Spring 7th, 517AV
Syliras was starting to feel like home. The stuffy air and smell of thousands of people crammed into a small space was no longer something that Michael noticed unless reminded of it, and he no longer found himself getting lost or pushed around by the large crowds of people. He'd been around for just under a full season now, but Michael had made some close friends inside and out of the knights order, and felt the stirrings of a personal desire to keep the city safe and peaceful.
Which was why the shortage of food that resulted from the absent winter was particularly worrying for the young squire. A government could be as honorable or benevolent as it wanted, but if it couldn't feed its people the populace would undoubtedly rise up in protest at it. As he walked the streets Michael could feel an unease stirring in the air; the amount of people grumbling about the thinning food supplies was growing everyday, and each new complaint seemed to tighten an invisible tension hanging over the city. The feeling that something terrible was going to happen when that tension broke haunted Michael wherever he went, and judging by the wariness in the eyes of his fellow knights and squires as they went out on patrols he wasn't the only one feeling it.
This spring was undoubtedly going to be a trying time for the city. Up at the Mithryn Outpost the farmers were doing all they could to keep as many crops alive as they could, but it was unfair to leave the responsibility of getting Syliras though this to them alone. Everyone had to do their part, no matter how big or small it may be.
For his part Michael had decided to put his skills at sailing to use and had signed up to help on a fishing voyage. In light of the crisis the city was facing Thazz had allowed him to take the time of from his training, and so Michael now found himself down at the docks among a group of 13 men and women of all ages and races as they crossed the gangplank connecting the fishing vessel to the dock. Across the docks Michael could see a number of other fishing ships, some of which where merchant or military ships that'd been temporarily re-purposed for fishing expeditions, piling up with similarly sized groups of people and setting off out into the ocean.
There were two people already waiting on the deck for the group as they boarded; a gnarled elderly man with a fishing rod, and a young blonde woman in a blue captains overcoat who called for the group to gather around her.
"Okay, listen up everyone." She commanded, her voice clearly well used to giving order and demanding of respect. "Our job's a very simple one, we sail out to a prime fishing spot, fill up the cargo hold with as much fish as we can catch, and get back again sometime tonight. The knights will handle payment for our catch when we get back, and whatever we make will be split equally between us all. Whilst at sea my word is law, okay? I don't want to hear any complaining or see anyone fighting or lazing around. If you do, you can swim back. Are we clear?"
There was a resounding cry of "aye captain" which Michael joined in with. Clearly satisfied, the captain took a handful of silver miza's from her pocket and cast them into the sea, offering a short prayer to Laviku, then patted the old man on the back and strode to the helm. "Alright, fishing crew follow Stru here and seat yourselves somewhere out of the way until we reach the fishing spot. Sailing crew, untie the lines, unfold the mainsail and weigh anchor. Let's get moving!"
Michael leaped into action, pulling up the anchor from the back of the ship and tugging on the ropes that unfolded the mainsail. The wind caught the sails, and with a lurch the ship sailed out of the docks and off into the deep blue sea.