18th of Fall, 516
It was a normal day when Nemori heard the first flutter of wings. She was taking a slow walk around the city, it was starting to get dark and the occasional shower of snow would find its way from the clouds towards the ground. Despite the occasional snow the sun still shone brightly through the clouds. A white owl landed and sat on a nearby building. She stopped to gaze up at it. It was a large creature with a rounded face. Its orange eyes seemed to look slowly around. It seemed unfazed by the movement of people within the city. Nemori admired the bird, it was beautiful and noble on his temporary perch. Its feathers would rustle slightly from the gently breeze that swept the city and it would adjust its wings slightly as it landed. Nemori loved to admire birds. Before long another one owl landed, a flutter of more white wings. This one was smaller and landed much further up. It stared warily at the gathering of people. It tucked itself into its wings almost timidly, Nemori wondered why it was so timid, it was too late in the year to be an infant. By the third owl Nemori was not the only person to have stopped and stared. More and more white owls started to gather, littering the road and buildings. Many took higher up perches away from people but some were more daring and would land on fences or small outcrops of buildings. They all had feathers white like the snow but other than that they varied significantly. Different breeds and eyes and personalities swarmed around the city. More could be seen landing in other parts of the city, the swarm of white feathers filling the air. Occasionally some of the snow would be knocked from the buildings and tumble towards the ground. Nemori wondered how nobody had spotted such a large number of birds flying towards the city to begin with, it would be difficult to hide this many. They would move and shuffle, occasionally changing perches or making noises at each other. Some of them seemed to argue over perches, flurries of feathers s their wings beat. Why were they so many? Why did they all have snow white feathers? Nemori hesitated. This was a very strange event for the city. Nothing about the owls seemed in time with each other and perhaps that was why when they finally settled and started to sing together it was so startling. They seemed to be singing the same song at the same time across the city. Their voices echoed and reverberated through the street and it felt like the entire city had stopped to hear their song. The sudden calmness of the city rang out with a sense of peace. A moment where the entire city was paying attention to the same thing, a moment of solidarity between everyone in the city.