
Everything new is exciting (Rhorin Gale)

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]


Postby Aladari Coolwater on October 28th, 2016, 5:43 pm


2nd of Spring, 510 AV

"But, Ma! Aladari whined, crossing her arms and sticking out her bottom lip. "I don't want to go outside! All the snow is gone already, and there's nothing to play with."

"Nonsense, child." Her mother scolded softly. "There's plenty to do out there. Go. Find some friends. It's good for you."

Her mother turned back to her work, and proceeded to ignore Aladari. Instead, her hands glided across the lute she was trying to clean with the utmost attention. Her scratchy voice hummed lightly under her breath, out of tune and breathless.

"Oh, and Al?" Aladari turned back hopefully to face her father, who was strapping up his boots. He spoke without looking up. "Think you could find me some new logs? I broke my last hook today, and I need to carve another."

Aladari visibly drooped in disappointment, and held the position, waiting for someone to pity her. Once she realized she was getting no response from her preoccupied parents, she eventually gave up and headed for the door, eyes of blue defeat trained on the floor.

"Yes, pa." She nodded obediently. Then, she pushed the door open to venture outside.


She had been right; there was no more snow outside. The air coming off the water was still crisp, and brought her senses to life, but the land itself seemed to be recovering still from Morwen. It was wet, consisting of mush and muck where the snow had melted, and dark with the dead leaves of autumn passed. All the magic of Winter had diminished, and now she was left with nothing but...yuck.

The young girl stomped a boot in the mud, mischeviously pleased when it splattered her clothes. Ma would have a fit, she knew. Serves her right! She made me go out here in the first place.

And so she continued, hopping from mud puddle to mud puddle, delighting in the squelching sound and the cool feel of it on her feet. It was so much fun that she hardly noticed Syna moving in the sky, and the woods advancing around her.
"The sea always filled her with longing, though for what she was never sure."
- Cornelia Funke
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Postby Rhorin Gale on October 29th, 2016, 11:09 pm

Common | Kontinese

Spring, his second favorite season. While Fall often had better hunting, Spring meant the end of the poorest hunt of they ear. The forest was Gale's second home. The reach between Zeltiva itself and the mountain-borders that protect the city felt safe.

At least he knew what creatures to be cautious of here. People were not so easy to read. Predators wore the faces of prey, prey acted like predators. His mother and father often spoke about the good and bad things people do in Zeltiva. They often mention how they did not think this person was capable of such good, or that person was capable of such bad.

Animals... well, Animals were neither good nor bad, just beasts. The only "bad" animals were hunters looking for food - just like Gale was now. He knew there were dangerous animals here and he knew how to identify most of them.

This morning Gale was thinking this over in depth, after the conversation his Father had this morning. A hunter had brought in many deer during the Winter, many of which of questionable nature. His father had come to find out that there were many young folds without mothers that would die before spring. His father's rage-vein throbbed in the side of his head when he spoke about it.

Gale comes to a full stop at his tree, snapping from his daydreaming. When he realized how far he had walked without thought, he scolded himself. Daydreaming in the forest would get him killed. He reminded himself again that he was not the only hunter in the woods.

A sound from behind him had adrenaline pumping. He lifts his longbow and draws an arrow from his back. It was notched before his turn was complete. Taking sight, he waited for the owner of the sound to show itself.

When the sound came again, it gave Gale reason to question. The squishing sound was definitely in mud, but it did not sound like any animal he was aware of. Two legs, but really heavy, what could walk on two legs at that speed with such weight? Not a bear... Was it human?

"Hello? Anyone over there?" He might as well call out. Gale figured any creature that was stalking him already knew he was there from scent alone.
Common - 00BF00
Kontinese - 0099EE
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Postby Aladari Coolwater on November 2nd, 2016, 5:57 pm


Aladari was having just the best time. Though she wouldn't have admitted it, she was grateful that her mother had made her go outside. To compliment her mood, and perhaps subconsciously to apease her mother, her stomping was soon accompanied by the humming of an old Vani song she had heard around the hearthfire.

The melody wasn't meant to be, but in her out-of-tune, off-kilter hum, it sounded rather eerie. The notes were cacophanous, and would have made any bard cringe. Whether she knew this or not, she paid no mind. She carried on in her stomping and humming just the same.

She only came to a halt when she heard the interruption of a cry in Common. The language conflicted with the Vani lyrics in her head, causing her to stop and frown. When she looked up to find the voice, and saw naught but woods, the frown was amplified several times.

Where was she? Aladari turned around and around in her place soundlessly, but each time she turned, she felt herself become more and more disoriented.

Taking a deep, shuddering breath, she tries to remember where she had come from. Though she was certain she had followed a path of puddles, it quickly became evident that it had not been the best method of navigation; puddles were everywhere. The trees stretched in each direction, farther than she could see, and blocked out Syna's shine so that even her cardinal directions were lost.

Though she couldn't be sure whether the Common voice was friend or foe, it seemed to be her only hope. It had been but a few ticks, and already, she was desperate. She had to find someone.

"Hello?" She sputtered nervously. Her voice was loud in the woods, and her own horrible accent bounced back at her, taunting her. No one will ever understand you if you call for help. You're lost for good.

Despite the evil thoughts bouncing in her head, she cried out again. "Ma? Pa? Help?"

"No place like home"
"The sea always filled her with longing, though for what she was never sure."
- Cornelia Funke
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Aladari Coolwater
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Postby Rhorin Gale on November 3rd, 2016, 12:30 am


Common | Kontinese

"Hello? Ma? Pa? Help?" Gale was already moving towards the voice. It sounded young, like one of his siblings - but with a foreign accent. He could only guess, but he doubted this woman was Konti, and even further he even guesses she is not human. Young though, whatever she was, she definitely sounded young.

"I'm coming to you, don't be afraid." Gale could almost feel the panic that welled up in her voice. He could not blame the girl, the forest could be a scary place at the brink of dusk. The fears of what night held often trumped what actually came out at night, at least this close to a major city.

Gale made noise to purposely announce where he was as he approached. Had the girl been a deer or rabbit, he would have taken more care. His arrow was replaced into the quiver upon his back and his bow was strung around his chest. "I'm coming out now, don't be afraid..."

In his head he counted to three. On the third tick, he slowly passes around the cluster of underbrush and into a small clearing where her voice had come from. His hands were raised, and for the most part he looked harmless. The longbow, almost as long as he was tall, rested upon his back.

He wore so little clothing that hiding any blade would be nigh impossible. The only clothing he wore was a pair of breeches, tied to his legs by string - to keep it from snagging on the underbrush. His feet were bare, toes covered in mud warmed by the early-spring sun, and his chest was bare save for the leather strap that held his quiver to his back. The silver-haired hunter seemed completely comfortable, half naked in the forest, covered in dirt and grime.
Common - 00BF00
Kontinese - 0099EE
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Postby Aladari Coolwater on November 8th, 2016, 10:56 pm


The words he spoke were ones she knew, but they comforted her only slightly.

Don't be afraid? Coming from a stranger in the middle of the woods, that's a funny thing! She thought to herself. And yet, she stayed still, waiting for this man to show himself.

He made plenty of noise, so she was easily able to find his direction and face him as he came out. That meant she was able to take him in all at once- an advantage or disadvantage she couldn't tell.

He was a bit overwhelming. His physique was not burly, but muscled enough to be intimidating. His hands were raised in what looked to be a surrendering gesture, but only served to tighten the muscles in his bare chest. His hair was well-kept, but the rest of him looked wild, as though he had been born in the trees. His entire body was scratched and scraped from all the encounters with weeds and animals, and what he wore for clothes would have made any modest city-folk blush. His pants were tight, though not obscenely so. They were practical.

Once she had gotten over his strange dress, the weapon on his back, and the muscles under his skin, Aladari found herself left with not fear or disdain, but curiosity. She moved a few steps closer to him, then stopped abruptly. She considered her actions for a moment, then walked forward again. This time, she got close enough to see the mud covering his feet all the way up his lower leg, and the dirt under his nails.

A strange grin covered her face.

"You ma is going be mad!" She laughed, pointing at his messy feet. "How you're going to get inside?" She asked with another quieter giggle.

"No place like home"

Word Count296
"The sea always filled her with longing, though for what she was never sure."
- Cornelia Funke
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Postby Rhorin Gale on November 10th, 2016, 3:20 am


Common | Kontinese

He could see the way she analyzed him, as if trying to decide whether to stay or flee for her life. Luckily, it seems she chooses the latter. As the strange girl approaches, his hands drop to his side and a smile splits his face. At times, Gale felt he had become too intertwined with the wood; that he had become more animal than man. It would seem that it was just his imagination.

When she mentioned his mother, in broken common, he peers at what she is pointing to. His feet. "I usually go for a dip before returning home, or scrub my feet in the yard before going in. I've already learned not to track mud in the house..." There was a slight shiver as scraps of memories were tredged up. His mother was a sweet woman, but that did nothing to tamp down her thirst for vengeance when her sacred floors were sullied.

"But I don't think you should be worried about me... It's about to get dark, and all the predators come out after dark." Gale let that sink in for a moment as he looked about. His ears may not twitch like that of a wild animal, but he was listening for anything out of the ordinary. "Would you like me to walk you home? It's not really safe out here if you don't know the way."
Common - 00BF00
Kontinese - 0099EE
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Postby Aladari Coolwater on November 17th, 2016, 3:58 pm


He seemed kind enough. He answered her questions without judgement- something some adults seemed to find difficult. She decided that he could be her friend, and was ready to invite him to jump in her puddles. She was no longer afraid because she no longer considered herself alone.

But then his face grew serious, and she could feel the chill of his words. Predators. She didn't know what the word meant, but he said it with caution, and looked about as if he were waiting for one to pop out of the woods around them. Aladari shivered and scooted a smidge closer to his strong form.

"I want you to walk me home." She confirmed. "But I'm missing something to do. I need..." There was a pause as she searched for the word fruitlessly. "Trees. Pieces of trees...

"Pa told me to get him some. For making a new fishing hook. He won't be happy if he knows you walked me home and we didn't get his things. And then you'll be in trouble, too."

She looked up at the boy expectantly. She really didn't know the way, and couldn't afford to reject his offer of help. But if she could convince him to help her with her chores, that would be all the better.

Whether he agreed or not, she would make a show of tramping forward a few steps, eager to get moving. Then, she stopped abruptly, turning to face his direction. "Which way, mister?"

Word Count247

"No place like home"
"The sea always filled her with longing, though for what she was never sure."
- Cornelia Funke
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Aladari Coolwater
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Postby Karyk on June 5th, 2017, 11:55 pm

Aladari Coolwater
  • Observation: 1
    Socialization: 1
    Persuasion: 1
  • Lore:
    Childhood Revenge: Muddying One's Clothes
    Mother is Always Right
    Wilderness Survival: Predators Come Out After Dark

Notes and Comments
CS Checkmarked: ✓
CS Reviewed by Me: ✓
Previous Season Expenses Paid (Spring 517): ✓

Tiny child Aladari is cute, but also quite the handful it seems. I think her parents need to not spare so much rod with her...

Rhorin Gale
Grade is being withheld due to Ledger not being up to date with Seasonal Expenses. When you update these, send me a Private Message and I will give you your grade.

Notes and Comments
CS Checkmarked: ✓
CS Reviewed by Me: ✓
Previous Season Expenses Paid (Spring 517): X

It is always a shame to see a thread go unfinished. But well done nonetheless. Aladari, please mark your post in the Grading Queue as having been graded.
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