PM to join Afflictions Arise (All medical personnel welcome)

19th-Rainstorms beat and batter the city. Flash floods and mudslides are a real threat. The water is welcomed but the sudden shock of the drop in temperature leaves many sick with common afflictions. [D]

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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Afflictions Arise (All medical personnel welcome)

Postby Amunet on September 4th, 2016, 2:10 am


19th, Fall, 516 av
10th bell
River Flower, Endrykas

It didn’t take a genius or the grace of Avalis to know that prolonged wet plus a sudden drop in temperatures would cause illness. At first they arrived in ones and twos, then in groups. The Riverflower was crowded with afflicted Drykas, unbonded and outsider alike. Nehrar was concerned about Amunet being there considering her advancing pregnancy.

“I feel fine, fantastic actually.” The girl countered the elder physician.

“Amunet, you should know how susceptible pregnant women are to these things.” He said with a mark of worry on his face. “Its bad enough you didn’t tell me till you was a hundred and eighty days along.”

The diminutive little woman looked at Nehrar. “Look I know what im doing. Have I not seen to and midwifed a number of births for our people? Come on, you will need every hand we got. Im pregnant, not an invalid!!” Her voice started rising as she was getting more and more irritated at being treated like she was fragile. “I been on a number of missions and calls for healing and you’re going to tell me that I cant tend to my people!”

The elder Doctor gripped his fist as he was against the wall of not only a stubborn red head, but a stubborn pregnant red head. The little lady’s sky blue eyes would lighten a bit when she got miffed. It made the gold in her eyes that more startling. Nehrar took a deep breath and exhaled as she looked down at the immovable object in front of him. “Alright, but wash your hands frequently and I will have someone check on you… Frequently.” He emphasized the last frequently. Even if he had to do it himself, he make sure that stubborn but talented woman doesn’t do herself harm by caring for everyone else.

((OOC: sorry this is so short but its set up for the details to come))
Last edited by Amunet on September 8th, 2016, 5:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Afflictions Arise (All medical personnel welcome)

Postby Aoren on September 5th, 2016, 1:14 am

There we go. All better.” Aoren knelt in front of a young boy clinging to his mother’s skirts. He’d suffered little more than a case of the sniffles. It had taken no more than a brush of his fingertips across the lad’s brow to banish the ailment from his body. The gnosis across the right side of his face glowed gently with the light of Rak’keli’s healing. He gave both the boy and his mother a smile and a nod upon receiving thanks. Rising to his feet, Aoren dusted off his well worn trousers before turning his attention to the rest of the healing tent. There were still plenty of people in need of help. He would continue to give it alongside the others who seemed knowledgeable in the ways of medicine. Aoren enjoyed being able to help, even if his knowledge of actual medicine was limited. Most of what he was able to do was by the grace of the Goddess of Healing. As he righted himself he heard a small discussion taking place not far from where he stood. A red haired woman and an older gentleman seemed to be speaking on her pregnancy. When the older man had walked away, leaving the promise of checking up on the woman, Aoren came to stand just behind her.

He means well.” Those were the only words that he shared with her before moving off to tend to another patient. With hands clasped behind his back, Aoren made his way toward a middle-aged looking woman laying down on a cot. She had her eyes closed. She looked slightly green in the face. Upon her brow was a thin sheen of sweat. Reaching inside of himself, Aoren drew his djed to the forefront of his vision. Within moments the world was illuminated in a way that only he and those who shared the gifts of Auristics could see. Coming up to the bedside he knelt down immediately taking the woman’s hand. She took in a deeper breath flinching before focusing on Aoren. He gave her a smile as he examined her aura.

It’s alright. Rest.” Bits of information began to funnel its way across the connection granted him by his djed fueled sight. Fever radiated from her body. The core of it made him squint. He could almost feel the heat through the connection he now shared with her. The edges of it were cold telling him that she also had chills. Holding on to his djed he gave himself to the gentle calling of Rak’keli’s grace letting her power flow through him. He felt the tranquil peace of the goddess’s touch pass from him into the woman. As he studied the woman’s aura he watched as the worst edges of her affliction were dulled. The fever broke, chills diminished, aches in her muscles passed, and while the sickness was not banished, it was halted. Aoren released her hand returning it to her side giving the woman a calm smile. She returned it with a relieved sigh laying back down upon the cot closing her eyes.

Aoren rose from the woman’s side stepping away to go in search of a place to perhaps concoct a remedy that would further assist the woman in recovery.

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Afflictions Arise (All medical personnel welcome)

Postby Vanadis on September 6th, 2016, 5:36 pm

She wasn't alone in her mark's need to heal the needy. Many a doctor and healer would see their efforts paid off with the sudden swarm of afflicted individuals who corralled themselves into the River Flower. There was a chorus of sniffles and coughs all along the row of people and Vanadis knelt in front of a man whose faced had paled from the chill. She ran her hand along his temple, feeling the heat pulse beneath her fingers. Hmm. It could be just a minor sickness. But then why would everyone else fall with it so quickly?

"Am I going to die, doctor?"

"No need to be dramatic," Vanadis responded with a quirk of her lips. "You're going to be fine." Of course, she was never sure of such things, but it was a way to reassure a patient and avoid the panic that usually set in if something else when horribly wrong. Whatever he had, she reached her hand to touch his head, feeling the warmth bloom beneath her fingers as the healing energies flowed from her gnosis, surging through the sickness that plagued her patient and eradicated it. The sniffling, heavy breathing of the man diminished and he looked at her in passing respect. "You're a blessing."

"On the contrary, it's my job," She smiled and moved on to the next in the span of seconds, kneeling down to look over the bruising of a child. The minor commotion, however, made her turn her head, and she watched as a vehement redhead chewed out the elder doctor. An amused look passed over her, but she made no move to interfere, instead, a man did, one she could have sworn she'd never met before. The konti watched the exchange with an air of curiosity while securing the remaining bandages on the child and stood when the man was close enough for him to hear her.

"I don't think I've ever seen a man wearing Rak'keli's mark proudly," She told him, eyeing the elegant design on his face. She wiped her hands idly with the clean rag. "How long have you been blessed?"

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Afflictions Arise (All medical personnel welcome)

Postby Waisana on September 7th, 2016, 7:41 pm

The temperature had changed with such rapidness that a rash of sickness had broken out in Endrykas. As much as Waisana tried to convince herself that it was little more than a Fall cold, the teen had difficulty shaking the feeling that this would be a repeat of the Spring's fever outbreak. That illness had descended on the Drykas quite rapidly and by the time they had realised how serious it was, it had almost been too late. It had spread like wildfire, burning through the young and the old as surely as flames decimated the dry grasses. The doctor had lost her first patient then another and another and it had very nearly destroyed her. She had felt so useless, knowing that if some of those children had just seen a healer rather than a silly unmarked doctor then they might still be alive. She neglected to consider the fact that even the healers had failed in the end when the illness had ravaged a patient's system too long; she had made that her fault as well because she hadn't been able to provide the needed treatment when there was still time. Now as she checked airways, listened for rattling in the lungs and applied poultices to chests, the same doubts and fears returned.

This time, the blonde knew those blessed by Rak'keli were near at hand. There was a man with a very visible mark of Healing on his face and Amunet of course, but there were others who betrayed their nature through their touch, their marks less starkly placed unless you knew where to look for them. There were useful hands around the place if they were needed. Not that she couldn't be of use of course, given the charm she now possessed. The charm that had once belonged to Deathspark now hung heavily between her breasts, held there by a necklace of woven grasses, a poor material for such a thing of magic and beauty. If the situation became dire then the young doctor held a power beyond the singly marked healers that was contained in the glowing golden gem. Alas, the magic would only work once and the stone would become a cold blue until the Watchtowers flared again. It was something she wished she had owned when the fever came before but while it was a great blessing, it was also a great curse; it forced her to choose only one life above all others.

Her latest patient was a boy with congested airways and a wet rattling cough. Even before she pressed her ear to his bare back to listen to his breathing, she knew that his lungs didn't sound good. The blonde considered applying an onion poultice in an effort to expel what lay within but it was a treatment that would take time. Given the numbers swarming the River Flower, she couldn't keep him under observation and provide him with the necessary attention and his mother was also unwell, not to the same degree but bad enough that she couldn't leave the responsibility of his care in her hands. It seemed like the time for one of those healers she'd been enviously observing. Flashing a pleasant smile and a sign of wait to the boy and his mother, Waisana approached Amunet. She had had little opportunity to interact with the woman in the past but they had worked well together when they had helped the slaves in the mines. The woman appeared idle for the moment - an unusual state - as she'd been having an argument with one of the older healers. The teen hesitated in her approach as another healer stopped briefly to say something to the redhead but when he passed on, she was quick to reach the other's side.

"Amunet!" she called in greeting, expressing her pleasure in seeing her and signing her congratulations for the woman's current condition. Many blessings to you. May your wuepa strive. "With your state, I am surprised you're here but I'm glad. I need your help." Child. Heal. Will you come? She regarded the woman pleadingly and made coaxing gestures with her hands, begging her to follow her to the boy she had left but a few moments before. She didn't know if he was beyond Amunet's gift but she hoped that she could do something to ease his suffering at the very least.

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Afflictions Arise (All medical personnel welcome)

Postby Amunet on September 13th, 2016, 1:00 am

Her head would spin around at the soft words of Aoren. The male Healer would get one of her nods as she didn't trust herself to speak as she took several deep breaths and exhaled accordingly with each one. Aoren went off to the next patient as she looked at the line growing, the front tents filling up with the sick. It wasn't that the staff hadn't seen the nose drip or the cough or any number of respiratory or sinus conditions, it was the sheer masses of them. She heard the symphony of sniffling uptake of gurgling sinuses, wet coughs and the wearied breath that came with being sick. The sound of the blonde Doctor she knew a lot better since the mine, Waisana, had called her.

Signed: ‘Many blessings to you. May your wuepa strive.’
"With your state, I am surprised you're here but I'm glad. I need your help."
Signed: ‘Child. Heal. Will you come? ‘

Amunet smiled to the Doctor as her hand went to her abdomen. Waisana had a way of saying something and you just couldn't get miffed. Her gentle way had wormed into the young red head’s heart as a calming influence. “It is well Waisana and thank you. I do still have a job to do. I feel fine.” The girl’s bright eyes looked at her hands then her eyes as the pleading expression was unnecessary. “Of course.”

The Healer was also a decent Doctor herself. It was not lost on her that the more medicine she knew, the better she healed. It wasn't apparant at first but it seemed her knowing seemed to allow a more pinpoint trajectory for the gnosis. That is what it seemed. She would sometimes get little nudges, it was not unlike Zulrav’s lightning in the sky only this was in her heart. Well maybe heart wasn't the right word but no other word fit in her mind. She wrote these things down as she came across them. She grabbed her kit that had several items in the bag along with her before those little legs would stride to keep up with the blonde. That lady could move quickly as she followed Waisana to where the child was at.

Amunet took a good look at both child and mother. She spoke softly and introduced herself. She examined the boy first. The draw from Rak’keli’s grace was clear but then there was a hundred tugs at this point and growing. She had to focus to keep from being over welmed. She went to a side table to bring out a polished ram’s horn that had a bell cap on the top and smoothed rounded edges on the larger end. The little delicate hand went to the boy’s forehead, then those fingers gently and methodically moved around his eye sockets for soft swollen spots. The fingers then trailed down towards under the earlobes and along under the jaw in palpating the glands and throat area for swelling. There was puffiness around the eyes and radiating outward as the stuff coming out of his nose was yellowish in color. His glands under his chin at the throat was swollen which indicated this part of the body was dealing with an infection.

She softly asked the boy to open his mouth big and go awww. Amunet had to tilt the boy’s head back a smidge gently to look down the throat. “Hmmmm” The red head went to bring her journal out as with a charcoal pencil, wrote a few things down. The girl noticed the discharge of the eyes and the nose running as she gave the boy a kerchief to blow his nose on. She asked the boy to take his shirt off. She did one last thing as she put the rams horn’s large end on the boys chest on the back. “Cough please”

He coughed as it ended up in a series of wet coughs. Amunet looked up to listen to the heart. Then moved the end to the side to listen to one of the lungs. Then the instrument was placed on the other side as she listened to him breathe giving soft instructions to breath in as deeply as he could. When the lungs are clear, the air sounds is more consistent. When lungs have stuff in them they make different noises. Trying to remember what Nehrar said about pneumonia. It sounded like a lot of fluid or like they have water in the lungs. This was not like that but there was something there. Amunet estimated that there was catarrh in the lungs conducive to a case of the cough. He had a really good head cold as well. The danger here was secondary infection being invited into a weakened system. Her hand went on his face as the mark swirled and came alive passing over the boy as his eyes came alive. “Put your shirt back on, please. “

Amunet moved to the mother to ask a few questions about symptoms which was mostly the same only she had just the nose stuffed up and no catarrh in the lungs. The young lady’s hand went to the woman’s face as she was armed with knowledge as the grace passed onto her to the mother. She gave her a few precautions. “Stay as dry as possible, if you can change stockings often to keep the feet warm and dry. My mother used to make a poultry soup that is good for health. “ The mother’s eyes was lighter as she nodded to the young healer. The mother and her boy moved to leave as Amunet wrote down a few things in her journal on the case they had.

“Waisana, seems like we have a combination of head colds with the cough in some cases. Lets check some of the other cases.“ She took up her kit and her journal as she went out of that section beckoning for the blonde doctor to follow her. Amunet questioned the assistants and helpers on symptoms which matched what she had. That confirmed the widespread affliction.

She waved Waisana along as she went towards the front. Once she rounded the corner to see the masses of people clamoring for help with their condition stopped the Healer in her tracks. It was mind numbing and overwhelming as she got hit with the mass of tugs that all yearned for her to reach out to all of them to heal them. Her hand went to Waisana’s shoulder as she gasped softly. “Oh my goodness.” Amunet’s eyes teared up a bit as the magnitude of this as it reminded her of all those poor slaves in the mine that all needed her gift. All of them needed to be cared for.

Nehrar was right at her elbow as he surveyed the scene and as promised keeping an eye on that stubborn red head. He wasn't sure what was bothering her but the sea of people waiting would unnerve the inexperienced. “Amunet, what's the status.” The Head Doctor would inquire attempting to snap her out of whatever it was that was bothering her.

The diminutive woman jumped a moment at the soft words of Nehrar Tenderhoof. “Umm.. It's a good head cold and the cough. Some cases reported have both. “ The elder man noded as he surveyed the scene with a practiced eye.

“Amunet, Waisana we need to get these people triaged. Babies, pregnant women and the heavily afflicted are first, moderate cases are next and light cases really should go home and sleep it off. “ His brow furrowed. “I better consult with my wife on supply. “ His hand squeeze the slight shoulder of Amunet gently as she nodded. “Waisana, make sure she doesn't over do it and Amunet, you can't heal them all. “ He pointed to the wash basin imperiously. Nehrar would move towards the other Healers and Doctors in the River Flower giving them the same instructions.

Amunet, as if she remembered it, grabbed the elder soft spoken man by the opal robes “Nehrar!! My mother used to make a poultry soup for these kinds of things. Tea and poultry soup would be in order? “ She knew how to make it in small batches but not in cauldron batches.

“For the lighter cases that probably is a good idea. I will check with Sadara see what we can do. “ If anyone knew how to make the soup it would be his wife.
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