The Geat Harvest
Greetings Kenashians. The great season of harvest is upon us so gather ye’ sickles, scythes, and slaves! Even thine bootlickers should participate. Though don’t you fret there is something for everyone this season. With the Great Harvest brings great festivities! Bala has been gracious, and it would be an awful shame to disgrace her by not being able to meet the demands of this bountiful land. This means unique opportunities this season for the players! With each new season comes a new Magistrate. The Morealis family is running this season.
Participation in The Great Harvest!
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1st: The Pyrite Watchtower across the bay of Kenash shines brightly. Various boats and people flock to the shore to share in the beauty. Dynasty members share in the festivities with much drinking, parties, and a special announcement is made. The Rujaro celebrate the event by hosting a swamp day event knowing that soon they would be able to shed and make Dynasty blood suffer.
3rd: Goodluck has come across Kenash. Octobeetles, a rare and often a good omen to those who find them, are found in greater occurrence. These beautiful and colorful beetles can be caught and kept as a pet or turned into jewelry. Limit 2 beetles found per player.
5th: Various crops are ready to harvest. As work starts the Rujaro take notice and are quick to try to take advantage of the situation. (Event lasts through the rest of fall.)
13th: A strange rumor about the Saer ruins spreads around Kenash.
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23rd: The Askara hold a special dance within the city to celebrate the great harvest.
24th: The Rujaro steal a prized bride. Dmitri Morealis offers a reward of 500 gold mizas who can deliver his daughter back to him, plus another 50 for every Rujaro head they bring back along with the princess. (Moderated event only.)
26th: The magistrate makes a new law for the city of Kenash.
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34th: The Sitai start to distribute a new drug which induces euphoria. A private party is held and samples of the drug are passed out. The drug is highly addictive. (moderated event only)
45th: A mysterious unhitched and covered wagon is found abandoned near Glass Beach. (pm for details)
52nd: Fishers gather at Reed Park with a competition to see who can catch the largest fish for the upcoming festival.
53rd: A grand festival with plenty of freshly harvested food, Kenash games (Toss and Bloodball), and a costume competition. Winners of the game get a special prize. Only one person can be chosen for best costume. (moderated event; games and costume competition separate)
70th: During a party at night a dead body is discovered with a mysterious note hanging out of her mouth. (pm for details)
81st: The Zulaca play a prank by animating dead animals. (moderated event)
Overall it is a very busy season with a lot of work. People are in a constant struggle between attempting to be lazy, farming, and having a good time. A few demoralizing events occur which seem to make things more difficult. Feel free to sign up for events and collaborate with others here in the calendar!
- Inspire another PC to take up a hobby
- Visit five different locations in the city
- Debate with another PC about something
- Enjoy an entire day of being completely lazy
- Interact with the wildlife in some adventurous way