Hey all! The name's Rin!
Brief obligatory about me:
-My three great loves are writing, video games, and reading.
-Dogs and food can be considered close 2nds.
-Favorite food is bread. Any bread. All bread.
-I have a rudimentary knowledge of coding.
-I hoard pencils but only write in pen.
I've been roleplaying on and off for a good while now, maybe 7-ish years? I've pretty much done the full gauntlet of roleplay genres - some I'm more proud of than others - but I haven't really found a site that has captured my interest and kept me around.
But THEN! In a bit of bored browsing one dreary Monday night, I stumbled upon this one rocking site full of lore and depth and I was like "whoa". So I figured I'd give it a go!
In my time roleplaying, I've seen my fair share of forums with intricate lore and backgrounds, but none of those compare to what I've seen looking around Mizahar (amazing would be an understatement). There's just so much substance and history to everything - it's both amazing and kinda terrifying. How do you guys keep up with it? Magic? Neural implants? Diligence and study?
But all that aside, what you folks have going here is seriously amazing and I can't wait to dive in!