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Jasmine starts at the predator's Post

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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New Job New Challenges

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on July 25th, 2016, 4:31 pm

23rd Summer 516 A.V.

Yawning the blonde sat up rubbing her eyes. Stretching out she wiggled her legs making Haven get up and stretch out before walking outside. Getting up the woman felt her knees pop causing her to groan involuntarily. Slowly Jasmine was becoming used to feeling her bones pop every day when she arose. Opening the tent she grabbed her brush and sat down brushing out the wild tresses that she called her hair. Yawning more and wincing feeling a huge knot yanking her head back caused the woman to fight back the tears. If anything else the woman was tender headed in the morning while still waking up. Splitting her hair right down the middle the woman walked out and peered over at the tent of the man who had taken her in when everyone else pushed her away. Still working on braiding her hair she walked over quietly. Smiling when Grey barked and ran over she paused as her hair was in a ponytail braid.

Spotting the man beside his horse Jasmine said good morning and wished him luck while on patrol that day. Walking back over to her tent she changed out of the shirt and shorts that most nights adorned her body to keep her warm. At least during the spring and summer that is. Pulling on her boots the woman grabbed her pack, bow, and quiver. Since she was headed to The Predators Post there was no real reason Jasmine could see to drag along her weapons. Walking to where the woman keeps her yvas she released a loud whistle causing the Chaser to pick his head up from where he was grazing.

“COME ON BIG GUY!” She called as he trotted over to the blond.

Smiling the woman decided not to use this yvas this day. Backing up some she ran forward a little and got a solid jump on to his back. Settling on to his back she whistled as Lara jumped up behind her and Haven bounded over barking. Laughing the blonde tapped his sides and rode on to work with Haven happily following her. The woman was excited to arrive at the Predator's Post. It was a new adventure for the young blond. She would miss working with Kaitanu, but he had always been far better with the horses than she. Not long after starting out the woman pulled the stallion to a halt at the door to the tent before sliding down. Patting his side the blonde went in allowing him to venture off where ever he pleased. Haven barked running over to her. Laughing the woman walked in and looked around hearing all the animals. Kneeling down she pet Haven before the pup ran off to the back hearing the other dogs. Standing up straight a voice caught the woman's attention.

“Welcome to the Predator's Post. How can I help you?” A young man said looking at the girl in the door way.

“My name is Jasmine. I'm the new hire,” she said gently as a large smile broke across his face.

“CERTAINLY. Come in come in. My name is Tomma as I'm sure you already know,” Tomma said with a smile.
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New Job New Challenges

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on September 11th, 2016, 3:14 am

“Yes, I am excited about starting work,” Jasmine said.

The woman followed the man excited to get to work. The horses at the Guided Horse were awesome, but with a horse kelvic there was little the woman could do. Walking into the back instantly dogs began to bark seeing the new human. Smiling gently she knelt down and began petting a couple of the puppies before quickly catching up to Tomma. The pair entered a branched off area of the tents that held food, leads, cages, and collars. Jasmine nodded while listening to each part of Tomma's first day run through. She was hopeful that as time went on the girl would remember where everything was at.

“Next we will go meet the birds first. Honestly when they get riled up it is louder in here than when the dogs see someone,” The man said with a laugh.

Jasmine smiled and walked with the man happy to learn something new. Making a mental note she looked at each bird. There were a few that was familiar from the plains such as the Cyphrus Vulture for one. The creatures looked strange to the blonde haired woman. The bird observed her before screeching at her. With a startled jump the woman backed off before catching up with Tomma. The man laughed seeing the girl's reaction to the strange animal. Patting her on the back he continued showing her the Cyphrus Eagle next. Jasmine was amazed at the beautiful beast before her. Looking over the man offered her a falconers glove. Taking it the woman pulled it up on to her arm as he took the bird out. The eagle flew around above them for a moment before landing on the woman's arm. With a smile she petted the head happily.

“This is Reggie. You met Razor earlier. Razor is very territorial when it comes to his cage now Reggie here is not nearly as such,” Tomma said introducing the two birds.

“Reggie the Cyphrus eagle and Razor the Cyphrus vulture,” Jasmine said back.

She looked at each of the birds in turn. Opening the door to the cage the woman allowed the bird to step in off her arm before closing the door. Turning to the man the blonde haired girl followed him to look at the rest of the breeds for sale. Thankfully the young woman had not found numbers very confusing to learn. Walking on she noticed something very odd getting the man's attention she could not help but ask.

“I just noticed something, you have all of the Cyphrus breeds grouped together yes?” Jasmine asked.

“Yes, I do. The local breeds are always easier to keep in stock. Now birds such as this Ekytol owl is harder to get imported. That's why I try to keep two at all times so that they can breed,” Tomma said.
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New Job New Challenges

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on September 12th, 2016, 6:40 pm

“I see. Will I be working with them much?” Jasmine asked looking at him.

“Yep. I am going to let you work with each group one at a time. Every day you will focus on one group at a time. If you don't then it will get confusing on which commands go to which animals,” Tomma explained.

“Okay. What all do I need to use with the birds?” Jasmine asked.

“Come on back to the room, and we will get everything,” he said and motioned for her to follow.

Jasmine walked with him as he explained that she currently had a Falconers glove on. Looking down at the strange glove, she tried to keep up while thinking. Slightly jogging the woman finally caught up to him as he was pulling out different small items. Taking off the glove the blonde allowed him to put it with the other items used for the birds. Standing beside the man she watched as he explained each piece to her and what it was used for.

“First the hood. It is normally a small piece of leather crafted in the shape of the birds head. The size and material will depend on the bird and it's general use. The most common if not only use I know of for the item is to block the birds vision,” Tomma said picking it up and handing it to her.

“Why block it's vision?” Jasmine asked confused.

“When the bird's vision is blocked it remains calm. The only time a falconer removes the hood is when he wants it to attack something,” Tomma said.

Jasmine made an understanding face and allowed the man to continue his explanation. Tomma moved on to something he called the jesses. Turned her head to the side the blonde was confused. They appeared to be nothing more than just normal leather straps. Looking up at the man again she took the items and rolled them in her fingers.

“Jesses are used to identify your falcon. If you and the bird were in battle, and something happened to it. You would be able to know which he is based on the leather straps,” Tomma explained.

“So the hood keeps the bird calm and the jesses are marks if it dies?” Jasmine asked.

“Right,” Tomma said nodding.

“Okay then. What is next on the list of things to go over?” Jasmine asked looking up at him.

“Next is the perch and leash,” Tomma stated while getting the items.

“Leash?” Jasmine asked now very confused.

When the blonde thought of the birds the last thing she pictured was a leash on them. Did people truly take a falcon on a walk like a dog. Something about that just did not seem right about that.
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New Job New Challenges

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on October 27th, 2016, 4:11 am

Tomma laughed at the blonde girls very confused look. He seemed to be confusing her a lot this day. Shaking his head the man explained that the leash was for at night or when riding on a horse. Many scouts that used the birds in the field had a perch equipped to their saddles or yvas in the Drykas' case. Jasmine made an oh face and continued listening to the rest of the equipment talk. The man grabbed the hood and perch before motioning her to follow. Walking out of the room where everything was the blonde followed him out back first. Watching carefully the man put the post of the perch in a small hole in the ground. Bending down he made sure to push the dirt around it so that it did not move.

“No, let's go get Reggie,” Tomma said with a smile.

Jasmine quickly followed the young man. She was amazed at how he worked with the birds so easily. The blonde had never imagined being so at peace with the loud creatures. Dogs had their shrill barking depending on breed sure, but the constant squawking from the birds got on her nerves. It would take a lot of time and patience to get used to such a noise. Though patience had never been the girl's strong suit by any means. Taking a deep breath, she sat back on a small crate and watched him command the bird without any kind of difficulty. It was as if the avian knew that the man was his master no matter the distance his wings could put between them.

“So I will be learning to command them as you do?” Jasmine asked before turning to the man.

“Yes, you will become knowledgeable in everything I am. That way should I have to leave on a trade group you can take over while I am gone. Handling the day to day goings such as feeding, bathes, and training,” Tomma explained with a nod to the woman.

Jasmine turned her blue eyes back up the bird as it glided about them. She wondered what it was like to fly and not be tethered to Semele all the time. To truly be able to be one with Zulrav, a throat being cleared caused the woman to look over and turn red. Apologizing the girl went back to listening to the male as he explained even more. Popping her fingers some the girl felt the familiar twitch in her thumb, the strange feeling was becoming more and more common. It worried her, but there was no time for her to be laid up doing nothing. There was far too much work to be done at the pavilion and now at the Predator's Post. Standing up Jasmine walked over and followed the motions of the commands with Tomma. But her movements were not nearly so fluid as the man beside her.
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Postby Jasmine Stormblood on November 12th, 2016, 2:45 am

Making a face, she continued to work moving each finger with purpose and significance. Looking up she called out the glide call and did the motion. The bird leveled out and watched the woman for her next command. With a slight raise in her confidence, she moved her fingers into the next command. Once the bird had circled around watching her once more the blonde took a deep breath. The next set would need her to sign quickly for the avian to get the right message without getting hurt. With a deep breath being taken in, the blonde made the signs for dive and arch. A screech sounded in recognition to the motions. Pulling in its wings the bird dove towards the ground before pulling up at the last chime and arched into the sky before going back to its perch.

“Very well done, Jasmine. A little more practice and you will be ready to go,” Tomma explained with a smile.

The blond felt a deep sense of relief fill her hearing those words. That meant she was doing something right after all. No matter how wrong the signing felt to the girl. It would take much time before the motions would feel natural to her. Popping her neck the girl followed the man back inside the tent. Her head was slowly beginning to ache trying to remember everything. Turns out she would be learning as much as teaching the animals what to do. Or at least it would be that way with the birds anyways. The dogs and cats seemed to have the same set of commands; the only difference is the dogs paid more attention than the felines seemed to. Catching up to the man as he put the bird back in its cage the woman asked different questions about the breeds and commands.

“Each breed will have a different set of commands. The Shadow Dogs will have only guard commands, the Helevos Shephard dogs will have mainly hunting and obedience commands,” Tomma explained to the young woman.

Jasmine nodded her head as she listened. Taking the time, she walked over to each set of animals kneeling down with a smile. The blonde was excited to see all the new faces that would come into and out of her life while working there. Stepping over into the pen with the Hunters, the woman knelt down playing with the pups as they growled. She barked and laughed when several older dogs walked over and barked back. Hugging them a giggle escaped her when they started to love on her. Jasmine had been gifted as a child with the animals around her. That is what her grandfather had said at least, and the woman had taken it to heart. Hearing the man calling her name, Jasmine pouted but said good bye and got up. Walking over to the blockade, the woman stepped over and hurried back to where the man had disappeared to.

“Tomma? Did you call?” Jasmine asked looking around.

“Yes, I did. It is almost time to head out for the day. The Watch help keep an eye on the animals during the night,” Tomma stated turning to look at the blonde woman.

“Okay. Is there anything else that I need to do?” Jasmine inquired cocking her head to one side.

“No, dear. You can go on and have a good evening,” Tomma stated dismissing her with a wave of his hand.
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New Job New Challenges

Postby Khida on December 11th, 2016, 5:32 am

Jasmine Stormblood

Skill Points
Cosmetology +1
Falconry +3
Organization +1
  • Cosmetology: a simple braid
  • Cyphrus vulture: appearance, adult
  • Cyphrus eagle: appearance, adult
  • Dog breed: Bozderon Shadow Dog, learns to guard
  • Dog breed: Helevaos Shepard, learns to obey
  • Endrykas Location: Predator's Post
  • Eyktol owl: a difficult import for Cyphrus
  • Falconry: blocking vision keeps birds calm
  • Falconry command signs: arch, circle, dive, glide
  • Falconry: gloves protect from talons
  • Falconry: jesses have identifying marks
  • Organization: grouping by context
  • Razor: a territorial vulture
  • Reggie: an amiable eagle
  • Tomma Thunderpaw: keeper of Predator's Post


Sounds like this is a job Jasmine will enjoy! I didn't find a lot of points to award here since most of what she did was absorb information. On the other hand, that makes for plenty of lores...

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade. Also please edit your post to show this thread has been graded.
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