[Note by Pentacle] Jabari Artani

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Jabari Artani

Postby Jabari Artani on February 12th, 2017, 4:30 pm


Jabari Mara Artani

Age: 21
Race: Kelvic (African Forest Elephant)
Birthday: 3rd day of Summer 495AV
Location: Sylirus - The Travlers Row
Languages: Common (Fluent) Fratava (Basic)

Last edited by Jabari Artani on February 21st, 2017, 4:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Jabari Artani
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Joined roleplay: February 12th, 2017, 3:42 pm
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Character sheet

Jabari Artani

Postby Jabari Artani on February 12th, 2017, 4:54 pm



Jar's human form is very big and bulky. He has extremely broad shoulders and is very stocky. He does not look particularly strong as he has a denser build but he is quite fit. He stands very tall at 6'1" and towers over most. His skin is the colour of dark chocolate and quite smooth and clear of freckles or imperfections.

His face is soft and friendly. Jar's eyes seem to always be sparkling. They are deep brown, and look black in most dim lighting. He has a square shaped face with a soft jawline. Framing his face is his short, usually styled into dreadlocks, midnight coloured hair. His mouth and nose are rather big, and he has a warm smile and naturally straight, white teeth with a very slight gap between the front two. He usually has some fuzzy stubble covering his jaw and upper lip.

Jabari usually dresses himself in neat and lose fitting tunics, usually in bright colours, and loose pants tied with a rope. He has a simplistic style, as he does not care much for clothing and wants items that will make him respectable in public, but will make it easier to take them off in a hurry.

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Jabari Artani
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Joined roleplay: February 12th, 2017, 3:42 pm
Race: Kelvic
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Jabari Artani

Postby Jabari Artani on February 12th, 2017, 5:23 pm



Elephant Personalitys :
“Leadership is not equal to power or assertion in elephants, but illustrates the respect accorded to individuals as a function of their problem-solving ability and their social permissiveness.”

Jabari’s personality can be categorized into three defining characteristics: Respect, Intelligence and teamwork-oriented. For Jar, Respect should be given to any with more discipline, experience or years than yourself. Elders are full of stories and have a life full of experiences to share with the younger generations. Jar respects skill and discipline as well as the ability to solve problems or to teach others. He will be respectful to any stranger but will pay particular mind to those who earn his admiration. What Jabari thinks little of is those who command respect through brawn and violence.

The pursuit of knowledge is Jabari’s defining purpose in life. He is particularily interested in history and culture, and wants to discover these things for himself. He is constantly blown away by the bigness of the world he lives in, and is completely focused in discovering all he can in his short time on earth. Jabari is a great listener, and loves people who can spin a good yarn, or teach him a new trade. Jar has a great ability to focus. He can drown out the world and just focus completely on a single task. This helps him learn much faster, and retain information much better. He likes to write everything down and his handwriting is usually atrocious. He isn’t very organised with these ’notes’ and can end up with the full comprehensive set of instructions telling him of how to fix a leaky pipe, to a random phrase like ‘What goes up…’.

Jabari is forever a pack animal, and is very good at working together in a team and playing to the strengths of others. He is never ashamed to ask questions, no matter how stupid. Nor would he ever be reluctant to ask a more skilled person for help with something he wasn’t as proficient at. Jabar has a love for other people, and all he wants is to have a family of his own one day. His instincts are always urging him to find his female counterpart, but his human side is waiting for the right woman.

Jabari’s weaknesses are his kind and forgiving nature. He trusts easily, and fully, if someone were to try and deceive him. He is far to kind and giving, and therefore easy to take advantage of. One day this may just lead to dark times. He is extremely hard to anger, and even harder to make a proper enemy of: He is too merciful, sparing those who shouldn’t be spared in the hopes they’ll change. He cannot resist helping someone he sees in trouble, suffering or in need, and often doesn’t think of the repercussions or situation before doing so.

He can also be too nosy: Asking personal questions too soon, or eavesdropping on people or trying to become too close to someone too quickly. It can come across as overbearing and so he does try to control himself.

Jabari is a good man, but a naive one in terms of street smarts. Where will life lead him?

Last edited by Jabari Artani on February 21st, 2017, 11:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Jabari Artani
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Joined roleplay: February 12th, 2017, 3:42 pm
Race: Kelvic
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Jabari Artani

Postby Jabari Artani on February 12th, 2017, 7:29 pm



Jabari was born in the wilds of Falyndar! His mother was a mouse Kelvic, and his father was a human man, so against all odds Jabari was born a Kelvic. His mother died when Jar was about 5 and his father raised him in the city of Syka. Jabari was very at home in Syka. It was near the jungle, and it was an interesting city.

his father was a very capable man, but a very gentle one as well. He wanted Jabari to live a full life, and go on many adventures, so when his son his adolescence at around 10 years of age, he left Syka with him in search of other cities. Along the way they met many people. He learnt how to make pottery in Syka, as his father had a pottery shop there. He also learnt how to paint, and how to tell good stories.

The two trailed across Falyndar, avoiding the Dahni's and the Myrians, and eventually made it to the Sylirus region. For a while they lived in the port city of Zeltiva, and were going to leave when his father injured his spine when jumping off a cliff face into the sea below. He accidentally hit a rock on the way down and permanently lost use of his legs. He urged Jabari to leave him in this city and go travelling himself.

Jabari was about 16 at the time. He told his son to come back when he had lots and lots of stories to tell. So he traveled to Sunberth, working there as a bartender for a couple years. He found a stray cat there getting kicked by some kids and rescued it, telling the kids off. It had one eye and was quite aggressive, but Jabari took the scratches until it warmed up to him. It was then he decided to move on. He took the cat, which he named Corkscrew (Or corky) then he traveled to Nyka at the age of 17 and learnt all about the religion there, finally, at the age of 21 he arrived at Sylirus. It was time to start again somewhere new

Last edited by Jabari Artani on February 21st, 2017, 4:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Jabari Artani
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Jabari Artani

Postby Jabari Artani on February 13th, 2017, 4:48 am


Jabari's Information

Skills and Lore :
Lore of city: Zeltivia
Lore of city: Sylirus

Skill | XP earned | Total XP
*SP = Starter Package
**RB = Racial Bonus

Pottery | 10SP | 10XP
Painting | 5SP | 5XP
Wilderness Survival: Jungle | 10XP | 10XP
Foraging | 10RB | 10XP
Story Telling | 10SP | 10XP
Brawling | 10SP |10XP
Flirting | 5SP | 5XP

Inventory and Ledger :

1 Backpack
1 set of toiletries
1 bar of soap
1 comb
1 eating knife

1 long green tunic (Cotton)
1 Pair loose cotton pants
1 pair boxers
1 pair white sandals
1 black winter jacket

Small brightly painted tea-pot (Heirloom)
5 pounds of Clay (5CM)
Preserving kit (5gm)

1 small white male cat with one eye: Named Corkscrew
Image (3SM)

Item | Cost/Gain | Total

Starter Package | +100GM | 100GM
5 Pounds of Clay | -5CM | 99GM 9SM 95CM
Preserving Kit | -5GM | 98GM 9SM 95CM
Cat | -3SM | 98GM 6SM 95CM


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Jabari Artani
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Jabari Artani

Postby Jabari Artani on February 13th, 2017, 4:51 am


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To Come

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Jabari Artani
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Jabari Artani

Postby Pentacle on March 9th, 2017, 2:48 am

µ Hello! Welcome to Mizahar! µ

You're really rocking the elephant. And you know what they say about long memories... oh wait, I forgot. There are just a couple tweaks to be made so it's sparkling and ready for roleplaying:

1. Birth Place: Since you have your starting location listed as Syliras, it would be helpful to include that he was born in Falyndar.

2. Language: As a kelvic you get to be fluent in your animal language. Typically people take the animal Latin name (or genus) and make it sound like a language name. For example for an elephant it might be: Loxodon

3. Mother’s (mouse) lifespan: Since his mother was a mouse kelvic, she would only live to be about 2 or 3 at most (from Wikipedia in regards to the ‘house mouse’). Additionally, you’d have to factor in the fact that she has to be an adult to have offspring. Therefore, she would have died maybe when he was 2.

4. Syka (History): Syka is actually a very very new settlement. Its location was discovered in-game and it was founded around Summer 516 AV. Therefore, we don’t let any new PC ‘start’ there or have history there, unless they have only just arrived upon its shores. Taloba and Zinrah are both acceptable cities in Falyndar, and Taloba even has a few kelvics among its many Myrians.

Once you have made the necessary changes, please PM / Private Message me (using the envelope button) and I'll remove this intervention. I'm also happy to answer any questions you may have.

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