Closed let it snow

Jez Firetongue

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

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let it snow

Postby Imala on December 28th, 2012, 11:40 pm

Her smile disappeared. The shifting of Kelvic confused even herself. Imala wasn't quite sure how it worked, she just knew that it happened.

"Well...First, you have to take off your clothing so it doesn't rip and you don't choke. Then, you just...not really think about it...I don't know how to phrase it, but there's a flash of light, and then you're an animal."

A hand snaked its way up to her neck, and she started fingering her collar.

"They just don't want me or anyone else to get hurt. I can control my shifting fine."
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let it snow

Postby Jez Firetongue on December 30th, 2012, 7:44 pm

Jez Firetongue


Jez found himself even more curious as to how Kelvics worked. His mind couldn’t quite fathom how one could be human one second and then an animal the next. He wondered also why people would get hurt if she shifted but could control it, then thought to what she said earlier. If she truly could turn into a glassbeak there was reason to fear her just based on the form. Yet still he couldn’t help his desire to know more about the race he’d never heard of before. The young man knew the basics of morphing, his uncle having taught him it when he was a child, yet he’d never changed his form much and hadn’t even thought about the talent in years. Meeting Imala had brought his uncle’s lessons back to mind, and he wondered if attempting the magic again would be interesting. He had certainly been thinking about learning webbing, so may as well attempt to progress in morphing at the same time.

Green eyes gazed steadily at Imala even as the man’s thoughts drifted off. He refocused on the present, still unsure about the collar. “If you really can control your transformations, why would you harm anyone?” Wind snorted, stomping a hoof in the snow angrily, as a breeze of cold wind picked up and blew through his black mane, giving him a wild look. The tan horse stood firmly on the ground behind his rider, glaring warily at Imala with focused eyes. He was prepared to act out should anything happen to Jez, but with the Drykas stood in front of him he could do nothing but watch.

||Jez Firetongue|| ||21 years|| ||Drykas|| ||Amethyst Clan|| ||Strider-Wind||
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let it snow

Postby Imala on January 4th, 2013, 4:24 am

"Does it matter? Glassbeaks are scary. I wouldn't want one standing in the middle of Endrykas." She sat down in the snow, ignoring the cold and wet. No one had ever asked her so many questions before, personal or not. She thought everyone knew of Kelvic, but apparently she was wrong. Being wrong was a weird feeling, but she didn't care about it as much as some of the Drykas did. They loved arguing, which was weird, even though she was a confrontational person in general.

"My mother was a hunting cat and my father was a robin. Kelvic don't breed their same animal. They breed weird and random; a rabbit and a mouse could have an owl. Sometimes when they breed with humans they'll result in a full Kelvic, but most of the time it's just a human." She cupped snow in her hand, rolling it around with her fingers until it melted. Then she did it again, rolling the snow into a sphere and holding it tight in her hands, feeling the snow melt to water and slide through her cold fingers. Her hands were cold and wet and red, but she didn't care.
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let it snow

Postby Jez Firetongue on January 6th, 2013, 4:34 pm

Jez Firetongue


“Yeah, I suppose you’re right,” he laughed, showing her a wide grin, “Most people would probably freak out if they saw a glassbeak wandering through the tents, especially seeing as a lot of people like me probably don’t know what a Kelvic is.” He could imagine that scenario taking a very bad turn for the worst, considering how dangerous the giant birds were. It took many Drykas to even consider taking one on. Were a glassbeak to just roam the tent city, he could see a lot of damage being caused even if there was a human intelligence behind it; if she was attacked, she’d obviously try to defend herself.

Jez frowned at the thought of his kinsmen attacking Imala, just because she had a form that looked different. If she truly was a glassbeak in a human body, she didn’t seem as cruel as he’d imagine someone in that situation would. Wind seemed disturbed by her presence, though that could just be because of the rough treatment she had given him. By the Strider’s reaction, Jez assumed there must be something different about her, that she wasn’t lying, but even so he couldn’t see a reason for someone harming her or keeping her from being who she was. It was unfair in his eyes that just because she looked like one of the deadly predators she couldn’t chose how to appear.

The young man’s eyebrows raised as she talked about her parents. It amused him, the idea that animals of such a different kind could come together. The thought of her, as a glassbeak, having a robin as a father was incredibly surprising. “That’s pretty odd,” he grinned. He watched her rolling snow with her hands. He wasn’t fond of the cold weather or the snow it brought; it was more difficult to look after horses and go riding with deep, cold snow on the ground. The precise weather wasn’t the problem, more the difficulties that came with it. “Have you lived in Endrykas your whole life then?”

||Jez Firetongue|| ||21 years|| ||Drykas|| ||Amethyst Clan|| ||Strider-Wind||
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let it snow

Postby Rufio on March 7th, 2017, 4:28 pm

C A T 'S G O T Y A G R A D E



Observation +3
Socialization +2
Rhetoric +1
Logic +2
Teaching +1
Interrogation +1


Zulrav: God of Storms
Rak’keli: Goddess of healing & health
Dira: Goddess of death
Emerald Clan: Are well known for trackers & hunters
Amythest Clan: Well known for fine horse breeding & grassland navigation
Tell-tale signs of a foreigner or a Walahk
Kelvic: Animal shapeshifters that bond with humans
Teaching: By making stern suggestions
Glassbeaks: Have beautiful feathers
Interrogation: Asking direct questions to uncover truths
Snow brings problems for riding & looking after horses


+ Glassbeak feather (already in ledger)

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