Foxface found himself in a curious predicament as he muled over one singular thought, letting his focus shift away from The Inverted hunt for a few moments. Even as he wanted to steal Aenisa's bird or ask Madeira Spoo' out for a tea date. Raylan found his attention sharply set onto the newest ghost that had approached them. Mainly because he realized that he knew nothing about ghosts. And since he knew nothing, Raylan took the moment to forge his ignorance into a sold opinion on the matter.
His fingers transitioned from the thicker to the slimmer ones on his mandolin, returning the song he played to its previous innocent lighthearted nature. He'd forgotten how it originally went, so strummed a few wrong notes until he found the correct cords by ear. "Hmm... I shall call this song, 'Mad for Singing'." He thought briefly, finding it to be a suitable name since everyone seemed mad about it.
"How do you become a ghost after death?"
It was the one silent question that he thought to himself as his lips pursed towards one side of his mouth underneath the mask. He thought about that question as Hurik was speaking to him. He found no reason to acknowledge the ghost. Mainly because, well... the thing did not exist. If it could not enjoy a drink or the pleasures of life, then it did not matter like a fly in the wind.
But as he continued to think about ghosts, he wondered if he could manipulate one like a normal living breathing being. Considering how... irked, most seemed to be by his music, Raylan decided to take a few steps back to watch the group converse with each other as he thought about a small 'trick' to preform.
He did roll his eyes at Lady Renee Kelling decision about not wanting a massage, considering that he knew he could give a very pleasant one. And so, stood back to learn more about the ghost that he wanted to test and as Hurik spoke to the two other women.
"Us fiery folk? Must mean he must like birds too..." Almost as much as he wanted to try and steal the bird out the girls bag, he figured he could use it in his experiment. He suspected that the Craven girl was spiritist due to her namesake, but took some interest in learning that she was possibly an insomniac or had reasons to not sleep. That offered him some insight into why the Spoon girl seemed to be so irritable upon first meeting him.
He fingered a D chordFor context, imagine a Row, row, row your boat sound. and strummed down on the four strings he pressed down, striking them with a constantly rhythmic stroke. As Raylan played, he could taste the feeling of Djed that he willed through his body to pull into his mouth, as if he'd drunken too much wine or salivated over delectable food and could taste the arcane within his taste buds.
Singing aloud, but specifically wishing to try and pull a trick on the male ghost.
"Do you think me mad for singing, apples and the hounds are tweeting. Swine and crow are here and beaming. Don't you think me mad for singing~"
Raylan played the song proudly while singing the song with a renewed vigor, this time trying to actually keep a steady tone, and sing in a bearably tolerable manner. All that djed that he'd pulled into his mouth were released through the words 'Swine and crow are here while beaming' that he'd sung.
He used his voice to deliver the hypnotic power of a Flash towards the ghost. Rayland wanted to test if it would effect the ghost, and aimed to have the bird loving male ghost experience a single moment of hallucination.
A flash where the ghost would see many dead falcons on the ground around it, falcons just like Aenisa's bird, all laying lifeless and bleeding on the ground around it.
Then vanish from the ghost sight as quickly as they appeared.
When Raylan's attention returned to what the female ghost had suggested, the fox masked Alvad shrugged. "Could try our luck at Towers Idol Slanderer. I hear nothing but bad things about that sculpture."
His fingers transitioned from the thicker to the slimmer ones on his mandolin, returning the song he played to its previous innocent lighthearted nature. He'd forgotten how it originally went, so strummed a few wrong notes until he found the correct cords by ear. "Hmm... I shall call this song, 'Mad for Singing'." He thought briefly, finding it to be a suitable name since everyone seemed mad about it.
"How do you become a ghost after death?"
It was the one silent question that he thought to himself as his lips pursed towards one side of his mouth underneath the mask. He thought about that question as Hurik was speaking to him. He found no reason to acknowledge the ghost. Mainly because, well... the thing did not exist. If it could not enjoy a drink or the pleasures of life, then it did not matter like a fly in the wind.
But as he continued to think about ghosts, he wondered if he could manipulate one like a normal living breathing being. Considering how... irked, most seemed to be by his music, Raylan decided to take a few steps back to watch the group converse with each other as he thought about a small 'trick' to preform.
He did roll his eyes at Lady Renee Kelling decision about not wanting a massage, considering that he knew he could give a very pleasant one. And so, stood back to learn more about the ghost that he wanted to test and as Hurik spoke to the two other women.
"Us fiery folk? Must mean he must like birds too..." Almost as much as he wanted to try and steal the bird out the girls bag, he figured he could use it in his experiment. He suspected that the Craven girl was spiritist due to her namesake, but took some interest in learning that she was possibly an insomniac or had reasons to not sleep. That offered him some insight into why the Spoon girl seemed to be so irritable upon first meeting him.
He fingered a D chordFor context, imagine a Row, row, row your boat sound. and strummed down on the four strings he pressed down, striking them with a constantly rhythmic stroke. As Raylan played, he could taste the feeling of Djed that he willed through his body to pull into his mouth, as if he'd drunken too much wine or salivated over delectable food and could taste the arcane within his taste buds.
Singing aloud, but specifically wishing to try and pull a trick on the male ghost.
"Do you think me mad for singing, apples and the hounds are tweeting. Swine and crow are here and beaming. Don't you think me mad for singing~"
Raylan played the song proudly while singing the song with a renewed vigor, this time trying to actually keep a steady tone, and sing in a bearably tolerable manner. All that djed that he'd pulled into his mouth were released through the words 'Swine and crow are here while beaming' that he'd sung.
He used his voice to deliver the hypnotic power of a Flash towards the ghost. Rayland wanted to test if it would effect the ghost, and aimed to have the bird loving male ghost experience a single moment of hallucination.
A flash where the ghost would see many dead falcons on the ground around it, falcons just like Aenisa's bird, all laying lifeless and bleeding on the ground around it.
Then vanish from the ghost sight as quickly as they appeared.
When Raylan's attention returned to what the female ghost had suggested, the fox masked Alvad shrugged. "Could try our luck at Towers Idol Slanderer. I hear nothing but bad things about that sculpture."