In True Style [Conrad][Closed]

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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In True Style [Conrad][Open]

Postby Cardinal on December 8th, 2010, 5:28 pm


OOC Notes :
My demands have been met, and there's nothing to see here. ;)


As things got heated, a large Drykas man on the back of his Strider stepped into the edge of the little scene playing out. On his hip was a large sword; on his back rested a shortbow strung and seemingly begging to be used. In his hair sparkled diamonds, giving him away as one of the Diamond Clan, and by the way he looked ready to dismount at any moment said he was one in charge of making sure things stayed safe for those held in the arms of Endrykas.

He crossed his arms over his chest, his dark eyes moving between the two non-Drykas. When he spoke, his voice boomed with authority, “Fighting outside of the Diamond Clan’s Storm Pavilion will result in you being put to work retrieving spears and arrows at the War Pavilion, Outsiders. Do you feel up to becoming targets for our warriors’ points?”

By this point a handful other Drykas had come into the fringes of the men’s vision. The message was clear that foreigners to the city were watched even more closely and expected to follow the laws of the city than those typically living within. The Sea of Grass was dangerous enough. They wouldn’t put up with two fools injuring innocent people or animals that happened to wander past at the wrong time.
Note: I am getting back into the groove of things. Thank you for your patience.
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In True Style [Conrad][Open]

Postby Conrad on December 8th, 2010, 9:40 pm

"Boy if you think some freaky hand is gonna detrur me you got something wrong with yer brain aswell”The isur growled towards him,
Well I knew that wasn't going to work. Conrad thought, taking a step back from the isur. Not really wanting to get face to face with the little guy right now. He really looked like he would be able to break him into two when he wanted.“Were gonna talk this out lad…And don’t worry your face won’t even leave a mark on my fist” The little bit of hope that came on his face as tebridiar tried to help him defuse the situation vanished completely right now. The isur contiued to walk towards him and conrad tried to step back accordingly only to hit his back to the canvas of a tent as he tried to. He could only gulp as the isur stomped closer towards him, stopping when he was nearly touching his chest with his nose and looked up towards him, Conrad would have fled right there if he could, unfortunaly he was pinned between a rock and a hard place, well a rather easily destroyed tent tarp but I doubt destroying it would be tolerated by the drykas.
“Tell ya what lad! One unobstructed punch and I’ll consider us square…but just so ya know my hands can grind rocks….well what do ya say?!” Conrad looked down at the the isur. Trying to guess what would be the best option for him, Just as conrad would resign him to his own fate and would just ask the isur to punch him in the face once. A large Drykas man on the back of his Strider stepped into the edge of the little scene playing out.On his hip was a large sword; on his back rested a shortbow strung and seemingly begging to be used.
Conrad let out a sigh in relief as he saw the drykas glare at them.

“Fighting outside of the Diamond Clan’s Storm Pavilion will result in you being put to work retrieving spears and arrows at the War Pavilion, Outsiders. Do you feel up to becoming targets for our warriors’ points?”
Conrad quickly shook his head. seeing other drykas stepping inside his field of vision,Getting the message, cause trouble and you are used as target practice.
"No I completely understand." He looked down at the isur. "Now it is best that you stop acting like a moron or else even though I am a doctor you won't walk out of this city alive." He hissed at him, hoping that he saw reason and let the incident go.
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In True Style [Conrad][Open]

Postby Tebridiar on December 8th, 2010, 11:34 pm

Tebridiar gave a smile and a look of exhasperation towards the Drykas guard, as he retreated a little further away, but always watching. Others were taking a look too, intent on keeping the peace within the city. Tebridiar hoped this would be the case.

She bundled the two men together, looking quite angry.

“You idiots! She hissed in a high pitched whisper. “Are you trying to get chucked out! Now Trios I know you have anger issues, and Conrad hasn’t been here long but please… can you atleast go one miserable day without getting yourselves into trouble?” Tebridiar shook her head, long hair fanning out sideways in her irritation.

“I know I… well, I had nothing to do with this, but I don’t want to see you get thrown out the city over a childish argument!” She knew that something awful would happen to the both of them alone in the Sea of Grass. It only took a glassbeak, and Trios tended to make enough noise to attract a troupe of them, and Conrad… well, that parrot was enough to bother with.

Tebridiar ushered them away, a little bit further from the watchful guards. She tried to signal to them that everything was under control. She guided them up a little, they could still be seen but they weren’t right under their noses.

“Well, Trios, we should get that… that mess rubbed off your cheek.” She tore a little tiny bit of cloth from his shirt, and used it to wipe away most of the offending mark.

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In True Style [Conrad][Open]

Postby Trios on December 9th, 2010, 6:37 am

“Tough words fall flat in lue of your rescuers lad…..bahhh your not worth my time” Growled Trios in a cold manner eyeing the boy with such passionate fury behind his deep green eyes. Trios then cast a wayward glance at his situation looking at each of the warriors that presented themselves within the camp. He had indeed caused a slight scene but he wouldn’t dare fight at the moment because his goals demanded him not to.

The Isur would have willingly fought the whole camp laughing as he did if they tried to take him as a slave for their warriors. That was what a free man would have done, though a smart man would have seen that he was out matched and out numbered here. Taking the middle ground the Isur thought it best to walk away for the sake of his own objectives.

Giving no recognition to the large Drykas male and his lackeys that had broken up the fight, Trios then turned his attention the somewhat frustrated Tebridiar. It was most likely caused by the scene that had been unfolding, what else could it have been honestly.

“No need to get all flustered kidd-o just having a bit o’fun!” Trios said as he winked secretly at the girl to signal that he had thought the confrontation now was a wasted amount of effort. Letting Tebridiar lead him away from the situation Trios still cast cold glances back at the guards in the distance. Though the girl had somewhat of a naïve mind she had a good heart to her, but it wasn’t something that Trios would ever really say to the girl.

“Did ya see that one sparkly Drykas tho? You know what they say about the larger a man’s weapon be indicating?” Laughed Trios at his quiet insult to the warrior that had just appeared, it was hard not to laugh and make fun at a warrior with glitter in his hair.

“I had a feelin I was being watched by some sort of guard, know I now which ones, I gotta thank ya for that boy ….though it doesn’t mean we’re pals I’m still gonna beat ya ta’shit for that bird’s gift someday.” Trios had not planned for this to happen nor did he seek this conclusion but knowing which eyes were on him in the camps stay was a good bit of information to have when certain opportunities or situations presented themselves.

Standing still for long enough for Tebridiar to wipe the rest of the bird droppings away, Trios then cast another cold hearted look at the “claw-boy”. Then with a growl started to walk away waving casually at Tebridiar with his crystal like left hand.

“Sorry kidd-o I cant spend the day with useless banter, lots ta’ do, lots ta’ prepair for” said Trios thinking about his much needed swordplay practise before checking in on the many supplies he had ordered. After that he needed to find some sort of guide to be ready lead him to the place he so desperately craved to be at.
Last edited by Trios on May 27th, 2011, 4:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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In True Style [Conrad][Open]

Postby Conrad on December 9th, 2010, 10:52 pm

“Tough words fall flat in lue of your rescuers lad…..bahhh your not worth my time”
Conrad sighed, he had meant it as a warning for the isur. Not to sound tough.
The isur just turned away from him and ignored the guard that where staring down at them and walked towards tebridiar.
“No need to get all flustered kidd-o just having a bit o’fun!” The isur yelled towards tebridiar, Conrad just blinking in surprise as he saw the grumpy isur was friendly with the kelvic he met on the way here.
Conrad slapped his head when he remembered them speaking about a grumpy isur.
Right how many other grumpy isur are walking around in this city anyway.
Conrad's eyes nearly bugged out of his sockets when he heard him insult the drykas that just broke up the fight.
“Did ya see that one sparkly Drykas tho? You know what they say about the larger a man’s weapon be indicatin eh?” Trios said laughing his but off.
“I had a feelin I was being watched by some sort of guard, know I now which ones, I gotta thank ya for that boy ….though it doesn’t mean we’re pals I’m still gonna beat ya ta’shit for that bird’s gift someday.”
Conrad just gulped at Trios' threat.
Tebridiar walked closer and wiped of his parrots little gift
“Sorry kidd-o I cant spend the day with useless banter, lots ta’ do, lots ta’ prepair for” Conrad just shrugged at it.
"Well then what did you have to do? maybe I can help you with it, paying you back for my parrots annoying behavior?" Conrad offered to Trios hoping to make up and avoiding to get a fist in his face. The parrot flew off the tend and landed on his shoulder. Rubbing his beak against his cheek in a friendly manner.
Conrad just poked him in the ribs. "Well don't try to curry favor right now! its thanks to you that I am in this mess in the first place!"
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In True Style [Conrad][Open]

Postby Tebridiar on December 11th, 2010, 9:19 pm

Tebridiar smiled.

She still didn’t quite like how he was having a little joke about the guards but at least he wouldn’t get chucked out this way. Thankfully, they were getting along much better now, and she was content to be a little more relaxed.

It seemed that Trios had an agenda, and little Conrad seemed happy to help. He was a nice kid, really. He wouldn’t hurt a fly.

Pity they couldn’t say the same for his avian counterpart.

The parrot still had a cheeky twinkle in his eye, happy about his accomplishment. She shook her head jokingly, shaking a finger at him, then stroking his feathered face. He gave an affectionate little nip, then a pleased squawk. He was, deep down, a big softie.

“Lots of things to prepare for?” She queried. “What are you going to be doing, Trios?” She looked quizzically at him, one eyebrow slightly raised, but a happy grin on her face, indicating she wasn’t going to disapprove.

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In True Style [Conrad][Open]

Postby Trios on December 12th, 2010, 12:03 am

“Not what am I going to do kidd-o but where am I going is the better question, I been buying up supplies as if it were alcohol over the last few days for a small business excursion to the western coast. And since my new pal here has expressed such concern in helping me I guess he can chose to give me a hand but what I want is mine regardless, everything else is split equal share.” Trios said as an arrogant grin slowly cracked his cold exterior.

If the boy wanted to help because it made him feel better, Trios would say nothing. It would mean an extra helping hand that thought they owed something to the person they were assisting. No payment needed and one didn’t have to worry about them stealing the prize at the end of the day. So the Isur thought for a few moments about how he could play this.

“So here’s the plan I leave in a few days on a little, for the sake of being cliché..on a little treasure hunt. You can meet me here at dawn that day, pack for a lengthy two week journey. To join me would curve my opinion of you and might make me reconsider my fist to your face” Trios proposal would have seemed highly professional until it was it was slightly ruined by the last statement.

“Well what say you to that?” Trios finished eyeing the young man with intense eyes.
Last edited by Trios on January 4th, 2011, 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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In True Style [Conrad][Open]

Postby Conrad on December 12th, 2010, 1:35 am

Conrad grinned as the isur as he said that he could lend him a hand.Though he was a bit confused about the 'what I want is mine regardless, everything else is split equal share.' comment. Conrad shrugged, it wouldn't be that bad anyway, besides with a temper like that that isur was bound to get himself hurt sometimes and then he would have somebody to practice on.
“So here’s the plan I leave in two days on a little, for the sake of being cliché..on a little treasure hunt. You can meet me here at dawn that day, pack for a lengthy two week journey. To join me would curve my opinion of you and might make me reconsider my fist to your face”
Conrads grin faded a bit when he still mentioned that he could get a fist to the face,still a chance to get away from that thing was good enough, besides the tought of going on a real treasure hunt really peaked his interest.
"A treasure hunt? Well sure I am in." Conrad smiled at the pirate, unable to hide his almost childlike glee at going on something most boy's only dream off on going.
"Though what are we going after?" he asked trios. "You know maybe I might know something about it. Also do you think we might need some special stuff I might need? I know how to patch up broken bones and simple wounds and I got the stuff I need for that to." Conrad patted the rucksack hanging around his waist, before a look of realization spread on his face.
"that is right we haven't properly introduced each other right?" Conrad held out his hand towards the isur. "My name is Conrad, nice to meet you." His smile widened a bit.
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In True Style [Conrad][Open]

Postby Tebridiar on January 3rd, 2011, 10:51 pm

Treasure hunts?

What was Trios talking about?

She tried to act aloof and uninterested, but secretly she was itching to join in this “hunt”, whatever it implied. She needed to learn how to track a bit better. And she needed something to keep her curiosity at bay these days…

“Treasure hunt?” She sighed, suddenly becoming insanely interested in something on the ground that the others mysteriously couldn’t detect. “Well, I guess you’ll be needing a tracker, huh? Or someone to make sure you don’t, um… kill each other or something.”

Her excuses were pretty awful.

But she hoped they would let her join in anyway.

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In True Style [Conrad][Open]

Postby Trios on January 8th, 2011, 4:05 am

“You’ll know well enough if you show up on the 14th of Winter, but right now I say nothing. Do you not know the value of information boy!?” Snarled Trios at Conrad as the Isur looked at the young man’s outstretched hand with slight distain.

“Bring provisions and survival gear that you would need for a two week journey, if you do show up I might remember your name boy, as for you Tebridiar I will not be responsible for watching out for some young girl out there. Sure you might know the area but I will not be hunted by your gal-pal, bond-thing-person should anything happen to you.” Trios stated bluntly glaring at the young girl who gave slight hints at wanting to join the hunt.

Trios would have gladly accepted help from trusted people but not from kids with lovers who Trios knew would punish all if harm would befall on them. The negatives and risks far outweighed the benefits if Tebridiar was to join alone.

“But if Aleksi were to follow I would have no objections, though she would be testing my patience even more, even with this lad over here in the search party.” Said Trios, a small arrogant smile cracking his cold face at his own sarcasm.

“Though if you ask me you are way tougher than Mr. Crab-rad hand over here and his freaky tricks” Chuckled the Isur poking the young girl in the stomach since being five foot nothing meant that Isur was looking up at both of the humans.

“Speaking of freaky tricks, how did runt like you manage to learn to turn your arm into funny things? Though don’t sparkle me impressed until I see you sprout wings and breath fire” Finished Trios casting a questionable glace at the young man
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