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In this forum, all the character sheets are kept for player characters. Feel free to come on in, browse the forum, look at what sort of characters others have created, and then begin your very own!
Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 31 Birthday: Day 4, Winter, Year 485 Birthplace: Syliras
Appearance: Weighing 230lbs and standing at a height of 6'3''. Samuel is a large man who is well suited to combat. Samuel keeps his hair short, and has a slightly untidy beard. His face generally looks fairly severe, but he has a generous smile when amused. Samuel has several scars from training and fights, most notably a large, long scar on his back.
Syliras: Usually in full plate, armed with longsword, shortbow, dagger, shield.
Endrykas: Usually dressed in camouflage armour, armed with a multitude of weapons.
Character Concept
Honest, hard-working and with a strong moral code, Samuel is well-suited to being a Knight. When off duty or among those of the order Samuel is approachable and quick to laugh, enjoying the company of others immensely. On duty, another side of Samuel can be seen. Although still good-natured, at the first sign of trouble Samuel becomes stern and uncompromising, ensuring that the law is upheld. Committed to his work, and a true believer in the cause, Samuel believes that it his duty to help those less fortunate than himself.
However, Samuel has a fierce temper and although he strives to control himself, he is not always successful. He hates slavery above all else, with a zeal and passion that some find disturbing. Murderers, slavers and rapists are quick to feel his wrath. He is also occasionally struck by bouts of intense sadness, his usually submerged grief bubbling to the surface. His worst tempers and most painful lows are usually prompted by horrific nightmares, where he relives the worst moment of his life in vivid detail.
Samuel enjoys helping others to learn to fight. He wishes to one day have his own squire and instil in them the values of the Knighthood. Samuel is a religious man, with Yahal being the foremost deity he worships. Samuel strives to remain pure and follow Yahal in all that he does. Being a knight he also worships Sylir, though not as passionately as he does Yahal. He also has a strong respect for Tyveth.
Character History
Samuel is the third generation of his family that has contained a Syliran Knight, his mother's parents were Drykas who joined the order after a tragedy befell them in the Grasslands. However Samuel has very little knowledge of the Drykas culture, the only thing he has picked up is a decent understanding of his grandparents' native tongue. Samuel spent his early life in Syliras, growing up around knights and serving as a page.
Samuel became a squire at age 13, serving under a low level Knight for several years. He was a laid back and easy going squire, who loved to spar with his fellow squires and hone the skills of a knight. When he was 21 he was given his knightly quest and became a Knight. Since then Samuel has honed his skills, wishing to become a better peace-bringer. In the year 515, a close friend of Samuel's was killed by slavers and it took him a while to recover. His faith is one of the few things that kept him from losing control, but the event has had a serious affect on his psyche. Although still generally laid back, people who knew him before notice his temper flares much quicker now.
Permanent Injuries
On really cold and/or rainy days Samuel will feel stiffness in his (left) shoulder and leg. This is a result of this thread. The injury to his shoulder was more severe and therefore becomes stiff much more quickly.
Last edited by Samuel Longwell on August 5th, 2017, 7:32 pm, edited 11 times in total.
Going Through the Motions - Training 4th Spring, Year 499 Experience: 3exp longsword, 3exp shortbow, 3exp shield, 2exp tactics, 3exp endurance. Lores: Shortbow: Accounting range and drop, Simple exercise: shield bash, slash right, shield bash, slash left, Tactics: Use the terrain to your advantage. Shield Points: +1 Training in Discomfort - Training 27th Summer, Year 499 Experience: Weapon(Longsword) +2, Weapon(Shield) +1, Unarmed Combat +2, Endurance +1, Weapon(Shortbow) +1, Weapon(Dagger) +2 Lores: Longsword Technique: Diagonal Forward Slash, Longsword Technique: Horizontal Forward Slash, Shield Technique: Shield Bash, Unarmed Combat Technique: Side Kick to the Knee to Disable Opponent, Unarmed Combat Technique: Jabs, Shortbow Technique: Proper Footing, Shortbow Training Technique: Speed Firing, Dagger Technique: Throwing Overhand, Dagger Technique: Do not overextend when pulling back to throw Shield Points: +4 A Wild Experience - Wilderness survival 15th Fall, Year 499 Experience: Horsemanship 1, Animal Handling 1, Riding (Horse) 2, Wilderness Survival 5, Leadership 1, Construction 1, Foraging 1, Negotiation 1, Trapping 1, Butchering 1, Cooking 2, Observation 2. Lores: Survival: water, shelter, fire, Starting a fire from scratch, Haste smothers a fire, Shelter: build around a tree, Thicker roof sheds water better, Wilderness Survival: boil water before using, Trapping: making a simple snare, Cooking: a broth of dried meat and greens, Cooking: fresh meat on sticks over a fire Horse Archer - Training 72nd Spring, Year 500 Experience: Horsemanship 1, Riding (horse) 5, Weapon: shortbow 5, Animal Husbandry 2, Observation 2. Lores: Riding without reins, Archery: Horseback arc of fire, Archery: Horse's movement makes aiming hard, Always look after your horse. Dead Leaf - Social 60th Fall, Year 501 A Time For Quiet - Introspection 31st Winter, Year 515 Experience: Meditation: +3, Writing: + 2, Copying: + 2. Lores:Revenge is Not Justice, Lore of Yahal: He Does Not Abandon Me, Lore of Yahal: Followers Must Have Faith in Themselves, Lore of Writing: Too Much Ink Makes Spots, Lore of Copying: Cross Out Errors, Lore of Copying: A Relaxing Activity, Lore of Meditation: Focus on Outside Forces, Lore of Meditation: Read Yahal's Words First, Lore of the Pentia Scrolls: Calming Words
Summer 516 AV :
Bashing Shields - Sparring 5th Summer Experience: Observation 1, Weapon: Shield 2, Weapon: Longsword 2, Unarmed Combat 2, Tactics 2, Endurance 2, Teaching 2. Lores: Tactics: Don't underestimate opponents, Ferrin: A squire, Ferrin: Better than he looks, Throwing a shield, Some people fight dirty. Shield points: +3 A Long Ride-Travelling to Mithryn Oupost 19th Summer Experience: Animal Husbandry 2, Land Navigation 1, Wilderness Survival (Forest) 1, Horsemanship 1, Riding 1, Observation 4, Endurance 1, Socialisation 3, Weapon: Longsword 1, Investigation 1, Logic 1, Politics 1, Acrobatics 1, Stealth 2, Bodybuilding 1, Tracking 2, Weapon: Shortbow 1, Hunting 2. Lores: Cuiro: A hunter, Cuiro: Dislikes knights, Armour: Not suitable for hunting in, Tracking: Deer tracks, Archery: Allowing for the wind, Tracking: Mud makes tracks easy to see, Backtracking to find a way out, Not everyone respects the knights. Shield Points: +3. Gonna Build a House- Helping with the rebuilding efforts 20th Summer Experience: Construction +3, Endurance +5, Leadership +2, Running +1, Planning +1. Lores: Lore of Endurance: Lift With the Legs, Lore of Squires: Firm Discipline Required, Lore of Leadership: Competition Makes Work Easier, Lore of Endurance: Breaks Are Neccesary, Lore of Endurance: Lifting Above the Head is Harder, Lore of Leadership: Giving Direct Orders Clears Confusion. Shield Points: +5. (Travels back) 21st Summer Anger Issues - Introspection/Social 27th Summer Experience: Meditation: 3, Prayer: 1, Observation: 2, Socialization: 5, Teaching: 5, Planning: 1, Storytelling: 1, Endurance: 1. Lores: Location: Stone Gardens, Meditation: Taking slow deep breaths, Irathia: Troubled Squire, Teaching: Making a student feel at ease, Meditation: Focusing on Yahal, Irathia's story about her berserker blackouts Shield Points: +4 Acrobatic Bladework - Training 37th Summer Bows and Brawn-Training 51st Summer Experience: Weapon: Shortbow + 3, Endurance +4, Running +1, Teaching +2, Leadership +3, Shield: +3, Weapon: Shortsword +3 Lores: Leadership: Lead by Example, Shortbow: Speed Sacrifices Accuracy, Garland: A Skilled Squire, Small Spaces Restrict Sword Swipes, Running: Armor is Too Heavy Shield Points:+4
Fall 516 AV :
Flight of the Doe - Hunting 4th Fall Experience: Negotiation 1, Socialisation 1, Stealth 3, Tracking 4, Trapping 1, Hunting 3, Butchery 2, Endurance 3, Weapon: Shortbow 3, Running 2, Weapon: Longsword 1, Bodybuilding 1, Weapon: Dagger 1. Lores: Stealth: how to walk quietly, Intarus Molora: one-armed hunter, Tracking: deer tracks, Tracking: squirrel tracks, Skinning a bear, Mauled carcass = unsaleable Training by Fist - Sparring 13th Fall Experience: Socialization +1, Endurance +1, Running +1, Tactics +1, Weapon(Shield) +1, Unarmed Combat +1, Teaching +1 Lores: Tactics: Throwing shield provides a distraction but can leave one defenseless. Fog and Fear - Patrol 14th Fall Experience: Observation 4, Tracking 1, Socialisation 5, Leadership 5, Weapon: Shield 2, Persuasion 1, Tactics 1, Unarmed Combat 1, Brawling 2, Weapon: Dagger 1, Weapon: Longsword 1, Weapon: Shortbow 1, Meditation 1, Wilderness Survival 1, Foraging . Lores: Life goes on, fog or no fog, Wolves hunt in packs, Armoured fists pack a punch, Losing a sword stuck in a corpse, Angle of attack matters, Self blame puts others in danger, Wilderness Survival: putting up a tent, Billy: a lost boy, Billy: ran away. Shield points: +5 (patrol), +6 (rescuing a citizen) Time to Patrol - Patrol 60th Fall Experience: Socialization +2, Observation +3, Leadership +2, Teaching +1, Running +1, Unarmed Combat +1, Weapon (Longsword) +2, Weapon(Shield) +2 Lores: Kevith: Owns of the Rearing Stallion, Lesson: Moving a squire around to get them learn the ropes faster, Faircroft's necklace: Many sigils, Unarmed Combat: Disarming a man grabbing an opponent's wrist Unarmed Combat: Immobilizing an opponent with a foot to the back of their knees, Monsters in the Fog: 7 Foot tall and twisting, Observation: Hearing the hint of fear in another's voice, Alexander Faircroft: Tall for a squire, Alexander Faircroft: Carries quite a bit of weaponry., Alexander Faircroft: Quick on his feet, Alexander Faircroft: Follower of Priskil mainly, Monsters from the Shadows are stronger than they look. Shield Points:+8 You Should Get That Looked At - Massage 61st Fall Experience: Socialisation 1, Prayer 1, Meditation 1. Lores: Calyna: a massuese at Soothing Water You Have My Sword - Sparring 72nd Fall Experience: Running 1, Weapon: longsword 3, Weapon: shield 3, Tactics 2, Unarmed Combat 1, Teaching 1, Brawling 1, Socialisation 2. Lores: Running to build up stamina, Alex Faircroft: dual wields bastard swords, Brawling: sword and shield to distract from knee, Unarmed Combat: Grappling a swordsman. Shield Points: +6 Angle is Everything-Hunting 84th Fall Experience: Stealth: +3, Tracking: +2, Observation: +2, Logic: +1, Hunting: +2, Weapon: Shortbow: + 1, Endurance: +2. Lores: Tracking: Using Concentric Circles to Locate More Hints, Tracking: Footprint is Larger for Male Humans, Hunting: Carry Arrows on the Hip for Easy Access, Hunting: Ears are More Useful Than Eyes in Forests, Stealth: Low and Slow are Important, Stealth is More Difficult When Carrying Weight, Meditation: Useful for Managing Emotions
Winter 516 AV :
Beginning of the Bond- Riding 1st WInter Experience: Horsemanship: +2, Riding: +5, Shopping: +1, Observation: +1, Weapon: Longsword: +2, Endurance: +1. Lores, Dan: Tiaden Warhorse, Dan: 18 hands tall, Dan: From good stock, Dan: Originally called Socks because of his colouring, Riding: Uneven Ground can knock you off balance, Riding: Grabbing reins while falling will change your course, Riding: Correcting course, Riding: Training can be technical and boring, Longsword: Swordplay is different when on horseback, Riding: Ride with your whole body, not just your hands. Shield Points: Training: +2 Tightening the Bond - Adventure 2nd Winter Experience: Meditation +1, Horsemanship +2, Riding +2, Weapon: Shortbow: +2, Weapon: Longsword: +2, Weapon: Dagger: +2, Unarmed Combat: +1, Intimidation: +1, Running: +1, Tactics: +1, Negotiation: +1, Observation: +2 Lores: , Riding: Emergency Stop, Armour: Plate mail is a noisy armour, Armour: Stab through the gaps, Armour: Slows you down, Riding: Sitting back in the saddle to slow a horse down, Riding: The freedom that lies in speed, Tactics: Attacking from two sides can confuse your opponent, Slavers killed Samuel's best friend, The taste of blood. Shield Points: +3 Helping the slaves A City Worth Saving - Patrol 17th Winter Experience: Philosophy 1, Observation 1, Investigation 1, Leadership 2 Lores: Vantha: Physical Traits, Vantha: Follows Morwen, Morwen: What a, Morwen mark looks like, Irathia: Looks better Let Them Pray - Social/Religious 21st Winter Experience: Leadership +3, Socialization +4, Observation +2, Persuasion +1, Teaching +3, Prayer +2, Philosophy +2, Meditation +2. Lores: Location: The Temple of All Gods, Subterfuge: Lying is Easier if You Don't Know the Truth, Persuasion: Convincing Someone to Calm Down, Vantha: Unfairly Persecuted, Prayer Can be Winding or Steady, Teaching: Demonstrate Methods, Philosophy: Better to Hold On to Good Memories Than the Last, Philosophy: Non-violent Solutions are Better, Tactics: Distract for a Getaway. Shield Points: +2 Stamina and Swordplay - Training 43rd Winter Experience: Running 1, Endurance 3, Bodybuilding 1, Weapon: Longsword 2, Planning 1, Weapon: Dagger 1, Medicine 1, Observation 2, Rhetoric 1, Leadership 1. Lores: Unpleasant training builds character, Fighting while fatigued, Medicine: Exercise makes wounds bleed more, Helping others is a rewarding experience. Shield Points: +2. How To Not Fall Off - Teaching Riding 77th Winter Experience: Horsemanship 1, Observation 5, Socialisation 2, Teaching 5, Philosophy 1, Riding: Horse 2. Lores: Michael Kyber: Ser Mortmer's Squire, Philosophy: We're not just about violence, Michael Kyber: Asks intelligent questions, Teaching: Sometimes it's difficult to explain ideas, Dan: A strong companion.Shield Points: +2
Spring 517 AV :
Nerve Wrecker - Social 1st Spring New Faces - Training 2nd Spring Experience: Unarmed Combat 2, Rhetoric 2, Observation 2, Teaching 2, Weapon: Shield 3, Endurance 1, Socialisation 1. Lores: Location: Fighting Pits, Shield: Not just for defence. Out and About - Patrol 4th Spring Experience: Leadership: +2, Riding: +1, Philosophy: +1, Unarmed Combat: +2, Weapon(Dagger): +1, Tactics: +1, Medicine: +2, Weapon(Shield): +1. Lores: Lore of Squire Michael: Won't Ignore a Direct Order, Lore of Polearms: Better for Mounted Combat, Lore of Camouflage: Trees Conceal Friend and Foe, Lore of, Leadership: Know the Strengths of Your Team, Lore of Philosophy: Magic is a Tool, Just Like Weapons, Lore of Stealth: Dismounting is Noisy, Lore of Yukmen: Travel in Packs, Lore of Tactics: Distract the Enemy, Lore of Medicine: Lack of Oxygen Makes One Dizzy, Lore of Combat: It's Easy to Get Separated From Your Weapons, Lore of Yukmen: Will Spread if Undefeated, Lore of Yukmen: Dirty Fighting Monsters, Lore of Medicine: Bind Bleeding Wounds Tightly...But Not Too Tight, Lore of Medicine: Mistakes Can be Fatal. Shield Points: +7 I predict a... - Job 35th Spring Experience: Running 1, Observation 2, Weapon: Shield 3, Intimidation 2, Leadership 3, Unarmed Combat 1, Tactics 1, Endurance 2. Lores: Cowardice is not acceptable, Intimidation: A cracking voice spoils the effect, Protecting people is more important than catching thieves. Shield Points: +3 Sheets in the wind - Social 90th Spring Experience: Leadership 3, Intimidation 2, Endurance 4, Observation 2, Construction 4, Socialisation 1, Planning 1. Lores: Dove Brown: Young farmer, Dove Brown: Has a problem with knights?, Endurance: Heat makes every task harder, Self: Hard work induces a temper. Shield Points: +3
Summer 517 AV :
Syliras: The Jewel of Sylira - Plot 1st Summer Experience: Negotiation 1. Lores: Knights' Mission: Strengthen the bond with the Drykas, Summer 1st, 517: The day Syliras closed its gates to outsiders, Nagging Thought: Syliras in fear of mass starvation?. A New Era - Plot/Social 3rd Summer Upon the plains - Wilderness Survival/ Social 9th Summer Getting a Puppy - Purchase/Social 10th Summer Lessons from a foreigner - Teaching 14th Summer Experience: Weapon: Longsword 1, Weapon: Shield 3, Endurance 1, Observation 3, Teaching 4, Tactics 2, Unarmed Combat 2. Lores: Drykas: Can be suspicious of outsiders, Jonas: Young Drykas student, Teaching: Sometimes respect must be earned, Teaching: Sparring to highlight weaknesses, Teaching: Giving compliments where they are due. Dogs need to train too - Animal Husbandry 23rd Summer When Fists Fly - Teaching 46th Summer Experience: Unarmed Combat 5, Socialisation 3, Teaching 5, Tactics 2, Observation 1. Lores: Ashka: Young Drykas Woman, Ashka: Willing to help teach Pavi, Ashka: Eager to learn, Tactics: Yelling to distract an opponent, Teaching: Finding the right pace for a student.
Dan: Tiaden Warhorse, Stallion, 18hh, mostly black apart from his lower legs which are white. Named after Samuel's best friend, Samuel acquired Dan on the 1st of Winter 516AV.
Fela: Luvanor Grassland Hunter, Female, Brindled (Dark markings on a light brown coat). Acquired on 10th Summer 517.
Alice: Luvanor Grassland Hunter, Female, similar colours to Fela but lighter. Acquired at the same time as Fela.