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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Rufio on December 20th, 2016, 10:23 pm

Just leaving a wee SPORADIC ACTIVITY NOTICE here, expected to continue until the New Year, sorry all.

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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Sloane on December 22nd, 2016, 1:31 pm

So Sloane's been approved to start posting in Endrykas! Yaaaay!! Thank you Prophet, you da bomb :D

So I thought I'd just pop this up to see if anyone's interested in threading? Sloane's a new comer to Endrykas that's been taken in by the Firelash Pavilion. She know's very little Pavi and pretty much nothing about the Drykas culture, so that should make for some fun (for me, not her, obvi) threads! She's expected to prove that she's worth the Pavilions supplies and protection, so I'm up for threads involving anything; hunting, fighting, skill building, ect. Also, I really want to get the Seasonal Events badge, so I want to knock out as many of those challenges as possible.

So anyway, if you're interested, send me a PM! Looking forward to writing with you all!
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Prophet on December 23rd, 2016, 1:28 am

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Now you're all in big, big trouble. You've made Santa's Naughty List and Bad Santa in Mizahar isn't a cheap drunk with terrible grooming habits. Nope! He's a glassbeak's worst nightmare.

  1. Ixzo; You're a very helpful writer and your IC concept is something that people should stop and take notes. Full stories, solid plots and a firm understanding of the lore make you a cherished piece of Endrykas.
  2. Merevaika; With a writer as stubborn as your character, it's no surprise that you constantly challenge me and those around you to think of the world differently. You're one of the few who often catches me off guard and you're not bad at being a thief, either.
  3. Haena; I love your writing and know that you will develop Haena into an alvina among the grasses. I eagerly anticipate watching how she grows and changes in the harsh yet nurturing environment.
  4. Jasmine; You, dear, are a pure white strider. You devote a lot to Endrykas and Miz as a whole but the wheels would come off of my wagon if you weren't around to remind me to do my job. Your writing has improved leaps and bounds and you continually amaze me with some of the plots you invent. Rule #1 - If you're going on a trip make sure to pack Jasmine.
  5. Sloane; I have not gotten to experience your writing but the approach you have taken and your willingness to make adjustments has me putting you in a realm of high expectations. Your signature is super cool and your high spirit is most welcome.
  6. Ashka; Quiet at first, I had my doubts but you know what they say about the quiet ones... You write in a way that is refreshing and inspiring and you take the time to ask questions that remind people like me to stop and take inventory once in awhile. I see cool and potentially dangerous things in your character's future.
  7. Naiya; Our Southern Mother- you've been here long enough to put people at ease, put them in their place and put ideas in their heads. Your advice is invaluable albeit occasionally untimely but I'd be lost without you. Endrykas wouldn't feel the same if the crazy redhead wasn't making cheese and fighting Zith with her baby in tow.
  8. Khida; You are a brilliant person. Seriously- your analysis of posts, locations and concepts is a perspective often missing from sites like this. There's a certain way with your words that makes me feel like I learn something from every conversation that we have. I'm greatly looking forward to the upcoming moderated thread that you'll be a part of... oh yes... I have ghastly plans.
  9. Quzon; Aside from the loin cloth... I got nothing. It's nice to have more men around Endrykas. Hopefully the stars will align and we can write together soon. I vastly enjoy your bluish hybrid and hope he decides to stick around for a while longer.
  10. Konrad; You are bad. You know this and your soliloquies are painfully teen movie. Truly, Konrad is perfect for them and he wouldn't be the same underhanded Ace of Spades without them. Welcome to the SoG, bruh. You ready for the big boys?
  11. Brocton; You're a budding young man with questions and you're not afraid to play an archetype that needs a lot of attention. Brocton is willing to be tested for beliefs that he doesn't understand and that makes him awesome in my book. I've got something special lined up for him in my next post. :D
  12. Rufio; Rufio, Rufio, Ruuuufiiiooooooo! Unique as a snowflake and crazy as a midnight sun, you're flavorful writing and whimsical plotting make her feel like someone I want to hang out with by a fire. The freckles certainly help and so does the fact that you're my Marco Polo buddy.
  13. Azmere; You're a selfish prick with too much free time and a straw house for a concept...Two-Face, Phantom of the Tall Grass... -_-
  14. Baltair; You're new but you've already begun to explore the realm of possibilities in front of you. Like me, you put your head down and go... getting lost along the way just means the journey doesn't end as soon as it might have. I really wanna see what you got so hopefully we can write together soon.
  15. Adon; It took me a while to understand your PC but then I fell in love with him. He's the dimension that most people ignore but you write with him in a way that reminds me of my great uncle. I hope the current In Game climate does not turn you away from us completely as I would like to see you develop Adon into a staple of the Tent City. Afterall, someone's gotta build our homes.
  16. Aoren; A veteran among us and a patient one, at that. I've sought your counsel and aid several times and you always rise to the occasion. Your writing is fantastic and the way you always take time to, not only acknowledge, but set up your thread partners is something I would like to see everyone work towards. I know you have plans rolling around in that skull o' yorn and I'm aching to see them put into play.
  17. Lorcan; You have a way with words and a firm grasp on your character. I can see him becoming a true horse lord in time and I hope you continue to find ways to insert Lorcan into the ticks and tocks of the city.
  18. Taurina; My very own Eth! I wasn't sure if she would fit in but you've made it seem like Endrykas was built around her. I'm fascinated by her imperfect duality and waning/waxing emotions. Sometimes I wonder if you're not a real Eth...
  19. Waisana; Doc! No one lets me torture their PC quite like you and that makes me smile. Your writing makes me smile, too and I am so glad we have someone to patch up the miscreants after a hard day of getting their arses handed to them by the Sea of Grass. Never leave.

That is all.
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Ixzo on December 23rd, 2016, 7:49 am

Missed one!

Prophet: Because Azmere is a selfish prick, you pick up the slack by being a great nanny (:p). Someone who manages to keep us all together and going without feeling the need to knock us upside the head every other post. Having taken responsibility for a city unused to moderation, you've both provided us with fun (and well-connected) plots which we are always grateful for! I'm honestly glad you're here!
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Quzon on December 23rd, 2016, 5:14 pm

Aww, so sweet Prop. Someones a big ol'softee. :D

and on a related, but different note.

A small thread to back up the rumor of Q being a softee and celebrating Myri's birthday.

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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Brocton Firestone on December 23rd, 2016, 5:24 pm

Thanks Prophet! I truly appreciate it. :)

Endrykas won't be the same without you!
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Aoren on December 24th, 2016, 10:41 pm

Hi folks! I've been relatively scarce, popping in and out this month. Work shipped me off to a seminar for a week and a half and then the holidays have been rolling in. My schedule is completely free and clear beginning Monday and with it comes a slew of things I need to catch up on (including posts!). I have a special surprise for the folks of Endrykas so hang on to your britches and have a splendid holiday/happy new year!
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Baltair on December 25th, 2016, 3:40 am


Yes Cousin! We shall take over Endrykas! Woooooo!

No but it's awesome that your schedule is clearing up and I look forward to writing with you again. :D

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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Sloane on December 26th, 2016, 12:22 pm

Aww, thanks Prophet! I'm glad I'm not just a total pain in the butt, and I can safely say that you're dedication and the huge amount of work you put into Endrykas is inspiring, even to a newbie like me!

Other than that, finally lost my thread V card (too a solo :((, does that even count!?), and eager to write more, preferably with other PCs! So let me know if ya'll are interested!
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[OOC Thread] Moving with the Herd

Postby Baltair on December 26th, 2016, 1:12 pm

I'd be interested, if you wanna shoot me a pm we can discuss things.
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