Prophet's Cart o' Codes

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Here's the place to find information on 'How do I do that?' when it comes to creating avatars, signatures, calculating travel time or big purchases, or even working with the bbc code. There are help files for codework for both the main board forums and the lore sections. There are threads advertising players that are willing to create signatures for other players. Please feel free to discuss technical issues, photo cropping, suggest new bbc code, or get help from players and admins on things you want to do. This forum includes posts, wiki technical aid, avatar art, character sheet art, signature work, and all things visual when it comes to Mizahar.

Prophet's Cart o' Codes

Postby Ferrin Al'Mandrikan on January 15th, 2017, 6:08 pm

The boxcodes sound like a brilliant idea! Thank you for the symbol! I'll update that in Ferrin's CS.

"With a heart of steel, I raise my blade in combat. The only thoughts I have in my mind is whether I'd return home to my family. I am a soldier, and will fight for love and peace. That is the way of being a Syliran Knight"-Ferrin.

Sig :
Dimensions Changed to: 300x150 pixels.

Credits to Prophet for making this amazing Sig. He does a great job!
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Prophet's Cart o' Codes

Postby Michael Kyber on January 25th, 2017, 4:28 pm

Type: Box code.
Mood: Serious.
Colors: Any colours that white, black and yellow text would show clearly on.
Model(s): Ewan McGregor.
Other Info: My character is something of a sailor, so if you could maybe make it involve the sea or anything related to it in some way that'd be great thanks. :)

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Other people speaking is in green. Monsters are in black
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Thank you to Prophet for the beautiful BBCode.
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Prophet's Cart o' Codes

Postby Prophet on February 11th, 2017, 6:31 pm

Let me know if you want something different. :)

Michael :
Title/Date Block

There is a time and a place when a man's sincerest hopes for peace and unity are destroyed. The fragile dreams of living in harmony with one's neighbors are dashed upon the rocks of intolerance, ignorance and stubbornness. It is in these times when a man is forced to consider what is important and weigh his priorities against his very soul. These are the times when the heart is needed most to temper blind rage.

For it is not love that weakens one's resolve for violence. Nay, violence is a delicate part of nature and must be administered with accurate vengeance and precise timing or vindication becomes impossible. The retaliation of a wronged love will turn the tides of war, shape the history of the world or simply remove a useless annoyance from the planet. At some point in every man's life, he must make the hard decision. These decisions will define an empire of one.

There comes a point in life when a good and honest man must decide to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and start slitting throats.

Code: Select all
[style=max-width:650px; padding:15px; margin:auto; color:#000000; background-image:url(; background-position:right;background-repeat:repeat-y; box-shadow:0px 0px 30px #000020; padding-top:50px; padding-bottom:50px; margin-bottom:30px; margin-top:30px;border-radius:18px;][center][img][/img][/center][style2=width:540px;margin: auto;padding:10px;color: #c8b8b1; font-size: 110%; background:linear-gradient(#00022a,#00222b,#00033e);  background-transparency:70%;Padding: 15px;margin-top:-420px; padding-top:450px;border-radius:18px;box-shadow:0px 0px 30px #fdfdfd;][size=150][center][googlefont=Satisfy][color=#1c7e56]Title/Date Block[/googlefont][/center][/size][/color]

[webfont=Hultog]There is a time and a place when a man's sincerest hopes for peace and unity are destroyed. The fragile dreams of living in harmony with one's neighbors are dashed upon the rocks of intolerance, ignorance and stubbornness. It is in these times when a man is forced to consider what is important and weigh his priorities against his very soul. These are the times when the heart is needed most to temper blind rage.

For it is not love that weakens one's resolve for violence. Nay, violence is a delicate part of nature and must be administered with accurate vengeance and precise timing or vindication becomes impossible. The retaliation of a wronged love will turn the tides of war, shape the history of the world or simply remove a useless annoyance from the planet. At some point in every man's life, he must make the hard decision. These decisions will define an empire of one.

There comes a point in life when a good and honest man must decide to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and start slitting throats.[/webfont][/style2][/style]
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Prophet's Cart o' Codes

Postby Deliath on February 11th, 2017, 9:39 pm

Could I possibly put forward a request?

Type: Box Code
Mood: Cheerful, if that would be okay?
Colors: Blue and either yellow or gold, and whatever other colours you'd like to see?
Model(s): Indiana Evans
Other Info: Anything you like :) feel free to do whatever you wish
Any speech in bold is Common
"Fratava" || "Shiber"
Anything in italics are thoughts
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Prophet's Cart o' Codes

Postby Balian Martell on February 13th, 2017, 7:12 pm

Prophet wrote:
ArcherBro :

Blue is for loyalty.
Black is reliable.
The angled slash is for defense.
The infinity symbol is for Glav Navik.

Let me know if you want any changes.

Archer Bro! That looks fantastic, I was just wondering how it would look with just the antlers without the helmet? If that too much trouble I Just take this :)
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Prophet's Cart o' Codes

Postby Michael Kyber on February 14th, 2017, 5:00 pm

Title/Date Block

I love it! Thank you so much Prophet! :).

Michael speaking in: Common | Fratava | Nader-Canoch
Other people speaking is in green. Monsters are in black
Thoughts/Flashbacks are Italicized. Shouting/Dramatic Speech is in Bold
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Thank you to Prophet for the beautiful BBCode.
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Prophet's Cart o' Codes

Postby Chameleon on February 22nd, 2017, 2:24 pm

Type: Box code
Mood: Something awesome
Colors: Anything bright
Model(s): The chameleon
Other Info: Thanks for this!
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Prophet's Cart o' Codes

Postby Samuel Longwell on February 24th, 2017, 5:23 pm

Type: Signature please :)
Mood: Solemn, knightly
Colors: Dark green, silver, black
Model(s): Name not known
Other Info: I think it's great that you do this Prophet! Maybe incorporating a shield into it somehow would be nice. Thanks.
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Prophet's Cart o' Codes

Postby Prophet on February 24th, 2017, 11:30 pm

ArcherBro :
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Prophet's Cart o' Codes

Postby Prophet on February 25th, 2017, 12:09 am

Deliath :
Title Block

There is a time and a place when a man's sincerest hopes for peace and unity are destroyed. The fragile dreams of living in harmony with one's neighbors are dashed upon the rocks of intolerance, ignorance and stubbornness. It is in these times when a man is forced to consider what is important and weigh his priorities against his very soul. These are the times when the heart is needed most to temper blind rage.

For it is not love that weakens one's resolve for violence. Nay, violence is a delicate part of nature and must be administered with accurate vengeance and precise timing or vindication becomes impossible. The retaliation of a wronged love will turn the tides of war, shape the history of the world or simply remove a useless annoyance from the planet. At some point in every man's life, he must make the hard decision. These decisions will define an empire of one.

There comes a point in life when a good and honest man must decide to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and start slitting throats.

Code: Select all
[style=width:630px; padding:0px; margin:auto;color:black][img][/img]
[style2=max-width:630px;margin-left:auto;background-color:#007f3c;margin-right:auto;border-radius: 0px 0px 27px 27px;margin-top:0px;padding:25px;color:#e3bea9][center][size=200][googlefont=Satisfy][shadow=#007fff]Title Block[/shadow][/googlefont][/center][/size]

[googlefont=Rosario]There is a time and a place when a man's sincerest hopes for peace and unity are destroyed. The fragile dreams of living in harmony with one's neighbors are dashed upon the rocks of intolerance, ignorance and stubbornness. It is in these times when a man is forced to consider what is important and weigh his priorities against his very soul. These are the times when the heart is needed most to temper blind rage.

For it is not love that weakens one's resolve for violence. Nay, violence is a delicate part of nature and must be administered with accurate vengeance and precise timing or vindication becomes impossible. The retaliation of a wronged love will turn the tides of war, shape the history of the world or simply remove a useless annoyance from the planet. At some point in every man's life, he must make the hard decision. These decisions will define an empire of one.

There comes a point in life when a good and honest man must decide to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag and start slitting throats.[/googlefont][/style2][/style]

Let me know if you want any changes.
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