Solo Not a Lost Cause

Struggling to figure it out on her own, Taurina gives up some of her pride in exchange for some help

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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Not a Lost Cause

Postby Taurina on November 11th, 2016, 6:56 am

Late Afternoon of the 28th of Fall 516

“What the petch are you doing?” Jarorra’s voice rang out familiar and when Taurina looked over she saw the signs of confusion and bewilderment along with the sparkle of amusement in the woman’s eyes. Taurina frowned and looked down at her work. It looked rather bad. Horrible actually.

The world, it seemed, spun from the recent Zith attack on Endrykas and yet the people had kept going. Even beaten and battered they had continued on as that had been the only solution. News had spread that some had been taken, but Taurina had not heard who and likely would not have known who they were had she heard. There were not many she knew, fewer she truly cared about. She had been a coward that night and often winced when she thought about it. Those thoughts were often cast aside as quickly as they tried to take hold of her.

“Practicing, what does it look like?” Taurina replied to her mentor of sorts, not wholly convinced that that was what she was doing. Could failing over and over be considered practice? By the laugh now ringing in her ears from Jarorra’s voice Taurina guessed the answer to that question was a resounding “no”. She frowned and looked down at the hideous work.

Today had been slow. The couple days since the attack had both been slow. The people of Endrykas had other things to do besides come and spend bells getting windmarks done. It made sense why the pavilion had seen so little people walk inside of it, even with Jarorra’s never ceasing flirty little smiles and playful eyes cast all those who walked by. Taurina liked Jarorra, but the woman often reminded the Eth of a predator luring in its prey. She wanted to draw people in and get their business though instead of kill them like a true predator wanted. More often than not, it helped with getting business in, except for recently.

The pavilion was tidy and everything was in working order. The equipment had been cleaned multiple times over, the inks reorganized, stock taken, the scrolls of old windmarks straightened so they did not look so messy. There truly was nothing left to do but wait and hope for some clients. Which was why Taurina was taking the time to practice. She both needed the practice and the guidance of the other artists, both of which were going more and more obvious by the tick.

Taurina had been practicing. She had been practicing for days. By torchlight in the rain when she was not working or taking care of her mare, she had been practicing transforming her sketches into tattoos and so far it had not been going well. They had not gotten better since her first try with the pig skin and may in fact have actually gotten worse. Taurina grimaced at the work currently under her hands. Just as sloppy as the rest of them had been.

“I do not wish to laugh at you Taurina,” The Eth could tell Jarorra was not trying very hard not to laugh at her, “How did it get like this?” There was question and possibly concern, but Taurina could not tell what the woman’s second sign had truly been. The Eth sighed and looked down at this piece of marred pigskin. The ink had stained it much like it had her first and she still was unable to get the depth right with her needles despite her trying to use different ones and seeing if that helped.

“I do not know,” Taurina’s pavi layered under her common accent and she gave signs of confusion, sorrow, and failure. She truly did feel like a failure. How was she going to get like them if all her work turned into a sloppy mess? “It is the same everytime, I have tried multiple.” Taurina dug out the broken, discarded pieces from her little kit box. Most of the pieces were mangled beyond recognition. She had a bad habit of tossing them across the room when she got too frustrated and one she had burned halfway through before salvaging the rest of it simply because the small stunk up her tent. The Eth presented the pieces to the tattoo artist, asking for help with her unknowing hands.

Jarorra fingered through the pieces of tough pig skin, wrinkled creased in her forehead as she did so. Each piece was looked at before all were put beside the one Taurina was currently working on. All had the smears of ink, the varied dot strengths, shaky lines, and there were even holes in most of them where Taurina had pressed too hard.

“You have many problems Taurina, but none that are unfixable,” Jarorra’s hands danced along with her words signing hope, salvageable, and determination. Taurina had to focus hard on both words and sign to understand what the woman was saying, but she could handle getting the gist of it. “We’ll get you fixed up, you just have to learn,” Jarorra seemed confident in that and Taurina was put more at ease with the words. The dread filled ache in her chest was lightened slightly. She had been beginning to think that there was no hope. That maybe this was not for her.

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Last edited by Taurina on November 11th, 2016, 7:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Not a Lost Cause

Postby Taurina on November 11th, 2016, 7:04 am

“First, your skin is too tough,” Jarorra explained. She grasped on of the pieces of pig skin -one that had not been halfway burned through- and showed Taurina how unmovable it was. The Eth had had a feeling the skin was not right to work with. It did not mimic human skin. It had better done that when she got it and it had been fresh, but it no longer did. Now it was dried and tough which was likely her fault, but she had not known. Jarorra put the skin down again with the other pieces. “You will one day be working with human skin and it is soft,” Jarorra further explained, hands signing away as she talked to try and better explain her meaning. Most signs were lost to Taurina, the words were easier to concentrate on.

“I cannot work with human skin now, none will let me. So what should I work with?” Taurina asked, knowing she needed something else. Something soft and not dried out which meant likely it would need to be fresh. Obviously no smart human would let her near them with a needle yet so that was out of the question. The Lilacwinds and Keil probably would not have even let her near any humans had one been so bold and stupid enough to let the Eth try anyway. That was a comforting thought, at least she would be protected from forever maiming someone through a horrible ink job.

“Any skin light or pink toned would probably work. It just needs to be fresher than this when you work with it,” was Jarorra’s answer that Taurina just simply nodded to. She was not sure where she would find such objects, but perhaps a hunter or someone like that would be willing to sell. That could come later. Taurina doubted that that was the end of Jarorra’s advice.

“How else can improve my mistakes?” Taurina asked with curiosity now that she was not so mortified over someone seeing her pieces. The Lilacwinds and even Keil were artists Taurina looked up to. She aspired to be like them one day. It was humiliating to her that they had to see such bad work from her and she had wanted to get at least better before going to any of them for help. She had been practicing though and nothing had been getting better. The progress she had made had been so discouraging that she had decided it was worth the mortification. They could help so her hope lied with them. Mostly Jarorra, she had a way of setting Taurina at ease.

Injal even had a way of setting the Eth just a little bit on edge. He was friendly and social, but likely had the ability to weed out one’s secrets if they were not careful around him. He came across as trustworthy and easy which caused Taruina to coil back just slightly away from him. She much preferred the company of his wife, even if she was not as skilled as he was. Jarorra just was less intimidating, especially with her flirty smiles and the way she frequently hummed when she worked. Keil was pretty quiet and very focused on work which also caused Taurina to trust him less. Even though he was closer to her level than the others, she would not ask him unless the others turned her away.

“You must learn how to better press down, often you press too hard or not hard enough,” again Taurina focused on the woman’s words rather than the signs that accompanied them. It was easier for her this way and if Jarorra noticed, she did not acknowledge it. “The skin does not wipe easy of the ink like human skin. It tends to stain. Using less ink will help, so not so much is wasted and less stains,” Jarorra further explained. Taurina nodded, happy for the help. All would be taken into careful consideration next time she touched this type of work.

“Your lines leave much to be desired,” there was a deep frown on Jarorra’s lips at this which cause Taurina to mirror it with her own frown. There was also a flush of rosy red on Taurina’s cheeks as they burned with embarrassment and she looked away. Her lines were something she was much ashamed of. It did not matter how good her sketches were if they did not translate correctly into her tattoo work. The whole point of the sketching being, after all, getting the tattoos right.

“Try this,” Jarorra explained before looking around herself for something. Taurina eyed the woman curiously (no longer looking away) as Jarorra searched for something. It did not take long before the object was found. It was a thin paintbrush and some red ink that was not tattoo ink. Perhaps it was paint? Just normal, none permanent paint? Taurina was not sure, but it looked like it.

“Get yourself some paint,” Jarorra explained and confirmed Taurina’s suspicions, “it makes life easier, especially for the beginner.” Jarorra flipped open her jar and took one of Taurina’s skin pieces that was not marked on as much as the others. Taurina watched curiously as the Drykas woman painted a small design on the corner of the skin piece. The red paint was a thin outline and when Jarorra took one of the needles, Taurina understood. The Drykas artist moved along her red lines, exerting effort with each push of the needle because of the toughness of the skin. Even with the bad pig skin though, her lines came out mostly even and much better than anything Taurina had been able to accomplish.

“See, works wonders. Acts as a guide for you too follow so not so many shaky lines. Alright, now you try,” the tools were handed over to Taurina as she nodded with acceptance, hoping she would not embarrass herself further.

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Not a Lost Cause

Postby Taurina on November 11th, 2016, 7:11 am

Painting was not something Taurina had been practicing in and it was not like sketching. The goal was not to shade things or add a lot of detail, it was to just create a basic outline. Something to follow so one did not get lost. Jarorra explained that some artists always used the method while some never did. It depended on skill and ones confidence in their abilities. The paint acted as a good guide and had the potential to give the client a good view of what would be going on their skin. They could see if they liked it or not that way. While sketches gave a good idea, they were harder to work off of and if mistakes were made with the paint, it could always be washed off.

Taurina took the paintbrush hesitantly between her fingers and began moving it across a space on one of her other mostly empty pieces of skin. She made a simple diamond shape that was like a square on its side. Four lines were draw in the middle to give it a somewhat three dimensional feel. Her lines were wide, even with a thin paintbrush and they had been shaky in places. Better than her tattoo lines and mostly straight. The painting had been like sketching except with a different set of tools.

“Good,” Jarorra praised before handing Taurina one of her own single needle chisel type things. The objects were not like the other chisels in the tent, but they worked for the small scale she was working with. Taurina took a breath before taking the single needle chisel. “Remember, not so much ink and do not press too hard,” the tattoo artist reminded her. Taurina nodded, releasing her breath before sliding needle into her black ink jar (out of her own personal supply so she did not contaminate the pavilion’s supply and ruin it) and drawing it out.

Focus took over the Ethaefal as she pressed the needle into skin. She started at the very top of her diamond shape. There was the need for lots of pressure in the beginning to get the needle through, but once it broke the top Taurina was careful. She did not aim to poke all the way through the skin and just wished to get the ink under the first couple layers of the pig skin. It was hard considering the skin was so tough and did not take the ink well. The first attempt left her with a big bubble of left over ink resting on top that Taurina frowned at.

“Aim to get your needle in the center of the thickness of the skin,” Jarorra instructed, “You want to get it deep enough, just not too deep and not too shallow. Too shallow and the ink will not stay or it will be very faint, too deep and you will hurt your clients.” ’Very helpful information’. Taurina tried not to give a look of frustration or hint at the sarcastic comments going through her mind. She got that she had gotten the depth wrong. While she did not know how exactly to press down, she did not need to be reminded what not to do. Taurina sighed and took a breath. Fighting with Jarorra would not help. The Eth needed her advice, not to get frustrated with herself or anger the artist into no longer wanting to help her.

“I will try again,” Taurina insisted before turning her attention back on her little painted art piece. Needle once more dipped in her ink jar, this time taking even less. She wished to get this right. The Ethaefal pressed into the tough skin, having to press hard again at first to get through and then having an easier time. This time she went deeper than last time, practically willing the ink to go deep enough so not very much was left over. When the needle was drawn out, there was not much ink left at all. Taurina smiled at the progress. It had been the right depth.

“Good, now do it again,” Jarorra instructed, signing pride and to keep trying. Taurina held back a prideful smile and a grimace. There was a part of her that just wanted to say that she had succeeded and earned not having to continue, but things did not work like that. Only more practice would grant her the ability to perfect this craft. Right now she was not even working on perfecting it, but just trying to get the basics of learning it down. There was a lot of practice in her future so Taurina did not fight it. Instead she nodded and dipped her needle in the ink once more, working towards filling in the outline of her diamond.

It took many bells along with a lot of trial and error, but eventually the entirety of the tiny diamond outline had been filled in. It looked just like the paint had, but with black lines now instead of red ones. Of course the red was thicker than the black so it still showed, but Jarorra said normally that would be washed away. The important part was that Taurina had successfully gotten her ink in the tough skin semi-evenly. There were some dots fainter and darker than others along with trails of smeared ink that told where bubbles of ink had been, but the work was much better than anything she had done previously. Taurina was happy that there was at least hope for her in this craft.

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Not a Lost Cause

Postby Taurina on November 11th, 2016, 7:20 am

“Much better,” Jarorra was happy with the progress as well and if her signs did not tell Taurina how happy she was, that sparkle in the woman’s eyes did. Taurina smiled and blushed once more, this time with the embarrassment of getting attention rather than the mortification of before. Taurina held the skin with her little piece of work on it, proud of it even if it was only a small little thing. “Much more to work on, but you’ll learn. Just practice and get some better skin,” the artist instructed. Taurina nodded in agreement and promised to do just that.

“Thank you for all the advice,” Taurina knew she would be endlessly grateful. By the end of this she would likely be endlessly grateful to all of them. The Eth was smiling and signed thank you to her mentor and tried to say with her hands how grateful she truly was to the woman. Jarorra was already past it though, moving her attention to something else.

Taurina smiled as she put away her pieces of pig skin along with her other tools. She would have to invest in some fresher skin along with possibly paint now. It had made the process so much easier that Taurina did not want to work without it. Perhaps when she was actually good and able to see people. Not then likely, more like when she was nearer Injal’s level than that of a novice. Then maybe she would be ready to just work off her sketches without outlining them on the skin. Taurina shrugged at the thought. It did not matter to her if she used the outlining technique or not, it just meant she would have to invest in some paint and a paintbrush along with learn how to use them at least a little bit.

Taurina finished up packing her belongings, the day was drawing to a close by this point and it was time for her to be heading back to her tent. Tomorrow perhaps she would hunt down where to get the tools she desired to further this talent. Right now though she was looking forward to getting to her tent. She would look after Melody and in not much time at all Leth would rise. The Eth always looked forward to seeing her god in the sky amongst the stars. Now that the rains had ceased and he had returned, she was more excited for nightfall to come. She would see him tonight and be closer to him than she had recently been able to.

The Ethaefal realized her need to be out during the night hours, especially after the attack had happened during the night, was likely strange in the minds of the Drykas. Taurina grew lonely though sometimes, especially at night. Her ethereal body reminded her of so much she missed, but it was also the body she preferred to be in. It was closest to the form she had once been while in Leth’s realm. There was so much about that place she missed even though she did not remember much of it. Night was her favorite time because it was the closest to that “true” self she could get right now and she would take whatever she could get when it came to returning to what had once been.

“Goodbye all,” Taurina signed her farewells and got them in return from the three other workers of the Lilacwind pavilion. With a smile and a lighter heart, Taurina headed home. She had succeeded at getting something on her skins. Something had finally worked in her favor when it came to this art form. To say she was a little excited was an understatement. Taurina wished she had someone back home to tell all about it. There was only Melody though and while Taurina talked to the mare a lot, there were never any answers. Only brown eyes staring and a soft muzzle searching for treat. Taurina loved her mare, but she lacked companionship. Like everyone she wanted it, but it was also a reminder of what was lost. So much was.

Taurina reached her tent shortly after her departure. She usually kept it close to the Lilacwind pavilion since she technically had no clan to call her own. She was more of a wanderer than anything, attached to the Drykas people but also separate. It was all very convoluted in its own way. Sometimes it resulted in a headache to think about so the Eth rarely let herself dwell on it or try to fully figure it out. Likely someday her situation would change, but it had not yet so this is what she was stuck with.

“Melody, guess what?” Taurina’s voice slipped into her familiar common as she walked up to her horse. Melody was lazily munching on some grass and only let herself be distracted long enough to get a look at Taurina coming towards her. Taurina tried not to roll her eyes too much. She dropped her pack off by her tent before heading out to the mare. Tell tale signs of dirt covered the mares coat, speaking of what she had been doing today. Taurina frowned before sighing and running a hand down Melody’s warm neck.

“I made some straight lines with ink,” Melody was uninterested. Taurina smiled sadly as she absently stroked the mares neck. “It was a good day. I did good. I’ll get better,” Taurina’s voice was loosing enthusiasm and had become more distant as she spoke as if she was simply speaking to herself. Melody remained in her own world, unaffected by Taurina’s new success and happy to just keep munching away at the grass. Taurina sighed, smiling sadly as she kept stroking her gentle, uninterested mare. Someday. Someday things would be different. Just likely no day soon.

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Not a Lost Cause

Postby Rufio on January 7th, 2017, 10:14 pm

g r a d e s


Observation +3
Socialization +3
Rhetoric +1
Painting +2
Tattooing +2
Intelligence +2
Endurance +1
Planning +2


The Drykas: of enduring spirit
Flirting can attract business
Taurina: Embarrassed by shoddy work
Injal: Has a way of weeding out secrets
Taurina doesn't trust Injal
Keil: Quiet and focused
Tanning: Pigskin toughens with age
Tattooing: Using paint to create a guideline
Tattooing: Painting tattoos first gives clients a view to what it will look like
Tattooing: The right depth with the needle
Taurina: Her true self in her nightly seeming
Taurina: Longing for companionship

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