepped up and helped. Whether out of vengeance or other he did not care at the moment. Shane growled when the other ankal tackled him to the ground. Barely able to get his hand up the man punched towards Azmere when they hit the ground. Groaning the opposite man slowly got up in to a crouch staring down the Watch member.

“Shane stand down! You are going to be in enough trouble already,” Oaken called out looking at his brother.

“STAY OUT OF THIS YOU PETCHING WEAKLING!” Shane shouted at his brother.

Oaken backed down some looking at what was happened. Looking around the younger brother grabbed a spear, running over he broke the handle over his brother's head. Shane instantly fell over out cold from being hit directly over the head. Oaken gasped and instantly dropped the weapon as fear instantly appeared on his face. He was going to be in serious trouble when his brother awoke.

“Now that he is out cold. Thank you Ixzo. I know you didn't have to help, and I do not care if it was for revenge or something else,” Bull said before turning to Azmere next, “I thank you as well young ankal. Your grandfather would be proud of the man you are becoming. Now Tackard and Weebly I want this man arrested.”

Bull then turned one more time to Azmere, Helena, and Sparrow raising his hand to stop any from speaking. Dismissing the young Ra'athi and his partner the older man stepped over to Helena and discussed the knocked out ankals punishment.

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Truth or Lies?

Postby Ixzo on August 22nd, 2016, 3:02 am

Ixzo was still thrown off by the use of her name on a foreign voice. Aside from those closest to her, she rarely heard the two syllable word that called her attention, and after the adrenaline of the day's events, it was slightly unsettling, even as it was just used in a passing comment. The cat didn't want to be there any longer, and with one passing glance at the unconscious man on the floor, she was moving again. More warily this time, Ixzo stepped sideways, no longer willing to turn her back to the people who still conversed without her.

And just as quickly as Bull had thanked her, Ixzo was ducking through a backway in the loose tent. Upon appearing in the sunlight, the lioness startled a horse, but as the beast started on a quick gallop away from her she turned the other way. She heard its fast pace melt into a trot as it realized it was not in danger and she was not what it smelled, but the Kelvic had already broken into a soft jog, deliberately keeping her head down and moving out of the way of any who saw her. Only when she saw the Pavilions around her shift more into the violet hues of the Amethyst clan, who Ru and her had landed among most recently, did the Kelvic begin paying attention again. Her thoughts wandered to Azmere, unable to remember which clan his Pavilion belonged to. She did not put much stock in the clans, for she knew very little about them, but the errant thought reminded her of what she had asked him.

Even before her off-white tent came into view, she melted into far more ease at the sound of Ru's goats. She'd already startled them by coming so quickly, but these herbivores were a little more used to her scent and took less interest in her once they caught sight of her. Azmere and his Pavilion would have to wait, there was no point in wondering now. Had she stayed around to gauge his own reaction, she might've had a better idea on the result, but the Kelvic would have to save that conversation for a later date. Right now she had someone so much more important to pay attention to, as the cocktail of relief and searching which sounded strongly in her voice made clear. "Rufio?"

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Truth or Lies?

Postby Azmere on August 30th, 2016, 8:58 pm


Azmere blinked when the younger brother split the weapon’s shaft in two over his sibling’s head. It seemed comical almost but then he narrowed his gaze, still crouched and twisted his form to see a grinning Sparrow. Rising to his full height, the watchman stalked over to his partner. He was going to lay into the younger man but Bull’s dismissal interrupted him. Azmere squared his shoulders to the elder and gave a reverent bow before dropping his left foot behind him. The ankal pivoted on his feet to reverse direction and headed out of the tent. He was angry and had much to say but here was not the place for corrections. His ears picked up the sounds of booted feet keeping time with him. Sparrow had fallen into line without being told. He knew what was coming.

Once outside, Azmere walked well away from the tent and off to the side of the main path. He stared out at the grasses as they swayed in the breath of Zulrav. Their warmth graced the right side of his face and Azmere closed his eyes. He inhaled deeply then exhaled slowly. People make mistakes. He told himself. When Sparrow joined his fellow Ra’athi, Azmere turned to him and used his right hand to grip the younger Drykas by his left shoulder. The contrasting gaze pierced ahead into the light blue eyes of his friend. In as even of a tone as he could manage, Azmere began his little speech.

“Do you know why I was upset?”

Sparrow nodded but he did not say anything and he did not break eye contact.

Azmere released the man’s shoulder. His fingers twisted into the signs for orders, follow and reason.

Again, the younger man nodded but said nothing; not even with his hands.

Azmere took another deep breath. “Everything worked out but it could’ve gone bad quickly.” The leathery skin on his hands wrinkled as the signs for wounded and killed were made. The archer then placed his hand on his chest to indicate that he was the one who might have been hurt.

Sparrow responded this time. “I know, ferto, I know.” He signed shame and coward to Azmere.

The scarred man chuckled and swatted his partner on the arm. “Far from it.” Then the ankal signed something which meant slow thinker and they both laughed. For several chimes they lingered and enjoyed the breeze before separating and heading to their respective homes. It had certainly been an interesting day.
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