Character Concept
"It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars..." - Unknown The Exterior
Human Form:Raven's human form is pale, this is mostly because she prefers to stalk her prey through the shadows regardless if it is day or night. Black locks tumble freely down her back and she never truly likes to cut it whenever the need is at hand. These black locks frame a pale slightly angular face which sets off the brown eyes. Such features reflect the bird within, but it isn't very noticeable unless someone observes quite closely and pays attention to her mannerism. Common clothes cover her form but all in the colour black, this is so then it is easier for the woman to blend into the shadows whenever the need arises. Other than that, there are no defining marks that mark her pale flesh, mostly because she hasn't yet felt drawn to a symbol that reflects her from within.
Raven Form:Her animal form isn't considered to be a rather large build, in fact, she tends to think that for a raven, she is quite average in length and width. The kelvic is 60cms in length and when she stretches out her wings her wing span is 115cms. Brown beady eyes follow the movements of others, while sleek black feathers cover her body, which makes moving around in the dark fairly easy for the woman.
The Interior
Sometimes, it's difficult to understand just as to what is going on within the woman's mind as she tries to keep her features rather neutral so not to give away her true intentions. Even she knows that the slightest cue in body language can give her away, but she has yet to learn the true knowledge of never giving away her intentions. Often she doesn't mind being alone, it is how she prefers to hunt, simply because there is no one else to give away her position to the prey. Other times though, she definitely doesn't mind being surrounded by others and can be seen to socialise amongst the crowd. Socialising, she has realised, is a very good tool, it especially helps to know whether someone is hiding something. Hiding a secret that she herself wants to know.
The woman is forever seeking, her curious mind is always questioning motives and wanting to know the secrets of the person in front of her. The drive to know such secrets has always been there and one could say that that it is this drive that aims for her to also chasing the hunt of a kill. Especially, the kill that she may one day complete.
MeritsObservant: One could say that she is observant. If anything, she tends to think of herself as the watcher. The kelvic is always looking for cues that might tell her that someone is hiding something that they do not want someone else to know, so she observes.
Patient: Raven is incredibly patient, for it is the only way to hunt for anything. Observation is one thing, but the kelvic's patience ties in with that. For someone needs to be patient in order to unearth the secrets of someone who would rather keep them hidden.
Confident: The kelvic is rather confident within her own skills, simply because she knows that if she exercises them more often, she would only grow more competent in her tasks. Someone else might see this as a flaw, but she sees it as merit. This is only because she believes that if someone isn't confident within their abilities, then they would only be second guessing themselves which isn't exactly the best thing to have happen.
FlawsDistrustful: People may often see her as distrustful, which is the case, but while she may distrusts, she knows that she has to also appear that she trusts them. Deception is key in most things and she would rather appear trusting when really she distrusts them, only to learn to trust someone. It would give her time to work out their true motives, rather than be stabbed in the back from mis-placed trust.
Acting Alone: Raven would be considered as someone who isn't a team member. This is mostly due to the fact that she considers other people to be variables that she doesn't want to include. In her mind, too many variables could potentially screw up her hunt for a beast or a secret. For not everyone likes to slink around in the shadows like she does and not everyone has the same tactics like she does. Noisy variables are a problem in her books and not all variables move as slowly and cautiously like she does.
Flaw:AspirationsTo gain as many secrets to arm her arsenal: While this isn't her ultimate goal, it is still a goal that she aims for every day. She seeks out secrets to arm herself with should they ever come in hand whenever she needs to get out of a tight spot.
To become the ultimate assassin: While this goal is probably her ultimate goal, she realises that it will take some time to reach this goal. It just doesn't mean that she cannot enjoy the journey to this ultimate goal.
Life: The view that Raven takes is that life is precious, that it is to be experienced. To be felt like the wind underneath her wings. The kelvic views her own life as precious, but if she had to take someone else's life, she wouldn't grieve for they would be reincarnated. The person should have taken more care of their life if they wanted to keep it.
Death: Death is a fact of life, this is something that she has come to accept. If she grieved for every animal that she had killed in the past, then she would never be able to hunt because the guilt would eat at her.
Family: Raven has never had any brothers or sisters, at least none that she has ever known. The only family that she has ever had, has been her mother and father. Two people that she has loved and respected, for they have always taught her to follow where ever she thinks her path lies; to grow her passion of hunting and secrets. Family is one of the important things that she holds in high regard.
Religion: The kelvic isn't really religious, but she does pray to Akajia every now and then. Not to mention that she also like to speaks to the shadows, it's like a feeling that every time that she is able to successful move amongst the shadows, it is all thanks to Akajia.
Magic: Magic isn't something that she fully understands, but is often seeking the secrets to such thing. It is still a secret that she is constantly seeking out.
Law: Raven feels that the law is there to be a guide only, to make the sheep obey them even when it might not be for their own good. While she is visible by guard and those that uphold the law, she makes sure that she is seen to be abiding. However, whenever she is alone or no one can see her, she takes that opportunity to do whatever she wants to do.
Orientation: The woman never leans to evil or good. Instead, she leans towards whatever she find is best for herself. Evil and good is always in the eye of the beholder, a human thing to have been made up.