Late Winter, 515 AV
Kavala got up that morning looking forward to the day. It was a sanctioned day away from the chaos of The Sanctuary where she had no appointments and was just on emergency call if anyone could find her. With a cleared schedule and the children with their respective Akalak grandparents for an overnight two day stay, her time was her own to do what she wanted. And today, rather than work, Kavala wanted to train. It had been a long time since she’d actually scheduled a spar with someone else, let alone a run. And over the course of dealing with the Kuvay’Nas over the duel, the Konti had decided to get to know him better and perhaps start training with him.
It was rare she found someone who wasn’t human to train with. People mistakenly thought Konti were frail. And while they were smaller and lighter than the Akalak, the Akalak themselves forgot that often those the Konti needed to fight were bigger and stronger as well. The standard treatment of women in Riverfall often got in the Konti’s way of finding a decent partner. She was fast, far quicker than most Akalak, but she wasn’t stronger and they often pulled punches to avoid hurting her. That did her no favors in the long run while she was training.
Kavala was on par physically with any human woman. It was just her Konti blood that made her look so young and fragile. Her kind never aged beyond looking like human in her late teens. The Healer believed it was a defense mechanism with the Konti who were not often trained in physical combat unless it was with Suvai. And growing up, Kavala had no access to Suvai so it wasn’t a weapon she was familiar with. They weren’t easily found on the Sea of Grass nor where they often purchased in a market. Even if she had one, she wouldn’t’ know what to do with it, even though it was a poisonous weapon to almost every creature it touched besides the Konti.
Instead, Kavala had daggers and a double bladed longsword that gave her a reach her arms could not.
So to warm up she’d arranged to meet Vypec for a run down the beach and later he’d promised they could do some sparring with preferred weapons and perhaps even some unarmed combat. She was glad he’d been open to the idea and agreed to meet her. Half of her suspected he was just repaying the favor she’d done him stepping into the midst of the duel to help out when he was without his squad. She hoped that wasn’t the case. But if it was, she’d definitely try and change his mind throughout the course of their run and sparring. Kavala wanted an honest partner, someone who wouldn’t pull punches and would understand how important it was for her to be able to train with someone at full strength.
As she lightly and slowly jogged to the meeting point, Kavala reflected on Vypec. She hadn’t met his brother yet, but then there was little time in the market during the fight breakup. He was a tall Akalak, attractive, and definitely fit. He was employed at a job he obviously took seriously. And he also seemed to be not as arrogant as some of the Akalaks could be towards women. Kavala thought he was attractive as well, with his shorn hair and mohawk that turned into a long pony tail. It had been a long time since she’d agreed to meet with anyone, let alone to spar with them, and she was nervous that he’d find her company lacking. For some reason it was important to her to impress him. Maybe it was just that she wanted to be taken seriously by at least one Akalak in her life. The grandparents of her children, for example, were always trying to find ways to remove the children from her presence full time and raise them themselves. They’d used every argument in the book – she wasn’t Akalak, their fathers were dead, that’s what their fathers would want – etc. Maybe if she was seen training with an Akalak male, they would relax a little and not suspect their descendants of being poisoned by Konti teaching as much as they accused.
Kavala glanced down at her attire as she slowly jogged to the meeting spot. She was barefoot since they were going to run the beach and find someplace to spar there. But she had boots and gloves as well as light armor tucked into a backpack she wore strapped to her back. Her tamo daggers, a set of wooden training daggers, and her double bladed sword was strapped to the outside of the pack. A set of fighting leathers was rolled up in the backpack as well. She hoped Vypec wouldn’t mind if she changed before they sparred. She trusted herself, but she had no idea how good of a fighter he was and she didn’t want to not fight without the protection of leather if they were using swords or daggers that weren’t blunted. In terms of clothing she wore cotton leggings that were best used for running that hugged her form and showed off her lithe muscled form. Kavala was very fit. And not only was she fit, but she trained for muscle strength too so her muscles were defined. Most men liked their women softer, but Kavala didn’t think soft equaled safe. And the Konti knew most Akalak didn’t approve.
Her leggings were black and matched the black halter top that gave her modesty and support for jogging. The halter top flattened her breasts slightly and defined her shoulders and left her mid-drift and arms bare. She had a flat stomach despite the children and defined abs frankly from all the work she did around her business. Kavala had finished the look with a silver arm band on one arm that matched the small opal earrings she wore in her earlobes. Her translucent white hair was caught up in a ponytail that made her look even younger.
Kavala was flushed with excitement. She loved running and she loved sparring. She hoped Vypec would prove to be a good partner. She already knew he was easy on the eyes to look at. And even better than that she had caught glimpses of depth and warmth to his gaze that made her think he might even be something of an intellect or have a sense of humor that would make the outing more interesting. Absently she wondered if he had a partner or a nakivak. Most likely he did. Men like him didn’t remain alone long.
Disappointment flared through her a moment and then she wondered where that thought had come from. She had to remind herself this wasn’t a date like that. She hadn’t had one of those in years. Vypec wasn’t going to take her home and this wasn’t going to be the beginning of something bigger. Her mind flashed to her boldness at the duel where she’d healed him almost inappropriately. A smile played across her face. Healers weren’t supposed to notice things like the size and shape beneath their hands but she hadn’t been able to help it. They’d talk as they ran and maybe she’d learn more. The rest, for now, was just speculation. Who knew? Maybe he would not be opposed to something more than a spar. Kavala always loved how she felt when she got warmed up and fought. It often lead to other things. Maybe Vypec wouldn’t be opposed. Then again, maybe ten chimes in his company running would have her wanting to run the other way rather than speculating on if he was a good lover or not. The Konti laughed at herself. It had been too long for sure. Shaking her head, she put the thought out of her mind and got back to business.
She arrived at the appointed meeting spot on the beach north of Riverfall early… and began to stretch. Kavala knew enough about running to start out with a 5- to 10-minute jog followed by stretching. The warmup happened getting to the spot to meet Vypec, so she began stretching by working the quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals and hip flexors. She moved so she could also warm up the abdominal, back and calf muscles.
If Vypec arrived before she started, he could join her.
Kavala started with walking lunges. She stood with her feet together and took a long step forward with her right foot. She bent it at the front knee to 90 degrees and the back knee until it almost touched the sand. She held it there for a few ticks and then she worked to straighten the back leg so she feel a stretch through the front of her left thigh. Then, she rose up and took a big step forward with her left knee to get the stretch on her left side. She did ten lunges on both sides before she moved on.
The next stretch she did was a kneeling hip flexor stretch. Kavala started in a lunge position with her front knee at 90 degrees. She began to straighten her back leg, so she could feel a stretch along the front of her back thigh. Keep her front knee aligned over her toes, she then raised arms up over her head and held the position for a few seconds before she released it. She never truly stopped, keeping the stretch in a dynamic motion, shifting forward as she could raise her arms up, then lower her arms as she came back to the starting position. She repeated this five times then switched her side.
Kavala moved into quick side stretches. She brought her arms up over her head, keeping her abdominals tight. Then she leaned to the right and then to the left, bending at the waist to stretch. She smiled as she did this, loving the feeling of being alive in that moment.
Almost done now Kavala moved on to the next stretch. The dynamic pigeon pose was trickier, but now that most of her muscles were stretched and warm it was easier. This was a pose that was designed to stretch her glutes and the iliotibial, or IT, band that ran along the outer thigh. Kavala loved this pose. She folded her right knee in front of her in the sand so her knee was pointing out to the right slightly and the outside of her thigh and shin are on the sand as well. She extended her left leg behind her, keeping her leg straight and the top of her thigh, shin and foot on the ground. It almost looked like a worship pose, as if she were offering herself to some deity. The Konti grinned as she moved into the position, the grin turning into a groan as her muscles reacted and her IT band pulled. She made sure her hips stayed level and then she twisted her torso, gently. She brought her right hand up behind her right ear and then twisted to the left so her elbow came across her body. She repeated this motion several times before she switched sides and did it from the opposite direction. She did five reps each and then finally moved into the last stretch.
Hip circles required her to stand up and she did so, stretching down to touch her toes lightly a few times before she actually got into the circles. Her hips took the pressure of her body as she ran, so it was always important to open up the joints and muscles before she took off running in more than a light jog. She stood with her hands on her hips and her feet hip width apart. She circled in one direction, rotating her hips first one way then the other. She worked in small circles then opened them into wider and wider circles before switching directions. Then she was able to swing back and forth, front to back and side to side in long dramatic sweeps almost like a dancer before she was satisfied the joints were loose enough.
A few stork stretches where she hiked her leg up and pulled it backwards until her foot almost touched her rump, several calf raises where she rose up on her heels, and another set of lunges had her ready to go. She smiled and wondered if Vypec was equally prepared now.