Hello everyone.
Mizahar has been quiet lately and Avanthal, moreso. A large part of this is the time of year but it seems a good deal of writers have had some real world matters which have interfered. I am no different. As some of you may know, I am married and have a toddler. Our family will be welcoming a new member in May. While this is fantastic news, there is much to do in terms of repurposing a room in our house for a nursery and keeping my wonderful wife happy. Throw in the holidays and I have the perfect recipe for zero writing time.
That being said, it is with my sincerest apologies that I have to inform all of you of Avanthal's closure. I simply do not have enough time to manage everything like I used to and all fronts are suffering. I love Avanthal and will continue to work on the lore when I have a chance. I'm really sorry but it was not a decision I made lightly. The simply truth is that Endrykas is my home (and not fully remodelled yet). I have also seen how much help I can be to the entire community through my RS duties so I will continue to carry that mantle.
I really admire the stories that were beginning to grow here and hope that all of you will continue to RP in other domains. Who knows? Maybe there will come a day when Avanthal will reopen and the sagas can continue.
Epifanio, we shall continue your thread. The rest of you -make sure to complete your job threads for Fall. In regards to transferring to another domain, travel is free (make sure to allot the proper amount of time) and housing is an equal exchange.
Please PM me with any questions or concerns. Again, I am sorry for having to step down from Avanthal but it is necessary. Keep writing!
That is all.