[Verified by Pentacle] Liriope

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Liriope on December 22nd, 2016, 11:00 pm


Basic information

Race: Konti
Gender: Female
Age: 50
Birthday: 60th of spring, 466
Birthplace: Mura

Time Line

466 - 485 - Mura

485 - 500 - Syrilas

500 - Winter 516 - Alvadas

Winter 516 - ? - Zeltiva

Appearance: Liriope has pale blonde hair and pale skin, her eyes are light blue. She is thin and toned, and is 5'6.

She prefers lighter clothes which are loose, liking how the colour matches her skin tone. She tends to wear light blues a lot.
Character Concept

Liriope is quite a normal Konti, or she at least appears to be. She is calm, and almost emotionless at times. Though this comes from years of masking her true intentions.

She used to be very emotional, extremely expressive and prone to having outbursts, which disturbed the others around her as she grew up. Liriope was then taught to cover up what she felt, acting polite and reserved.

Liriope suffers from sociopathy, a condition where she does not feel kindness, and doesn't feel remorse for her actions if it benefits her. This causes her to lack morals, and she has no issue with crime. She only feels empathy for a select group of people who she befriends. (there is more info in plotnotes)

She enjoys practicing hypnotism, finding it a fun tool to get what she wants from the people around her. She looks down on them, not openly, and sees them as unintelligent unless they prove otherwise.

Overall, she values power over people.

Character History

She grew up on the Konti Isle, though she didn't fit in much there, as she was loud at times, and disruptive. She was taught medicine as a young child, as she slightly enjoyed it, but it wasn't really what she took a shine to the most.

As a child she was viewed as a bully, using others to get what she wanted and looking down on them, not caring much about fitting into the society she was living in, but learning to act as if she did.

She travelled for a while, learning hypnotism from an enthusiastic user, (who wasn't the best of teachers, causing Liriope to learn though her failures often), and she took a shine to it. She discovered ahe loved using it, and often overgave whi!e she was learning.

Her morals, or lack of, took her into getting information from people. Often using her gift to threaten them.

Konti gift

Liriope can see who a person loves or cares about the most. She sees this by touching the person with the intent to learn this.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Kontinese


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Hypnotism 15 SP +1 +2 18 Novice
Interrogation 10 SP 10 Novice
Acting 10 SP 10 Novice
Weapon: Bladed boots 15 sp 15 Novice
Medicine 10 RB, 10 Novice
Socialisation +3 +1 4 Novice
Subterfuge +1 +1 2 Novice
Observation +3 3 Novice
Flirting +1 1 Novice


Lore of Konti Culture
Lore of Mura geography

Salara: Hates Getting Wet
Location: Quill's Rest
Kelp Tea Isn't That Bad
Salara: Doesn't See the Value in Gods
Salara: Formerly a Slave
Salara: Had a Practical, Unkind Slave Master
Salara: From Sunberth
Salara: A Kelvic
Salara: Doesn't Know Her Parents
Salara: Branded with a Screaming Cat Symbol

Cities Full of Hate are the Most Comfortable
Salara Kel'halavath: The Calloused Hand Woman
Barmaids Don't Like Miza Pinchers
Salara Kel'halavath: Poor or Frugal?
Salara Kel'halavath: Insecure Whe

Notes and Comments
1 Set of Clothing
-Simple dress: The dress has a long flowing skirt and sleeves, it is white.
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak: The cloak is black.
-Simple shoes: White shoes.
-Bladed boots: These are black.
Inside backpack
-Brush (Wood)
-Flint & Steel
-1 Waterskin

Inn room
-Comb (wood)
- Soap

Heirloom: Bladed boots given to her by her old employer for protection.


Location: Zeltiva
House: Living in the World's end grotto


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Traded in housing +500 Gm 600 GM
Wine -2SM 599 GM, 8SM
Simple room at the World's end grotto(Winter) -18gm, 2 sm 581 gm, 6sm
Winter seasonal expenses -145 GM 436 Gm, 6 Sm
Inactive, spring 517 0 GM 436 GM, 6 SM
Summer seasonal expenses -145 GM 291 GM, 6 SM

Last edited by Liriope on March 1st, 2018, 11:20 am, edited 16 times in total.
"Emotions are the fool's leader, and the genius' pawn."
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Postby Liriope on January 10th, 2017, 8:36 pm

Winter 516
In theory winter comes(1st) :

Observation: 3
Hypnotism: 2
Socialization: 1
Subterfuge: 1
Flirting: 1

Cities Full of Hate are the Most Comfortable
Salara Kel'halavath: The Calloused Hand Woman
Barmaids Don't Like Miza Pinchers
Salara Kel'halavath: Poor or Frugal?
Salara Kel'halavath: Insecure When Unemployed
Song: A Sleepy Lass Indeed

Rainy days and acquaintances(9th) :

Socialization: 3
Subterfuge: 1
Hypnotism: 1

Salara: Hates Getting Wet
Location: Quill's Rest
Kelp Tea Isn't That Bad
Salara: Doesn't See the Value in Gods
Salara: Formerly a Slave
Salara: Had a Practical, Unkind Slave Master
Salara: From Sunberth
Salara: A Kelvic
Salara: Doesn't Know Her Parents
Salara: Branded with a Screaming Cat Symbol

Notes and Comments

"Emotions are the fool's leader, and the genius' pawn."
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Joined roleplay: December 22nd, 2016, 10:44 pm
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