The look that presented itself on Raoul's face was in a word: peculiar. He looked confused to Vaerin. For what reason, he didn't know. However, Dra-Vaerin decided that attempting to decipher a reason for this was a fairly useless endeavor. To him it felt most likely this man was just genuinely confused by his appearance. He definitely must have never seen one of my kind before then. No matter though, Dra-Vaerin continued to think, that had little to do with him just as the two men remained civil to him. He knew he would continue to be civil to them. So there was not much point in trying to overthink the situation.
The thoughts that Raoul had about the authenticity of the concern that Dra-Vaerin expressed having was understandable. They were not entirely unfounded, not that Vaerin would have ever admitted that. Part of it did stem from a self-serving standpoint. Not all of it - for he would have felt guilty if he were to be the cause of these two men getting into trouble. Yet, it was undeniable that what he said was deliberately stated in order to project a very particular image of himself. He wanted to divulge information from the two men by being intentionally vague, whilst still presenting an image of kindness and respectability. It was an interesting dichotomy of his own desires conflicting with his morals in some respects. It could be arguable that in some capacity he was being dishonest in his methods.
There was a pregnant pause in the conversation before Lin stated that they were under no immediate deadline in which Vaerin cast a more thorough glance at the cart the two men were previously hauling. The crates on closer inspection did seem to be legitimate trade goods from a ship. Well, rather they match what he imagined such a thing would look like. He had little clue on how trade functioned on this side of Mizahar. Honestly, he had little clue on how trade functioned in Kalinor. He focused himself more on artistic pursuits. His opinion on trading relationships between his people and the outside world stopped at he thought the Aconite web were by in large much more accommodating of both the Dra and the outside races. He sometimes wished his mother had been born to them, or married into them. Perhaps then he would have had an easier childhood. That did not have much of anything to do with trade though.
The human called Lin seemed to be annoyed at the current situation, judging by his almost pained expression. Which made Vaerin feel increasingly that his ideation of this being a set up for a mugging or something was a paranoid conclusion that had no basis in reality. There wasn't as much harried insistence from them for him to follow them as he thought would be present from criminals. Rather it seemed to be more like Raoul liked to push limits, which Lin seemed to humor. With that, he did feel his disposition towards the two soften significantly. Not entirely though. He felt it prudent to still keep his wits about him and be somewhat guarded.
Raoul seemed to confirm this hypothesis with his next statement, all the while chuckling. Even if it was more likely that the laughter was at Vaerin's expense given his lack of understanding about the sea-faring lifestyle. Vaerin however did not glean this understanding from it. Even if he did consider himself fairly adept at picking up on social cues such as that.
"Ah, I am relieved to hear that then. It looks like it must be very heavy to move...I must admit I don't begrudge you having to move it by yourselves. It must be very physically taxing work." Dra-Vaerin's response was rather superficial, but polite. Not that he was usually anything but polite. It was more just a statement to acknowledge what Raoul had said.
Raoul's following questions however left Dra-Vaerin utterly flabbergasted. Especially the casualness of what he was suggesting with the lascivious wink. To the point where Dra-Vaerin's mouth dropped open in surprise. Such a suggestion of impropriety?! Not in the least. Dra-Vaerin was not sure if it was actually obvious for outsiders to tell if Symenestra were capable of blushing; but he knew he was. His face felt roughly the same temperature as a sword just taken out of the forge.
"What?! Me? Oh no. No, no. No I'm not on-- chasing a wife?!"
He truly found himself floundering for what to say in response to that suggestion. So in his rush to clear himself of even the suggestion of such an indiscretion on his part he dropped any notion that he had held of being intentionally vague. His expression turned decidedly sheepish, as he adverted his gaze from Raoul and Lin, covering his mouth with his hand momentarily.
"No. Not in the least. I am just going to the fish markets for a meal later on, I don't have to work today."
Given the nature of Symenestran biology and reproduction, the idea of taking on other partners was common: after all, that was how the harvest came about. However, usually this was just for the purpose of reproduction and not so much for the desire of emotional commitment or love. As such, Dra-Vaerin found the suggestion highly uncomfortable. Moreso from his own personal standpoint, he knew that other Symenestra viewed this situation in a multitude of different ways. Those from the Datura web often seemed to have a more traditionalist and proper approach from his understanding of his mother's web in comparison to what he had seen from other webs.
The reason for this was twofold. He himself had never experienced a reason strong enough to justify chasing after anyone. Let alone an already married women. Back in Kalinor it was highly unlikely that anyone would desire to be romantically or sexually linked with a Dra in the way that he would have desired. He was almost certain that such an action would have been as close to social suicide as actually being Dra. Secondly, what he desired when it came to matters like that was to experience the same kind of devotion that he saw in his mother's eyes when she spoke of his father. However, that was going to be entirely impossible until he was more comfortable in himself. He felt that there was a lot of issues and information for him to process before he would be able to open himself up to such a notion. So Raoul's suggestion didn't stem so much from the idea of the act itself; but rather that he would ever be able to view himself in that light. Even in a throwaway comment.
Of course, by the time he felt he was able to even look anyone in the eye again, he noticed that Raoul and Lin had stepped towards their cart. Even then he still felt highly embarrassed. Even hypothetically he couldn't think of any of the wives that frequented the store that he could even look at in that way. He shook it off. There was too much to think about in matters of the heart.
Desperate to not look like a complete twit after that though he approached the cart, desperately trying to will his face to stop burning so.
"Erm, perhaps I can assist you in pulling the cart? If it wouldn't inconvenience you of course. I might not look very strong, but I was a dancer - an extra set of hands never hurt?"
He would fully admit that what he said sounded awkward, and perhaps didn't make much sense. But, well, he was still quite flustered and that seemed to make sense in the given moment.
He assumed that it wouldn't take too much time to do that, and well, one could never tell when a good deed would be rewarded. In retrospect he would believe that neither men had any ill desire in their heart towards him and did just want to help. This day had definitely not begun the way he had intended it to.