Sam: Lore: Uniqueness of Each Strider Bond, Recognizing long-lost faces, The Watering Hole, Behold! Eldon makes water!, Endrykas Layout (Moderate)
Eldon: Reimancy: 4xp (water)
Lore: Recognizing long-lost faces, Sam and Dohaina, The Watering Hole, Endrykas Layout (Basic), The Lure of Overgiving
Notes: This thread made me smile. I really appreciate that the two of you have worked out a family-based tie for Eldon and Sam, and I feel like there was some really great character development here. Sam, I didn't find any skill usage that I could pull out, but if you feel like I've missed something, let me know (First grading of threads, after all!). I tried to build on lore you had already, and hopefully I've given you something useful. Eldon, I love Eldon.
I'm looking forward to seeing him grow as a water reimancer.