Violin (uncursed) - 50gm with discount
45gmThe dark features of this wooden Violin were hand crafted from a distant swamp. Not much is known as to how it had reached the caravan, but rumors surrounding this violin had stated that it has been passed around from merchant to merchant for over a decade. The overall quality of the Violin is in decent shape and has recently just had new strings placed on it to help sell the item. If one was to attempt to play beneath the bridge of the Violin it would release violent screams which would echo. These screams have no effect other than being severely annoying
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Flute (uncursed) – 5 sm with discount
4 sm 5 cmThe bones of this segmented flute were carved by a long forgotten Myrian. Due to the nature of them resembling human bones the flute has never been appraised. Markings within the flute seem to resemble that of the Goddess Myri, but those unfamiliar with such markings would only note unfamiliar inscriptions. When all pieces are placed together to form one flute a number of sounds it can make would impress any musician. Only those expert in flute could ever hope to hit every note on the flute and be able to play it proficiently.
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Silverware (cursed) – Full Silver Ornate Fork, Spoon, Knife – 5gm with discount
4 gm 5 smThese ornate pieces of silverware are far more expensive than their counterparts; A fork, spoon, and knife crafted with a similar theme of resembling a skeleton. The owner of these prized and ornate eating utensils served Glorg, the Alvina of Gluttony. The owner died and empowered the utensils with his madness and unhealthy amounts of consumption. If anyone takes ownership of these utensils and chooses to eat with them they will find themselves unable to stop consuming food until everything on their table has been consumed. This may result in the owner feasting until the point to which they will throw up. Once this occurs the owner will feel a strange connection to consume more and more. Food is more alluring when one is holding these utensils, but until one eats with the utensils the effect does not work. Once all food has been consumed the owner will feel sick and guilty. This item has never been identified or appraised.
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Painting (cursed)- 15 gm with discount
13gm 5 smA strange painting of ships on some sort of water. This painting will always be perceived differently every time someone looks at it. At one moment the ships will appear to look perfectly normal, and at another, it will look as if the ships are about to sink. The birds and people will usually look as if they are in different places each time one looks at it, but unless it is closely inspected will not be apparent. This item has never been identified or appraised. The natures of those who painted this strange and alluring piece are unknown, it features no marks to tell who it's artist is. It has been passed from merchant to merchant due to the great misfortune that it brings to travelers. When traveling with the painting, especially oversea, nothing tends to go right. Things that would never break down do, and caravan or boat travel proves to be extremely difficult resulting in a 50% increase to travel times. Please PM the ST of whatever city you reside and are traveling to so they can figure out the details with you.
Symnestra Armor (Cursed) -90gm with discount
81gmThis armor is constructed in segments which take a long while to fully equip. As such the previous owner of this armor constantly wore it. It features nothing unique aside from being constructed from various insects which include spiders, beetles, dried fungus, and other strange arthropods. This item is rare because the native wearers of the armor lives on the other side of the world. No one aside from a symnestra would buy it. As such it has been sitting collecting dust over time waiting for the right person to finally use it once again. Once a person equips all pieces of this armor, they will find themselves feeling as if it is a part of them. They will be unable to deal with the fact of taking it off, and grow extremely impatient should the need ever arise to remove it. When removing or putting on the armor the user will have anxiety and a deep need to fully equip it. The armor itself also tends to draw forth all sorts of insects and occasionally will result in the user feeling as if his skin is crawling.
Charge Basin (Cursed) – 25gm with discount
22gm 5 smThis Basin once belonged to a magecrafter who was drowned in it after not meeting the demands of his customer. His flesh and blood seeped into it as an item was cooling and resulted in a violent explosion which charged the basin itself. This item has not been appraised or identified. Mysteries surrounding the basin tend to point to it being haunted by a malevolent ghost, but those claims have never been accounted for. Those who would dare attempt to create anything magical from this basin would result in an unpredictable and often negative boon on the item. (must pm ST)
Spyglass (uncursed) – 100gm with discount
90gm This spyglass was constructed of wood from an unknown sailor and gadgeteer. The spyglass lost at sea, was found by some Svefra traders which later traded it to a caravan. There isn’t much known about the device, and often times those impatient with figuring out how it exactly works would just set it down in frustration. The spyglass itself features three rotating looking glasses which can focus it and would sometimes result in the vision appearing upside down. One could also extend the spyglass for varying distances. The spyglass is able to see at distances between 1x-12x, and focus is extremely hard to dial in for those without a gadgeteering skill.
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Magnifying Glass (Cursed) – 100gm with discount
90gm This item has not been appraised or identified. Although featuring what may look like a gold wire encompassing it and a stone, this magnifying glass is actually composed of
D-wire. The large stone or glass (merchants are unsure which) locked within serves as a magnifying glass. It can concentrate light into a singularly focused point resulting in the eventual fire if one was to discover such a use. It can also aid in the inspection of smaller items. The item itself reacts strangely when magic is used with it giving off a feeling of eeriness. The D-wire it is composed of results in the draining of Djed should any user attempt to use magic with this item, with no increase or amplification of the said magic. This function always results in the user’s over-giving. Such over-giving is amplified in such a manner that it can result in physical or mental determents (IE: nosebleeds, unconscious, pain, hallucinations, etc.). Once the item has been inspected properly the user will be able to discover that their Djed which was drained from them was held in the other stone. This will finally allow the magic user to channel their magic without pooling into their own Djed reserve, but that of the artifact. Note: The player must RP this item to the full aspects of overgiving to be granted the ability to use it without Djed. (User must Roll with the ST to determine effects of the artifact. Gaining knowledge over tapping into the reserves requires ST approval)