Nya Winters' Plotnotes

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Nya Winters' Plotnotes

Postby Nya Winters on March 12th, 2012, 6:45 am


Nya Winters

Timeline & Plots

Last edited by Nya Winters on November 4th, 2017, 6:26 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Nya Winters
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Nya Winters' Plotnotes

Postby Nya Winters on November 6th, 2016, 7:30 am



A Soul In Torment

Internal Hemoraging

What happens when you think you are so powerful that no one can touch you? What becomes of a person who defied a God and tore down his temple, killed his priests, and spit on his whole ideals?

You become hunted. And no matter how powerful the one hunted is, in the end its always a numbers game when the God on the other side of the battlefield has unlimited resources, allies uncounted, and all of eternity to catch you off guard.

And then it happens, because it is unavoidable. One day you wander too far north looking for a home that's always been shrouded in mystery and they catch you. They lock you behind bars along with everything you've ever loved and begin to strip you bare.

It's not the clothing or anything physical, though they use those tactics as well. They strip you down mentally, steal bits and pieces of your memory, and finally even your name. You are so isolated, so removed from everything you know and remember that you start to doubt your convictions, your motivations, and even the very memories stored in your mind.

You have your family stolen, your love stolen, even your loyalties. They restrict your freedom and your ability to be who you are not because it is necessary but simply because it brings them pleasure. In the end, when you are nothing and no one except what they tell you to be then they have their revenge.

Death would be kinder.

But Rhysol is not kind. His memory is long and his attention span short. Though his eyes are never cast upon you long, when they are you never truly understand the extent of his ire or how much you never knew you owned until he simply took it all away with a mere thought. And when it is gone, you are as empty as a starless sky. You cry out so much you loose the ability to do so, because a living breathing creature can only stand so much pain until there's nothing left of them. Broken down, shattered, and twisted into something primed to need and want anything because they have nothing... you are ready for him at last. That is the state Rhysol wants, that he needs. Because then and only then do you become the bare canvas he can paint to his liking.

It is not a process for the weak of spirit.

Last edited by Nya Winters on November 4th, 2017, 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Nya Winters
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2017 NaNo Plans

Postby Nya Winters on November 4th, 2017, 6:22 am


2017 Seasonal Plans

General Winter Goals

  • Make Friends (sucks at it)
  • Be Current In This Current Season (working on it)
  • Finish All Placeholders (working on it)
  • Get Paid For Past Seasons (fill out placeholders first)
  • Finish Home Claim

Skills List Goals

  • WS to Expert
  • Leatherworking to Competent
  • Reimancy to Expert
  • Kukri to Competent
  • Unarmed to Competent
  • Inducted into Pathfinding
  • Lore of Shielding/Voiding & Possible Inductions
    • Shielding Induction - Shielding isn’t a difficult discipline to learn. It most often is taught out of necessity by other disciplines who like to see their students protected while learning new art forms, especially reimancy. Books commonly have been written on the subject of shielding. And truthfully mentors aren’t hard to find. One can even self-discover the ability to shield and hone the skill after multiple efforts. Often shielding mages learn how to create additional types of shields and deepen their art by discovering ancient shields of their level or lower which they can then study and pick apart to determine how mages of the past cast them.
    • Voiding Induction - Initiation into Voiding is not as traumatic as for some other disciplines. It mostly involves the student struggling to understand the concept of absolute emptiness, and may require weeks of constant, silent meditation. The aspiring Voider is isolated from everyone else and repeats a formula in his mind over and over again, until the words are completely devoid of meaning. When he manages to make his first, tiny Portal, which will generally only last a few seconds, the student is fully initiated.

Possession Goals

  • Leatherworkers kit 70 GM
  • Leather 3sm per pound 100 LBs 30 GM
  • Clothing
    • Isuas Loincloth 5SM x 4 = 2 GM
    • Isuas Sarong 5SM x 2 = 1 GM
    • Isuas Scarf 2SM x 5 = 1 GM
  • Toolkit,Clam Diggers 15 GM
  • Toolkit, Cook 10 GM
  • Toolkit, Mapmakers 22 GM
  • Hunter/Trappers Toolkit, 25 GM
  • Sewing Toolkit 20 GM
  • Washboard 12 SM
  • Clamdigging Kit 15 GM
  • Soapmakers Toolkit 50 GM
  • Leather Dyes (10 colors) 10 GM
  • Hen x10 2 SM
  • Rooster 5cm
  • Fishing Kit 10gm
  • Fishing pole 1gm
  • Insect Repellent 1gm
  • Common Lamp 1sm
  • Lamp Oil 1 Sm
  • Hammock 5gm
  • 4 huge pillows 2 gm
  • Builder's Kit 10gm
  • sharpening stone 10gm
  • Rustproofing Oil 10gm
  • Waterproofing oil 5gm
  • Blank book 3gm
  • Kukri (Machete) 8GM
  • Sheath For Kukri 3 GM
  • sheath 2gm
  • Hemp rope 1gm
  • Insect Netting 25 GM
  • Campfire Toolkit 40GM
  • Compass 75 GM
  • Leatherworking Book 50GM
  • Furniture
    • 3 wooden chairs - 4 GM x 3 = 12 GM
    • 2 big chests - 2 GM x 2 = 4 GM
    • 1 desk - 5 GM
    • 1 desk chair - 1 GM
    • 4 lanterns - 7 GM x 4 = 28 GM
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Nya Winters
Let the winds in my heart blow...
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