26h of Summer, 516
Nemori moved through the snow. Her feet trailing the white powder around her boots. The stars dotted high above her shone brightly and lit the familiar path, both the familiarity and the light aided her travel. She felt safe. Avanthal was always safe, the Holds were always safe. She had heard stories of people taking advantage of the darkness in other cities, she had heard others say that if other cities had long days of darkness only bad things would happen. This was not true of Avanthal. Nemori could see a few of the larger animals, elk and horses, ambling around the stables, gently grazing and slowly strolling. These were the bolder of those they cared for, others chose to remain inside during the dark days, only allowing themselves outside when led for exercise. It was unfortunate, the less exercise they got the antsier and more problematic they would get, being noisy and irritable. The stable itself wrapped shadows around her as she stepped inside. The starlight was blocked by the design of the building. Occasional branches of light would stretch into the building but these were rare and often unhelpfully located. She reached for where she knew the stored lanterns would be, scrabbling around to find the metal. It was cold against her fingers and she trailed the outside to find the handle. It was coated with a thin layer of wood to prevent it burning the user’s fingers and she lifted it via this. Quickly lighting a match and setting fire to the candle inside. She wrapped her fingers around the lantern carefully, not wanting any of animals to stare into the sudden light and suffer damage. Strange shapes were thrown from where the light escaped her fingers and a general pleasant orange glow moved with each step she took. A few of the animals leaned over to inspect her presence. The more friendly ones and ones that she recognised she would stop to pet or give scratches to. Occasionally she would say a few words. Her first path through the stable took her to the equipment storage. She already knew what grooming she was tasked with today and easily found the required brushes. Her next location was a smaller section of the stable, penned off from some of the larger animals. As she stepped over the divider she tested her footing carefully, not wanting to slip over the scattering of hay that littered the stone flooring. They were several different cages set within this area, different sizes and designed tailored towards the inhabitants. Most of the occupants were rodents of varying sizes. She hung the lantern onto a nearby hook. The light spread out further as she turned her attention to one specific cage. It was a smaller cage with a single inhabitant. A white rabbit with long hair and floppy ears stared up at her with black eyes. He seemed hesitant at her presence, twisting his head backwards into his body slightly in order to see her better. Nemori’s movement became more careful and slowed down, she was aware this particular rabbit was timid and did not wish to spook them by moving too quickly. Despite this the rabbit still attempted to shrink itself into invisibility at her presence.
“I am not going to hurt you” Nemori whispered, her voice was calm and even. She slowly reached towards the metal latch on the cage, attempting to click it open with as little noise as possible. The rabbit startled at the tiny noise, beginning to run around the cage in circles as if possessed. Nemori sighed. Today was going to be a long day. She continued to open the cage, enough so that the rabbit could hop onto the floor if he wished, before stepping backwards herself and settled cross legged on the floor. The combs were carefully placed within arm’s reach before her hands were placed by her side and she attempted to remain as still as possible so that the rabbit would calm down. It took some time but eventually he had stopped charging around his cage and started to investigate the newly opened cage door. His nose twitched as he sniffed, attempted to assess safety. When he finally hopped out onto the stone floor Nemori smiled. It was the first true indicator of progress she receive today.