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Stormblood Pavilion Please

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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It's The Thought That Counts

Postby Ixzo on August 5th, 2016, 6:21 pm

73rd of Summer, 516AV
Continued from
this thread.

She had seen most of the Stormbloods filtering through the Pavilion for a while now, but as the sun was setting it seemed the whole city was settling down for the night. With only one more thing to do, Ixzo pulled the flanks from the pan, still very hot and plopped them on the cutting board. It was a lot of meat, but six people wouldn't have an issue with finishing it off, especially if she had accidentally made the other dishes uneatable.

Pinning the flank meat down with the wooden spoon, Ixzo flipped her knife from her pocket. She had just sharpened her trusty game knife that morning, it was always best to keep it very sharp when dealing with meat, so when she began slicing through the flank, it tore through with only a little sawing to help. At least she had done that right.

Tearing off a small piece, she popped it in her mouth, finding that her marinade did not work so well. It still just tasted like meat with the slight tang of the vinegar solution in it. Oh well.

"Are you eating all of that?"

"Mhmm." Ixzo joked as Asher limped forward. Her kittens were following close behind. They liked to follow the Drykas through his chores when Ixzo got annoyed with them, and she was surprised they hadn't come back at the smell of the meat, but now she could see the curiosity in their eyes. If she had a tail she would flick it in warning, but she didn't. Tlii strode right up to the freshly cut meat, gently sniffing the hot pan.

"Tssk!" She hissed at the kitten, spooking her back. By the warning, her brother didn't follow his sister's curiosity, bowling over her to weave through Asher's instead.

"Seems as though Te wants some too." Tetez. She corrected in her mind, not fond of the Drykas nickname for her cats. She knew the foreign names were weird to them, but still.

"That one Tlii. Want some?" She corrected him though, splaying a hand to the food for the Drykas.

"Oh, you're going to share?" He grinned and she rolled her eyes.

"Of course!" Ixzo grabbed the cutting board and stood up, wiping her knife on her breeches and popping it back in its sheath. She would clean it later. "I bring home elk if I was not sharing." She mumbled, thinking she would much rather have an elk carcass to present than try and write off her attempt to make food for the Pavilion. The Elk flanks had actually turned out fine, just as the rice. Perhaps her attempt to marinate the flank in the dark vinegar as Siglay had taught her did not work, but at least it wasn't over done like the rest, it was still red on the inside and juicy. Surrounded by small grilling chili peppers in its pan for spice. She doubted the Drykas would enjoy the hot peppers, but Ixzo would eat them all if they didn't. Meat and rice were things she knew how to make. But the cabbage she had grilled was burnt on one side and only lightly seared on the other. Still eatable, just so badly cooked. Let alone the Bok Choy, which she had accidentally cooked too far down, and now it was little more than a green mush in the pot. Again, it was all edible, just not exactly as she envisioned. And everything, everything, had a hefty dose of her favorite root: Garlic.

Dropping the cutting board at the pile of dishes she claimed to clean later, Ixzo picked up the two gallons of ale that she had bought for good measure. She didn't much like the alcohol, but she knew the humans did, so what could it hurt? She transferred them near the two large pans of cabbage and Bok Choy, the chilis and flank steak, and the crock of rice.

"Dig in." She said to Asher, who had got distracted signing something to whoever had come back first. She was hungry, and when she turned back to transfer the dishes as well, she grabbed one of her own. The Kelvic had no intention of waiting for everyone else. Utensils and table manners were not something to cross the wild woman's mind as she dug the wooden spoon into the rice, grabbing her first scoop.

By the time anyone was curious enough to find she had made dinner, Ixzo was chewing on a mushy glob of Bok Choy, glaring at the setting sun for messing up her vision.

Spread :
Garlic Grilled Cabbage Slices: Slightly burnt on one side, slightly cooked on the other. Crunchy and with garlic and olive oil.
Bok Choy: Very mushy and with garlic for flavoring. They will be incredibly soft, but the green tips will be a bit stringy, so beware of choking.

Elk Flank: Marinaded with Balsamic vinegar in sugar, alhtough only for like fifteen minutes, so you can hardly taste it. There are however about thirty tiny chilli peppers grilled with it, so feel free to take a jab at how spicy Ixzo likes things.
Rice: Rice, nothing is wrong with it, she knows how to make rice.
(Loosely based off of linked recipes)

Also, two gallons of ale. There is a dish and a mug for everyone, although no utensils... you got fingers and teeth, ya'll good in Ixzo's mind. :)

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It's The Thought That Counts

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on August 7th, 2016, 4:41 am



Jasmine walked over the goats to check on them while humming gently. She had just returned from the Predators Post making her rounds. The woman had been working with the dogs again that day. She for sure had an easier time with the dogs than she did with the cats. Though there was no hard feelings towards the creatures. Cats were head strong animals that did not back down. There was a sense of self endowed pride that the creatures possessed. Dogs seemed to be the exact opposite as they were eager to please any one viewed as their owner. Shaking her head the woman heard Asher shouting and waving from the fire put. Confused she made her way out of the herd walking over catching a strong whiff of garlic.

"Hey, what's the occasion Ixzo?" Jasmine asked looking over to the woman.

She grabbed one of the bowls as Asher limped off shouting at Lodia and several others who had returned as well. Sitting down the woman got some meat, rice, garlic chips, and the strange green thing. Leaning back the woman ate the meat first and smiled happy with how it was cooked. Not too tough, not too raw perfect for the blonde. After several bites she moved on to the rice putting it on what appeared to be a garlic chip of some kind. Biting down hard the creaminess of the rice helped soften the food on the burnt side.
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It's The Thought That Counts

Postby Azmere on August 18th, 2016, 2:55 am


Azmere and Lodai looked at each other with raised brows. This was certainly a first. As the archer contemplated what to do with the situation before them, Lodai was the one to start commenting on the world as he saw it.

“Ooooffff course! Join the Watch, they said. Fight evil and protect the city, they said.” He folded his big arms and looked at his ankal with wide eyes of frustration. “Did anyone EVER tell you that being Ra’athi meant…” Obviously he was lost for words. He signed a few things that weren’t nice and it made Azmere crack his crooked smiled. If one had a decent set of ears, they might have heard the faint laughter as it crept and flew from the ankal’s lips. “Seriously? Az…” Lodai had called Azmere by that nickname a few times before he knew where it had originated. Since then, he only uses it when no one else is around. “How are we responsible for cleaning this up? I mean… who lets a zibri sit on them anyway?”

Azmere held up his right hand in a stop motion. Lodai shook his head and sighed. The ankal walked around the two corpses. A zibri bull and his owner were walking to a different area where the bull could have new cows to impregnate when it twisted its ankle and fell on the man. The Drykas, alone, panicked and stabbed the Bull to try to get it off of him. The knife wounds severed the tendons of the big animal’s leg and rendered it immobile. The man suffocated underneath twelve hundred pounds of beef and the bovine bled out over a period of bells. The ankal walked to his friend, pavilion member and partner. With a hand on the big man’s shoulder he nodded. “Helena said the meat needs to get to the Spitfire. Go grab some rope and something to wedge under this side.” His hands formed a few quick signs saying it was time to get to work.


Azmere leaned in on Skylla and squeezed his knees against her sides. The young mare responded with a steady climb to a higher rate of speed. It wasn’t long before they caught up with Lodai and Atavan. After passing them slightly, the black stallion called out to Skylla and veered towards her but the mare was fleet of foot and dodged quickly. Both riders sat up in their yvases and began to process of slowing down their mounts. As they made their way into camp, a variety of smells washed over them. Ixzo and Jasmine were near the fire while Asher was waving them both on. Lodai smiled and stretched his arms out above his head. “Food!” He looked to his ankal and signed I’m starving but the motion was completed in lackluster fashion. The look on Azmere’s face told the big warrior that he was going to have a wait a moment longer.

“If your horse bites or kicks Skylla, I’ll clip him.” The yellw and blue eyes were intensely focused upon the dark brown pools of Lodai. The ankal signed indicating that Atavan would receive the same treatment as a bull who could no longer stud. This made the spiritist wince and grab himself.

“Understood.” Lodai went straight to Atavan and with stern love, he walked the black stallion to the other side of camp away from the young, speckled mare. Azmere turned and removed the yvas, then blanket and turned brushing his unscarred cheek against the neck of his strider. He lingered for a minute as the two shared a moment of mutual respect and comfort. The archer then took his things into his tent and set them off to the side. He came out and headed over to the layout of dinner. His eyes widened as he looked to Asher. He pointed a finger but the old man smiled and shook his head then pointed to Ixzo. Azmere’s gaze followed Asher’s indication until he met the woman’s gaze. “Thank you for this…it’s not poison is it?” He gave her a wink and moved to gather some meat first.

The roasted flesh appealed most to his stomach and so it was what filled most of his plate. Next, he gathered some chips. They had a savory smell and the texture gave him pause enough to examine and sample one. Aside from being a bit done, it was good so grabbed a few more. Rice was a given and the archer figured the green stuff was some kind of sauce for the grain so he put the Bak Choi on top of the rice. His plate was heaped full. At first, the ankal felt guilt but then he saw how Lodai was stacking his and was less self-conscious. He filled a cup with some ale artfully balancing his plate on his forearm while holding the drink and pouring at the same time. Once he was done, the ale barely touched its bottom before Lodai scooped it up.

Azmere moved over to sit on the ground between Asher and Jasmine. He plopped down slowly, sore from his labors but ready for the dinner before him. He picked up a piece of the elk and tore into it. It was delicious so he bit off another big chunk. After a few moments of chewing, he felt his forehead grow warm and his eyes watered a bit. He blinked and grabbed one of the crispy wedges and scooped up some rice and …goop. The combination of flavors seemed to ease the burn that was now stuck in the back of his throat. For several ticks, he eyed the meat debating whether or not to continue. As he looked around, he noticed the old man was having similar issues and the ankal figured he would deal. After all, the flavor was delicious. Azmere quickly devoured more of the tender roast making sure to mix in bites of his other food and the occasional swallow of ale to keep the burning sensation at bay. After he had finished, he set his dishes down behind where he was sitting and snapped his fingers twice. Grey came trotting up and began to lick the scraps clean. The ankal pushed on his knees until he was standing and found Ixzo.

“Ixzo.” His voice was even and his expression calm as he waited for her to acknowledge him. When she did, he would sign delicious and then question why she felt the need to cook such a feast. Azmere was a simple man and the exotic food took him as something that might be for a special occasion. He walked over and grabbed a tiny piece of elk meat and popped it into his mouth and looked back to their evening’s chef with a smile on his face.
Last edited by Azmere on August 19th, 2016, 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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It's The Thought That Counts

Postby Rufio on August 29th, 2016, 12:12 pm

rufio, last home, sighted Lodai leave his midnight stallion in the warm glow of Syna's setting light and duck into the pavilion. Loha nickered to the Stormblood striders gathered in the grasses and tossed his head, glad for home.
His rider drew him to a halt, though, just on the fringes of the Stormblood camp and she gazed at the tent for a chime, surprised at her relief to see the Stormblood camp.
It had been a mistake to visit her old family this morning.
    "You are not welcome here...
         L E A V E."

The angry echo of Tal'ck, Wildmane Ankal, haunted her all day. That morning she had sought closure, chased the Past. The fortune-teller tutted at herself, ever was she bidding her own clients to let go of nostalgia, and loss.
    'The Strider looks ahead at his path,
        not behind'.

  She took a deep breath, filling her chest with it, and listened to the warm Stormblood voices, their familiar melody muffled on the breeze. Just like that, her feelings shifted tides, leaving the debris of loss on Memory's shores, and turning to the Future, stretching like the Sea Of Grass ahead.
 Hers lay with the Stormbloods. With Ixzo.
         It's Ixzo's birth-day soon.
The reminder chased a smile into her freckled features, and, with a small grass-wrapped package in hand, she dismounted Loha to join the family.

The short Drykas' sandals slapped the ground noisily as she stepped into the pavilion. Her senses assaulted with an odor of strong garlic. Ixzo's been cooking.
   "Ohf! What poor creature died in here?—" Rufio scrunched her nose and teased her bond-mate playfully, before announcing her arrival and signing her greetings.
         "Evenin', all."
Though her ochre gaze sought Ixzo's first, as always it did. Just seeing her, Rufio seemed to light up within under that caramel complexion. An excitement danced into her features, as she strode over to embrace her bond-mate in a light, loose hug and breathed—
     "Happy birth-day, mana!"

Last edited by Rufio on August 29th, 2016, 9:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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It's The Thought That Counts

Postby Ixzo on August 29th, 2016, 7:44 pm

The cabbage slice fell apart as she took a bite out of it. On the burnt side it looked like a very well cooked sliced brain, a dish that not even she liked back home, so the Myrian-raised Kelvic flipped remaining leaves of her slice over so she wouldn't have to think about the nostalgic dish. If she could give the Drykas props for anything, it was that they did not eat the brains of their enemies, by far the worst part of the human body to eat. Ixzo very much preferred thighs.

She grinned at Azmere's joke though, shrugging nonchalantly for humor. "Might be," She dared him, and then was uncertain if he was hesitant because the cooking was bad of if he actually believed her. It was likely the former, so Ixzo paid him no mind. Even as most of the Pavilion filed in, Ixzo still glanced impatiently at the horses, waiting for Rufio.

At least she didn't have long to wait. When she looked up for about the thirtieth time, Ixzo found the familiar silhouette of her bond-mate against the setting sun. Too noticeably, the Kelvic relaxed. She did like these people, there was no doubt about that, however the cat always felt so much more comfortable when her bond-mate was around. Or perhaps she was simply lifted by Rufio's presence on a regular basis. It didn't matter to her, she was just happy her sister was finally close again, and she could feel the tingle in their bond that told her the feeling was very much a mutual one. Without hesitating, she stood to meet her, sensing that there was something a bit heavier than simply relaxing at the end of a long day for Rufio, and Ixzo was quick to try and mend this.

"Only Elk… so far." She shot a glare at Azmere while answering Rufio, only sparing him a second before her attention was immediately consumed again by her sister, a grin spreading across her face when the Drykas actually recognized the reason for terrible cooking. Sure, she had a few days still, but the Kelvic wanted everyone, not just her bond-mate, to recognize her birthday. She was six after all, officially an old lady, at least she felt like it. According to her mother, she had quite a few more years to go, but then again her mother lived to be nearly twenty, so she didn't trust the elephant entirely.

All were hungry and it seemed quiet for a few moments while they finished, and Ixzo realized no one was eating her peppers. Wimps. She thought, reaching over to snag a few and popping the spicy peppers in her mouth, eyeing Azmere when he addressed her directly.

Celebrate. She signed in return, it took her only a few ticks too long to comprehend all he had signed, but she was understanding the signs much quicker than she had last year, it was only returning them that she stumbled with most frequently. "Three moons, then my birth-day." Ixzo picked up another pepper, handing it to him, offering the Ankal to try the hot treat, then gathering a few more for herself. She spoke evenly through her thick accent, as if she was discussing the value of a kill at the Spitfire, rather than advertising that she wanted attention. "Myrians gift for birth-day." Ixzo wiped her fingers in the grass before adding her signs. Unsure, Drykas habits. "I want to… " Celebrate. She signed, unable to completely form a sentence in either just the words or signs.

"Feast," She casually copied his word, tasting the strange sound, not entirely certain if it was a sarcastic one or an accurate description, but using it anyway. "Before you go." Journey, trade, in the morning. She nodded towards Azmere, giving him a knowing grin. Her attempt at nonchalance was barely concealed, but clearly an effort had been made: She wanted a proper birthday, probably more than that. The stoic had just spoken more to these people than she ever had before, excluding Rufio of course, and that made it hard for any to mistake her demands. Even so, as she got the point across, the Kelvic had no hint of embarrassment, turning to offer Rufio a pepper as well.

She always tried to get her beloved sister to eat them, seeming to consistently forget her reactions each and every time. "Want one?"

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It's The Thought That Counts

Postby Jasmine Stormblood on August 29th, 2016, 10:27 pm


Title Font

Jasmine watched everyone curling her feet under her still trying to figure out where she truly fit in with the group. The girl needed to learn the ways of camp life, but was unsure who could show her. With a smile the blonde heard Rufio say birthday and turned to Ixzo.

"You should have said something sooner. I feel kinda bad not having you anything," Jasmine said with a smile as Asher sat beside her.

The girl grabbed one of the peppers curious to what it was. Turning it around in her fingers before sniffing it some. Shrugging the girl popped the whole thing her mouth and started chewing.
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It's The Thought That Counts

Postby Azmere on September 30th, 2016, 12:53 am


Azmere continued to munch as his eyes flitted about from person to person. His mind wandered as he soaked in the ambient air of relaxed postures and easy smiles. Is this what Asmodeus always spoke about? There was no way to know for certain but the scarred man did his best remain in the moment.

Ixzo, she had been so strange when they first met. She was without boundaries but showed a deep sense of caring when she saw his scars. The archer could only imagine that most never got to see that side of her; the side that cooks a feast for a bunch of people who didn’t get her a gift for her birthday. Azmere noticed her behavior during the trial and the strength and speed she displayed. He wished to talk to her about it because he felt like there was more to the story than just a powerful woman. He smiled and took another bite of the spicy meat then continued his eyes a’wandering.

Rufio. The sweet girl with the freckles and that messy hair had endeared herself to Azmere a long time ago. Her strength comes from a place that is purely spiritual and that energy seems to fuel the contagious smile which the ankal has grown accustomed to seeing. Aside from being pleasant, Rufio also shares the faith that spawned a pair of wings along Azmere’s shoulders. He is not only grateful to have a fellow believer around for comfort and discussions but he finds that he helps keep him accountable to the oath he swore. The ankal dusted the remaining bits of food from his fingertips and moved along to the side then turned to rest his eyes upon another.

The bouncy blonde hair and big blue eyes were hard to miss. Fire suited the woman by casting all of the right shadows and flares. It was amusing to Azmere that not so long ago she was stealing his food and falling out of a tree. Time changes many things and though they hadn’t talked about it, the ankal knew there was a story behind the tattoo that surrounds her eye. One day, perhaps she could tell of the deeds which lead to the blessing. Jasmine had changed a great deal and from what the archer could see, it was all for the better.

Fatigue wore into the man and he silently slipped through the canvas and onto his mat. He stripped off his boots and shirt and all of his gear. Grey popped his head in still licking the meat juice from his chops. The ankal snapped his fingers twice and the dog entered the chamber then did the ritualistic three turns before settling down. The man and his beast feel asleep listening to Asher give Lodai a hard time about his eating habits and the laughter of the women in the pavilion. Tomorrow would see a long journey but today had shown the budding fruits of an even longer one.

[ooc=Sowwy] Apologies for this being so late. Lots of stuff going on. I get some free time this weekend so here's to scrambling!!
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It's The Thought That Counts

Postby Rufio on October 29th, 2016, 10:23 am

     with a smile, Jasmine turned to Ixzo. "You should have said something sooner. I feel kinda bad not having you anything."

Rufio turned towards Jasmine and offered her guilt and apologies in sign as she responded. "Sorry, I should have mentioned it, too. I didn't know you were cooking up a feast tonight!" Pleasant surprise.

The freckled Drykas chuckled and threw her hands up defensively, alarm flickering across her brow as Ixzo offered her a pepper. "Oh no, no you don't, I swore I was never going to put one of those 'little-fires' in my mouth after the last time!" Rufio ducked away.

Her hands took up a ladle of Bok Choy and rice and she spooned it into a bowl for herself. Her ochre gaze inspected the cabbage dubiously, before she forked some onto her plate, too. She came to sit next to Lodai, who was happily munching.

Sneaking a hand about his cup of ale, Rufio stole a swig, setting it down absent-mindedly beside her. So when the warrior bit into a pepper, his eyes began to stream, grunting in discomfort, and he reached for the cooling aid of the drink, it was not to be found.

"Hot, hot. Hot!" He gestured wildly to his ale, and Rufio passed it to him. He glugged it fervently. Rufio broke out in laughter, Asher too. The warrior grunted in embarrassment, though a chuckle vibrated in his chest too.

Azmere retired to bed.

Lodai gestured faux-aggressively. "Here." The Ra'athi took a pepper from his plate, and held it aloft, whole, as he challenged. "Alright, everyone eat one of these. Whoever succumbs to the pepper-fire first, loses. Whoever withholds from ale longest, wins!"

Rufio slid a sly glance to Ixzo, knowing full well that her bond-sister would win. In the spirit of her birthday, she said. "What do we get if we win?"

Lodai was not dim, for all his childish antics. He shrugged a shoulder and suggested. "The loser must do the dishes. The winner, he' owed a chore done for him by anyone else who takes part."

Rufio grinned. "She, you mean."
Challenge accepted

With that, the Stormbloods were drawn into a game, the smiles and laughter rose and fell, a warm hub-bub against the soft noises of sleepy goats and horses outside and the ever-present crackle of fire.

      A family
  of misfits knitted together,
    by fortune, fate or luck,
         but a family celebrating the birth-day of one of their own,

                          all the same.

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It's The Thought That Counts

Postby Khida on January 10th, 2017, 2:40 am


Skill Points
Socialization +1
  • Cabbage: resembles brains
  • Socialization: celebrating with a feast
  • Socialization (Myrian): gifts for birthdays
  • Stormblood Pavilion: not keen on hot peppers

I don't see any expenses in your ledger for Fall 516; please remember to account for them.

Jasmine Stormblood

Skill Points
Socialization +2
  • Ixzo: born on Summer 76th
  • Ixzo: cooks a mean elk
  • Ixzo: likes hot peppers
  • Socialization: celebrating with a feast
  • Socialization (Myrian): gifts for birthdays


Skill Points
Horsemanship +1
Leadership +1
Socialization +2
  • Leadership: dividing and delegating tasks
  • Ixzo: born on Summer 76th
  • Ixzo: cooks a mean elk
  • Ixzo: likes hot peppers
  • Socialization: celebrating with a feast
  • Socialization (Myrian): gifts for birthdays


Skill Points
Socialization +2
Stealing +1
  • Ixzo: born on Summer 76th
  • Ixzo: cooks a mean elk
  • Ixzo: likes hot peppers
  • Socialization: celebrating with a feast
  • Socialization (Myrian): gifts for birthdays
  • Stormblood Pavilion: present and future harbor
  • Stealing: appropriating an unattended item in easy reach
  • Wildmane Pavilion: belongs in the past


This was a fun little event to read, especially given that I was in Ixzo's position not too long ago. ;) I hope to see a sequel next summer!

I think I wrung all the awards to be had out of this thread, but if anyone thinks I missed something, please don't hesitate to PM me. Also, Rufio, please edit your request to show this thread has been graded.
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