[Pain's Scrapbook] Evolution

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[Pain's Scrapbook] Evolution

Postby Elhaym on December 6th, 2010, 12:22 am


Welcome to my scrapbook! I'm not sure what will go in here in the future... but as a jumping point, I wanted to talk about my character. Pretentious? No! I want to show people what resources and inspirations took me from a point A to point B. Well, anyhow...

When I first found this site, I was... well, bored. I had been writing stories and plot lines for a character I've had since I was a teenager, but I had nowhere to RP him... and nowhere to share those stories. Obviously, I realized I was wasting time creating background and story for a character no one would ever see (and I would once again forget about for a year or two).
So, I googled RP sites. Mizahar wasn't the first one I found, but after investigating several boards that seemed decrepit and bland I clicked a link that led me to a brown homepage. Fantasy RP? Well, I would have preferred modern times... but I looked into it anyway. Holy crap. For all the same reasons anyone who is reading this registered, I did too.

I first latched onto the Kelvic race. Shapeshifters? That seemed cool. After reading the wiki though, they seemed a bit more complicated than I would have liked. I also realized I was trying to re-create my old character here in MIzahar, and so I clicked back on my browser. At this point, I found the Nuit race... and I liked it. I posted my introduction, had grand ideas... I even wrote a pretty long back story for this character and drew a sketch of what I would have wanted my intial body to look like. This was the first incarnation of Pain in my mind. To your right, you'll see Nuit Pain. I toyed with this idea for a while, liking the Nuit race because it would give me ample chances to draw both male and female figures (the latter which I needed the most practice). I initially wanted to be wizard of sorts, utilizing Hypnotism and interrogation as my primary skills. I don't know when it hit me, but I slowly felt the urge to do something radically different. My old character had used illusions as his weapon, and hypnotism and the Gnosis gifts I were looking at for my Nuit seemed to almost replicate his skillset entirely. So, I wondered... i've never really done a melee combat character. Why not?

Obviously, Nuits aren't suited for that. I abandoned my Nuit, trashed my character history, and started over fresh. I was pretty rusty in my RP, and though the Akalak seemed to be the perfect fit, I really wanted a female character. Not only would it be different for me, but I wanted to practice drawing women. So, I chose human. Sometimes I regret it, as there are so many cool races in Mizahar... I especially love the Chaktawe. But, my "ninja chick" as Panna Cotta has dubbed her was destined to be a simple human. Now, the real work began.

I had come up with the name Pain for my Nuit, and I liked it. I had already gotten to know a few people in chat under the name, and I didn't want to abandon it... so I wrote it in. I gave my character a full name, but inserted Pain as her alias and tried as hard as I could to justify it in my background without making it seem forced. That was honestly easier than I thought, I just started writing and it came to me as I went. I got it written in one sitting, but what of aesthetics? If she's a fighter, how does she fight?

Well, to be honest I don't know much about martial arts. I mean, i'm familiar with a couple different names but that was all. So, I jumped into my car and went to Barnes and Noble. I picked up two books on anatomy that had lots of reference poses, as well as two other books on fighting. Muay Thai, and Krav Maga. So, from there, I created Pain's fighting style and I still use those references whenever she's fighting in my RP.

Her aesthetic came together from a myriad of influences. The two primary sources? Gina Carano and Faith, from Mirror's Edge. I wanted Gina's physique and Faith's looks, and I also took a little bit more from each. Gina Carano uses a bit of Muay Thai herself, and Faith's character in Mirror's Edge is a free runner. I wanted Pain to be a kick ass fighter like Gina, but also really acrobatics and atheletic like Faith. Boom.
So, it all came together in the end. The picture on the left was the drawing of Pain that really defined her aesthetic to me. I had done a couple previously, but this one really sealed it for me. With the aesthetic firmly in place, I inserted a few character flaws and quirks (somewhat stupid and uneducated, reckless and temperamental, and lonely). I've expanded on those things quite a bit as I've gone along with Pain, and I must say i'm enjoying the hell out of the ride so far.

As far as what Pain will do in the future... well, here is what i've got on my plate right now.
  • Travel to Lhavit, and begin training with the Shinya Monks
  • Find and kill/capture an NPC named Crow, who killed her brother and maimed her father. Mao has graciously helped me with this, and will run the quest for me. Awesome
  • Expand on her athleticism through solo threads, primarily running and acrobatics
  • Learn The Flux, through her teachers within the Shinya (I hope). Pain is uneasy about magic, and watching her go through this will be fun for me.
  • Hopefully, find permanent residence in Lhavit and seek out other role play opportunities. I'm itching to thread with Kamalia, and there are some great RPers in Lhavit who i'd love to meet.
  • Kick ass.

Well, that's how I got to where I am with my PC. I think about creating alts often, I've come very close. The idea of RPing a more challenging race or a different type of character is a fun one, but I always come back to Pain.

Oh, one last thing. Now that Pain is getting up there with her unarmed skill, I have found the perfect mix of Muay Thai and movie bullcrap that can be pulled off in a fantasy setting. For insight onto the kind of stunts you may see Pain beginning to pull off soon... check this out.

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[Pain's Scrapbook] Evolution

Postby Aselia Timandre on December 6th, 2010, 7:22 pm

Hey, I loved reading that first scrapbook entry. I hope you'll write often and extensive here, as I like getting to know Pain and you more. :)

I personally don't see the alias of Pain as forced into your biography. Rather, I like the meaning of it and how it overshadows the beautiful real name of Elhaym Vormav. Come to think of it, I've never told you I love how original your backstory is, did I? Well, now you know. I also hope Aselia and Pain will be able to establish some kind of friendship. They're still more like acquaintances, I think. But I don't really have plans for Aselia, so she might as well follow Pain all the way over to Lhavit ...?
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[Pain's Scrapbook] Evolution

Postby Elhaym on December 6th, 2010, 8:12 pm

Sure, Pain will be leaving for Lhavit relatively short order upon reaching Alvadas. Though i'd like to stay in Alvadas for a while, I honestly don't think my character would stick around there for any longer than she had too, especially considering what is already happening in the ship!

If you wanted to tag along, that'd be great. Lhavit is a cool city, and I think Kamalia is headed there eventually too... could be interesting. Pain could fill Aselia in on the details of her current "purpose".
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[Pain's Scrapbook] Evolution

Postby Elhaym on December 12th, 2010, 10:58 am


So I was wondering what I should post next... and I thought i'd do a sort of comparison between myself and Pain, and see what the differences are. If you read this, then try to answer these questions for you and your favorite PC as well! I think this could be kind of fun.

So, Pain...
What's your favorite food?
Well, rice I guess... I mean, it goes with everything. It even makes all that greasy meat everyone eats somewhat bearable...
What are you most afraid of?
Oh, getting knocked up by an Akalak. That's just... no way.
Would you rather be rich for 10 years and die, or poor for 20 and die?
Give me twenty, I got no use for being pampered. I'm used to being poor anyhow.
Fight or Flight?
Fight. Unless the other person is running, then flight. When I catch them, fight.
One of your five senses will disappear in thirty seconds. Choose.
Oh geez... uhhh... taste. Yeah, taste.

So, Jared...
What's your favorite food?
Damn, quesadillas I think. With lots of sour cream, and a Diet Coke.
What are you most afraid of?
To die any other way than peacefully in a hospital bed with the person I love the most holding my hand.
Would you rather be rich for 10 years and die, or poor for 20 and die?
Rich for 10 please. Quality, not quantity I say.
Fight or Flight?
Flight, i'm a nancy boy.
One of your five senses will disappear in thirty seconds. Choose.
I'm with Pain on this one. If I lost taste, I could stomach eating vegetables all day and drinking water. I'm sure theres some horribly repercussion for losing taste that would make me wish I'd chosen something else though...
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[Pain's Scrapbook] Evolution

Postby Siiri on December 12th, 2010, 12:03 pm

Rather than post it in my own scrapbook, I think I'll post that little questionnaire thing of yours here! Why? Because I'm already here! XD
So, Siiri...
What's your favorite food?

Meat. Doesn't matter what.
What are you most afraid of?
Losing free will.
Would you rather be rich for 10 years and die, or poor for 20 and die?
Hypothetical questions are funny. Like this one: 'Keep asking stupid questions and die or shut up and live?'
Fight or Flight?
Fight if I know I'll win. I'll only flee to go to a place where I have the advantage over my enemies.
One of your five senses will disappear in thirty seconds. Choose.
You're about to die in five seconds. Run.







Now I don't have to choose. Stupid shyke questions...

I'm sure my own answers would be a lot less interesting. :p
Apologies to everyone I'm threading with, but it's like the Danaides for me right now.
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[Pain's Scrapbook] Evolution

Postby Cadence on December 16th, 2010, 3:26 am

Great idea, Pain! And for the same reason as Siiri, I will post my answers here. After all, I can’t possibly be expected to trudge all the way to my own scrapbook :D.

So, Eris...
What's your favorite food?

Ha. I do not have the luxury of choosing a favorite food. I like bread and meat when I can get it. Fruits are nice and easier to come by.
What are you most afraid of?
Dying before I finish my search.
Would you rather be rich for 10 years and die, or poor for 20 and die?
Poor for 20. I have a lot left to accomplish and I need time to do that. As for money…I have never been accustomed to having much money, so I don’t particularly desire it.
Fight or Flight?
Fight. Unless I’m greatly outnumbered, in which case, I stab the guy closest to me and run.
One of your five senses will disappear in thirty seconds. Choose.
Why are my senses disappearing? Are the gods getting involved again? Are their some devious magicians I should be worried about? I can’t just make an uninformed decision like this! …But if I had to, I would choose taste. I need touch to hold my dagger, sight to see my opponent, hearing to hear enemies spying on me (they do that a lot), smell to uh…smell things. But I can go without taste. Never been particularly fond of food anyway.

So, Nessa...
What's your favorite food?

Cheese. Anything with cheese. I really, really, REALLY like cheese.
What are you most afraid of?
Ending up with the career I’ve always wanted and realizing that I am alone and unhappy.
Would you rather be rich for 10 years and die, or poor for 20 and die?
Oh, definitely rich for 10. Live fast and die young.
Fight or Flight?
Uh, flight… Unless it’s a verbal fight! Then I’m all for fighting with words! I enjoy stimulating debates... Wow, that sounded almost painfully nerdy.
One of your five senses will disappear in thirty seconds. Choose.
I’d have to say taste. Except, then I wouldn’t be able to taste cheese… No, this is just one of those questions that I can’t answer without delving deep inside myself and not emerging for weeks.

Well, that was fun and actually very insightful. I’m rather relieved I don’t have all that much in come with a paranoid murderer.
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[Pain's Scrapbook] Evolution

Postby Mao on December 16th, 2010, 4:21 am

Posted it here too, cause I'm undeniably lazy.

So, Mao...
What's your favorite food?
Well it's about to be you if you come any closer.
What are you most afraid of?
... Being alone.
Would you rather be rich for 10 years and die, or poor for 20 and die?
I don't understand this question. What is rich, what is poor? And why would I want to be anything before I die? I'm me. I'm Mao.
Fight or Flight?
I will always fight.
One of your five senses will disappear in thirty seconds. Choose.
You are about to learn why they call me a maneater.

So, Pao...
What's your favorite food?
Pollo guisao and chicken Parmesan.
What are you most afraid of?
Being alone, being unable to fulfill my dreams.
Would you rather be rich for 10 years and die, or poor for 20 and die?
Rich for 10. Apparently I'm dying young anyway.
Fight or Flight?
I'm not sure. Depends on the type of fight. I do verbal fights quite well.
One of your five senses will disappear in thirty seconds. Choose.
I'll punch you in the face.
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[Pain's Scrapbook] Evolution

Postby Elhaym on December 19th, 2010, 6:10 am


Hey guys, thanks for the replies! These are actually three characters in Mizahar I enjoy reading about. This kind of got me thinking as I read through these... what do I want Pain to do in the future? Man, I'm boring as hell in my scrapbook cause all I talk about is Mizahar stuff. But really, my real life is pretty tame and I don't have much to contribute from there... so this will have to do!

Background music!

ImageI see Pain as this sort of dimwitted girl who has a monster inside her. Not a real monster, obviously... but some sort of raging aggression that occasionally spills out into her daily life. Sometimes, it tips over completely. I like that about her, how mad and irrational she can be. I wish I've had more RP opportunities to express it honestly. It's one of her greatest weaknesses in my opinion, and it's a bit of a cliché trait in a character I must admit... but I like it. She isn't some raving lunatic, not quite that bad. I see her as confident, proud even. When she is challenged, her first reaction is to suppress the problem with force. She's lost a lot, gained a lot, and though it all somehow managed to find her own way in life that suited her.

She's currently en route to Lhavit, and I'm really excited about this. There is a plot there, tracking down her brother's killer... but that's not so much what i'm excited about. Lhavit is where her ancestry lies, and I think Pain will fall in love with it when she sees it. She's a bit odd, and probably won't fit in well in the beginning... but there are a few things that I hope will temper her into something sort of new. For one, the Shinya. If she wants to find this woman she is after, there is a certain member of the Shinya she will have to seek out... and I don't think he will goto the trouble of befriending and helping her if she isn't willing to join the ranks. This is gonna be hard, because she isn't religious (The Shinya are), she doesn't know any magic (and is actually rather put off by it), and her aforementioned aggressiveness will have to be tucked deep down inside and subdued. She will have to train, but not so much her body. She will need to learn about gods, magic, and etiquette. She'll have to learn how to be someone people can respect, and someone who can handle authority. She's never been in those positions before, and the idea of having her struggle is entertaining to me.

Pain is already experiencing things formerly unknown to her aboard a ship in the Suvan Sea. Her confidence in herself will bolster and her mindset towards the arcane so to speak will become a little more open. That is, unless she gets her ass kicked horribly... which is always a possibility. In that case, the opposite would happen. Either way, it's a change. She's already changed a lot since I started, and these events happening and weaving them into an ever growing entity are in a word fun.

P.S. Ninja. I will be one.
P.S.S. If you have epic plans for your character that may have significant impact on them development wise, i'd like to know. It's interesting hearing all the things that are inside a PC Puppeteer's head. :)
Last edited by Elhaym on December 19th, 2010, 9:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[Pain's Scrapbook] Evolution

Postby Stitch on December 19th, 2010, 7:20 am

I enjoy threading with Pain, and reading about her. She is going to turn out to be a crazy cool character. That is saying a lot, seeing as she is already crazy cool. Anyways, on to your P.S.S. It seemed to be the main theme of the thread, and I am sure you would love some responses!

If anyone is reading this that doesn't want to know Stitch's secret history/secret future plans/goals, then don't read any of this.

Spoiler Alert! :
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[Pain's Scrapbook] Evolution

Postby Kamalia Timandre on December 19th, 2010, 8:30 am

So, Kamalia...

What's your favorite food?
I kind of miss Konti cuisine. Fried Tol'uma Rice was my favorite. The konti employ plenty of healthy herbs and spices, and they are masters at arranging meals that compliment each other. I also miss the tender and delicate taste of White Isle venison. And steamed snails! Spiced, steamed escargot! Mura calamari! Have I told you that human cuisine is hit or miss? They either taste too bland or too overpowering.

What are you most afraid of?
I don't really want to think about it, but my greatest fear is losing control of my magic and causing the death of a loved one because of my lack of control.

Would you rather be rich for 10 years and die, or poor for 20 and die?
I lived a life of privilege and wealth back in Mura. The Konti are not materialistic, so yes, I would rather live for 20 years. 20 years is too short, however.

Fight or Flight?
Fight. Only a fool would dare to test my magic!

One of your five senses will disappear in thirty seconds. Choose.
Well, I don't know. Mayhap the kinesthetic sense? I go through a world of pain when I overgive. Not feeling anything could be useful, if a little deadly.

Why do you probe me with such foolish questions, anyway?


I would just like to tell you I am also itching to thread with you. You're an awesome writer. I want to go to Lhavit with you if I don't get timelocked in Sahova. :3
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