“Out of ma’ way!” Growled the Isur pushing past a few Drykas hunters in his wake. The hunters were busy carrying some sort of deer like beast from the hunt and had not seen the five foot nothing Trios. So with a cold hearted anger the Isurian pushed past them, he even didn’t return the curse words that flowed from the hunter’s mouths. Trios had no desire to amuse himself this day with idle cursing at the tall humans. It seemed to be less amusing each day that Trios had spent with the tent city buying his needed supplies. It would be a day or two until he the last orders he had made were completed so it forced the rock-like being to find means of entertainment. Silently making fun of the Drykas people in their day to day lives lost it’s humour very fast and signing old sailor songs to make the civilians’ cringe at Trio’s singing voice lost it’s amusement very fast as well. Also there was no sort of entertainment save for “The thrill of the hunt” to which many of the Drykas referred to. But killing beasts couldn’t have been fun, hunting was only a survival thing not some cheap thrill tacked on thought the Isur. So the hardened sailor thought it best to make some entertainment himself with hard work. If he truly was to survive the wilds of Mizahar he had to become the most fearsome being the world has ever seen. Why the very sight of him would need to drive people mad with fear if he was to do what ever he so chose to. And there were a few things that a fearsome being needed to pull of fear thought the Isur; The look, the voice and the fighting skill. It was quite simple really there wasn’t much thought process to the design of a fearsome being really. The look he had down pat he thought save for the height thing, though looking like a muscled rock deposit in a hat did help wee bit. People wouldn’t have a hard time thinking he was mad or crazy but being thought of mad wasn’t the same as mad and fearsome. Skipping the voice part, Trios thought that testing out battle calls in the middle of camp would have people thinking that he was more insane then he already was. So the only thing to practice within camp was his sword play, tune it into a true swashbuckler style. A fearsome captain had skill on and off his ship be it with the sail or his blade. Continuing his path though the marketplace Trios thought he would train his swordplay along the edges of camp away from the populous, it would be a bit embarrassing to show the beginner skill level of swordplay to a crowd at this time. |