Thank you for the information. It helped me get my business plan sorted out!
- Does my character have the skills to survive here?
She's a doctor. That means she definitely has some of the skills necessary for her survival - and everyone else's. She isn't a combat character though so no on that end. I've amended her to be competent in wilderness survival, so yes if only barely. - Does my character have the equipment to survive here?
I'd like to think Evangeline does. I've taken the tent, fishing poles and horse from the starting package. She's got flint and tinder, rope, a lantern and all other basic amenities. - How is my character getting here? Be realistically creative.
This is the one I'm a little hung up on. I would like to think she took to the ship departing Riverfall, but I'm not sure that's available to everyone. The only other thing I can think of is that Evangeline hitched a ride with a passing Svefra pod in exchange for catching mice down in the holds and medical services during the trip. - What can my character's presence contribute to the setting?
Evangeline is a doctor and there will be accidents during the construction, undoubtedly. She'll be there to patch everyone up. In the general sense, the jungle is a dangerous place and people are fragile creatures, so she'll be needed sooner or later. As a character, Evangeline is a Priskil worshipper; she'll be here to inspire the rest of the settlement, the bring them hope and give them a reason to carry on, even when things become darkest. - What is my motivation for my character being here?
I see an opportunity to grow as a writer and have a hell of a lot of fun doing it. Syka is the kind of thing you want to get into on the ground floor, because you really get out of it what you put into it. If I start a PC and grind out a business and work my ass off, I know we can get this place off the ground together. Every achievement will inspire me to push harder. As a result, I'll learn skills as a writer that I didn't ever even anticipate. My character will be challenged in unexpected ways. Seeing her grow up and change will be a beautiful thing, too. - What does my character want out of his/her Syka experience?
Eva isn't sure, to be honest. She is coming here to help others, but life isn't often that simple. She wants to "bring light to dark places" as said in her gnosis story. Whatever that looks like for her, that's the plan. The other thing however, is that deep down what she really wants is a home. The idea of a community struggling together resembles in some ways, a family. Evangeline just lost hers and she'd really like that feeling of belonging again.