I'll be creating a different outline for this, as there seems to be a problem with this write up. Thanks for understanding, I'll make a post in the Founder Review for the updated version of this Fishing Skill write up.
I. Synopsis, & History
A. Synopsis
Fishing is a handy skill to learn, at first itś always difficult for beginners, but that shouldn't mean that it has to stop you. This Outline will provide you with the given tips and advice of where, how, and what to catch fish with. If you are unsure about something, please check with an ST in your area or, a(n) Scribe who might know more about this skill. B. History
Pre Valterrian:Of course, no one really knew when this skill was introduce to the world of Mizahar, the people soon discovered that fishing was useful and that fish was a natural resource for food. Most sources were able to reach the fish within some of the regions around them, albeit it being inside their cities or the Suvan Sea.
Fishing started out with the ol' natural style. It began with the basic, Hand fishing, they so call it. Where as the fisher, fishes the fish with his bare hands. Keep in note, it's not always probable to maintain your first catch with your first try fishing with your hands.
Though, the Valterrian War came upon us in Mizahar, and Fishing was taken through another perspective After the Valterrian.
After Valterrian:
Even though, the Pre Valterrian helped introduce many skills, and knowledge, a lot of it was further progressed after the Valterrian. This introduction had ensured the usauge of Fishing, by many means and those means weere investigated further to see the use of each technique.
II. Prerequisites, Related Skills, & Tools
A. Prerequisites
B. Related Skills
C. Tools (include each tool/weapon)
III. Types of Seafood, Regions to Fish at, Risks
A. Types of Seafood
1. Fish to Watch out For
2. What Fish to Catch
B. Where to Fish
1. Ponds
2. Rivers
3. Lakes
4. Ocean
C. Risks/Dangers
1. Lost at Sea
2. Sinking Boat
3. Haven't Packed enough Food/Water
4. Overall, not being prepared
IV. Skill Progression
A. Skill Progression:
1. Novice
2. Competent
3. Expert
4. Master
I'm probably forgetting something again, so please let me know. I'll be filling this out over time.