Basic Information
Race- Kelvic (white leopard)
Birthday and Age- The 7th of spring, 5 years old (15 in appearence.)
Gender- Female.
Physical Description
Weight- 120
Height- 5"4
Eye color- White mixed with blue.
Hair color- Black
Outfit- She wears a white tang top, but the straps are red and she has on a red cloak that is down to her thighs. She also wears black pants with light brown sandels.
Character Concept
Azleene is a cold, bitter woman. She had a horrifying past, and she's not very social, but she only warms up to people she might think is trustworthy, and she tends to have insane moments, for she can not help but think her life is a wreck and she should not be in this world for what it has done to her.
She fancies fighting, and she's a fierce one at that. Azleene also enjoys writing poetry in her little notebook she keeps in her back pocket. She's fairly good at writing poetry, and she mostly writes down what her emotions are and mixes it in with poetry, thats why it tends to be so beautiful.
Character History
When Azleene was 10 years of age, her parents and sister- whom she held dearest to- got slaughtered by a pack of Zith's. She was the only one who fought and she was able to escape.
A few months after that she found the town Sylria, and she began living there, feeding on fresh animal meat. Now she roams the streets of Sylria, although she tends to wonder.
Reflexes- 30 (+10, racial bonus)
Writing Poetry- 10
Hunting- 10
Brawling- 10
Fighting Zith lore
Lore of tiger body language
Equipment and Possesions
1 small knife hidden in her sleeve.
A week supplies of food/water.
1 set of toiletries-mouthwash, toothpaste, toothbrush, razor, and a brush.
A small notebook she writes poetry in and she keeps in her pocket.
100 golden mizas.