Solo To Be, To Become

Sayana's initiation into morphing

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

To Be, To Become

Postby Sayana on February 25th, 2017, 2:50 pm

Winter 37, 516 AV - Testing Grounds, Prairies

It’s one thing to say you’re going to fast for ten days and something entirely different to do it. Sayana permitted herself fluids and the occasional meager token of food but she was determined to meet Riyanna’s request, or as she saw it a challenge, to fast prior to her morphing initiation.

The first day wasn’t so bad. When she got hungry, she staved off the feeling by drinking water instead. Eventually the dull ache of hunger disappeared and she carried on with her business in the testing grounds. By nightfall she managed to sleep past the hunger. The second day it gnawed at her and she kept imagining animals as juicy pieces of meat on a stick. By the third day, she was riding Stardust across the plains when her vision blacked out for several ticks. At this point she decided to take her first small indulgence. She reasoned that Riyanna didn’t want her to starve to death and that small bit of food wouldn’t be a deal breaker.

As the days passed, Sayana’s lifestyle went from highly active to almost lethargic as she felt little energy or desire to do very much. She began to meditate more often too. Partly it was to fulfill Riyanna’s request for meditation but also because she could sit for bells on end without moving a muscle. She still found meditation to be difficult, and perhaps more so when her stomach kept distracting her from concentration, but with intense focus just to not feel that constant ache she managed to find some relief.

It was on the tenth day that she approached the Warden. Sayana had avoided food for the entire morning, and the last time she ate was just a morsel the previous day when Syna was highest in the sky. Her stomach tore at her insides, but she had now learned to ignore it. She rode her white mare at a slow walk and dismounted once she was near enough to speak.

“Riyanna, I have done as you’ve asked. I’ve fasted and meditated for ten days. Are you willing to initiate me into morphing?”

The Warden, who currently wore the beak and face of a falcon, gave a slow nod. In moments her face turned to a human one, although Sayana had noticed Riyanna had a habit of choosing different facial features. Only the silvery tear mark remained the same.

“I’d like you to sit down and get comfortable. Once you’re ready, clear your mind and meditate. Specifically, I want you to focus on isolating your physical body from your mind. This may take some time.”

Isolating. It was a term she used herself when dancing and she wanted to focus on a certain set of muscles or a specific body movement. But now she was going to do something entirely different. Isolate her body from her mind.

She sat down, cross-legged, on the dry sands of the prairie. There was minimal breeze which made the sand feel hotter on her rear but at least it would prove less of a distraction. She released the reins of her horse and sent out the barest suggestion. Stay close. The magic wisped through her momentary eye contact with the mare and she was certain the horse wouldn’t wander far. Then the Eypharian laid her six arms comfortably about her, her lows behind, her mids on her knees and her highs however they felt comfortable. She was ready to begin.
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To Be, To Become

Postby Sayana on April 18th, 2017, 12:20 am

The Eypharian closed her eyes and started by stripping away various distracting thoughts. There was the hot sand on her hands, the knowledge that Stardust was near but could be straying, the constant hunger in her stomach, and the fear that no matter how hard she tried it might not work and she’d end up making a fool of herself in front of the Warden. The last was hardest to shake as she slowed her breathing and focused on a sea of blackness.

Sayana then conjured the image of a fiery ring in the midst of the darkness. She was not yet sure how to separate her mind from body, but it was a tool she used to keep her mind focused on the fire instead of becoming distracted. The constant flickering of the flame kept her often distracted mind occupied instead of wandering to other things. There was also a feeling of power from the ring of fire, one that she sometimes associated with the drawing of her djed.

She willed herself to relax and grow patient. More like reminded herself to be patient. There was time. She hadn’t fasted for ten days just to be done with it in a few chimes. The pangs of hunger returned as she thought about fasting, and she took a few moments to slowly push the pain away and focus on that ring of flame in the vast darkness of her mind. Now came the tricky part: to separate her mind from her body.

She started by letting her mind drift far far away. It was as if the flaming ring was traveling high into the night sky and she was following along with it. She could still feel the sensations of the sand against her hands and the firm ground beneath her but her mind seemed to high above and away. As she reconsidered her state of mind, it didn’t seem right for her to be feeling sensations. To be completely isolated, she wouldn’t be aware of such. However, as she began to correct for this observation, Riyanna interrupted and jolted her out of her mental state.

“Once your body and mind are separate, allow your body to be fluid. To be flexible. Do not try anything yet, but allow yourself to believe in the possibility.”

It took some time for Sayana to regain her concentration, to find her fire and to feel the earlier drifting of her mind from her body. After several chimes, she was then able to start focusing on the fluidity trait Riyanna was describing. She knew what it was like to make her body fluid and flexible in a dance but that was simply flexible to movements. Now she had to make her body flexible to physical change. Regardless, she relaxed her muscles further so there was no tension, other than what kept her sitting.

“Your body has to be completely separate so you can start controlling it with your mind and your djed. But you’re not controlling its movements or sensations, you’re controlling its physical form.”

For a split tick, Sayana gave a slight shudder and the Warden spoke sharply, having clearly noticed the movement. “If you’re not ready to give up your identity of who and what you are, then I don’t have time for this.”

“I’m ready. I want to.” Sayana answered quietly but with a fierce ray of determination.

“When you have reached that state where your mind and djed are separate from your body and you feel no attachment to your particular form, then give a nod and we will move onto the next step.”
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To Be, To Become

Postby Sayana on April 19th, 2017, 12:06 am

She wasn’t sure how long she sat there. Chimes? Bells? It couldn’t have been bells, but Sayana was sure the Warden was patient enough for it to be bells. When the Eypharian had first tried meditating, she was focused on speed to reach the objective Riyanna had set out. But now she focused on quality, the complete separation of her mind from her body.

For the longest time, she could still feel the trace sensations of the ground and the warm sands, but gradually those disappeared as she delved further into a dreamlike state. She was aware of her djed, and the ring of fire on which she focused on, but that was about it. She almost forgot what to do once she had reached such a faraway state where her consciousness felt miles away from reality. Her body was nothing more than a tool now, to shape and mold to her liking.

The Eypharian gave a faint nod.

“Think about your djed and know that your body is malleable. Now allow your djed to seep into one of your arms where you want the change to happen. Let it gather and let it cluster. With these little pockets of djed, use it to form little bumps on your arm. Like you’re cold and shivering but a little more noticeable. Take it slow and one at a time. If you need to, use one of your free hands to help mold your flesh.”

The Warden spoke slowly and Sayana took the time to understand her request, while at the same time maintaining her distant state of mind. The idea of actually moving one of her arms seemed almost impossible while being so disconnected to her physical being, so she first started with manipulating her djed alone.

Slowly she let the energy bridge the long gap between her mind and body. It seemed to take forever as it twirled and spiraled through a vast imaginary void. But eventually it began to seep into her high right arm. From there it was as if watching from afar. Detached. Her magic formed large pockets and she wove it into her flesh ready to begin.

For a moment she struggled with the idea of how to change her body but then she focused on pushing upwards from within her flesh. With no immediate result, she tried again, imagining a lifting as her djed worked within her skin. Her body felt completely relaxed and she gave another strong push upwards. She was about to try molding it physically, but when her hand traced over her arm, she realized there was a bump, a deformity.

While normally a strange bump or pimple was cause for dismay, she was instead emboldened. She concentrated on another place on her arm to lift upwards and used her left high to pinch at her skin slightly. There was a moment of discomfort and then her flesh seemed to stick. Feeling her way along and without opening her eyes, she started work on a third location, fusing her djed to her flesh and forcing it upwards in a small concentrated effort.
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To Be, To Become

Postby Sayana on April 19th, 2017, 12:07 am

Exalting in her success, she pushed hard with her djed and pinched at her skin. But her earlier state of calm was tarnished by the excitement she now had. With each effort to push with her magic, she felt an equal resistance from her body. It was no longer as malleable as it had once been and she struggled against it, gripping the skin of her arm tightly with one hand to do one more bit of molding.

In a moment of half veiled panic, she forced herself to relax and managed to pull up with her magic to make another ‘mark’ on her skin. However Riyanna spoke quickly noticing the change in her demeanor.

“Stop Sayana. Open your eyes and take a break.”

As the light of the prairies overwhelmed her eyes, she caught sight of the fading bumps on her arms. More like two ugly pimples and a long creased wrinkle from where her hand had gripped her arm.

For several ticks she watched wide-eyed as the blemishes slowly reverted to the original shape of her arm. However, even still there were marks like stretched skin that didn’t quite leave.

“They will go away in time,” the Warden reassured, having noticed Sayana’s point of focus.

“But with every morph you do, there is always a chance that you will never completely revert back to what you once were. Whether beautiful or ugly, useful or mundane, small or large there are those who become mutated forever and others who lose who they truly are. Never initiate a morph that will cripple you if you cannot change back.”

Sayana gave a silent nod and the Warden continued.

“That is the first lesson. Be careful what you wish to become, because you may just stay that way. The second lesson is to always know completely and utterly what it is that you are transforming into. This is why I asked you only to manipulate your flesh to a different shape. If you wish to grow feathers, you must know every facet of a feather from its lightness to the way it attaches to a bird’s skin. It may be daunting for a novice but it is within reach. However, to change into a fish you would need to understand intimately how they manage to breathe underwater and what the structure of their gills is so you can replicate it. And remember, if for whatever reason you cannot change back…”

The usually friendly woman left the sentence hanging ominously and Sayana grew a newfound respect for the morpher.

“Lastly, or at least your third lesson for the day is that you can only morph to incorporate animal materials, and sometimes plant materials. But don’t go turning yourself into a tree or you might stay a tree. But nevertheless, no rock or steel or other such things. Leave the elements to the reimancers. Flesh, bone, skin, hair are all within your grasp.”

“As a novice, keep things small and simple. Nothing incorporating your whole body and don’t start messing with your organs like your heart or your lungs. You’ve got potential Sayana but I don’t want to find you dead on the prairie with your skin turned blue because your lungs stopped working.”

The Eypharian thought it was a strange thing to imply, that someone could turn blue, but she didn’t question the Warden.

“Are you ready to try again?”
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To Be, To Become

Postby Sayana on April 21st, 2017, 3:19 am

Sayana took a couple moments to regather her thoughts and concentration, then nodded to the Warden. Riyanna went on to explain the next task she wanted Sayana to perform. “I want you to take a close look at your arm hairs. Choose a different arm this time. Give the other one a break. And really look closely to understand the shape and structure of your hairs. I’ll give you a hint, they have a form of root that holds them in place.”

The Warden paused and Sayana raised her left high arm and examined it carefully. They were thin and dark, but not too many, and when she pulled gently it would lift up her skin. “Now try to replicate one, and take your time doing so,” Riyanna spoke.

The Eypharian found it to be a strange request, but the verbal lessons from earlier suggested that the smaller the change, the easier it would be to accomplish and with less potential for error. She centered herself by meditating once more on the fiery ring and slowly let her djed sink into her arm. She focused on a certain place on her forearm and imagined the small hair begin to take root. She spun her djed into a small tight string and let it expand downwards into her arm. Then she urged it to grow upwards, up and up out of her flesh.

There was a strange prickle and slowly she opened her eyes to watch the magic at work. It was still small and so she willed more djed to let the single hair grow longer inch by inch.

“That will be plenty Sayana,” Riyanna spoke as the hair reached to be about three or four inches in length. “Now I’d like you to repeat the process, but this time with the intent of making fur. Most of the hairs should be similar in length. If you need a break, then take it, but don’t fully let your magic go unless you want to return to your original shape.”
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To Be, To Become

Postby Sayana on April 21st, 2017, 3:21 am

After the amount of time it spent to make a single hair, the prospect of creating fur was daunting. But she trusted Riyanna and that the Warden would be watching for any signs of overgiving. Sayana took a deep breath and allowed her mind to go to that faraway place. The place where she could feel distinct between her mind and body and allow her body to become something new.

She wove her djed through her arm and concentrated on the next hair she was going to produce. She dug into her flesh then pulled upwards, creating another small hair but not quite as long. Then she repeated the process. It started to feel like sewing, digging down and pulling up one at a time. The first few were almost as slow as the original hair, but then the routine became a little quicker. Her arm occasionally prickled, but not with true pain, more like an uncomfortable itch.

Partway through she opened her eyes, now feeling more certain of her concentration, and watched as the little hairs prickled up upon her skin. She had created a small patch of hairs on about a third of her forearm. They weren’t nearly as dense as real fur, but it was definitely an effort in the right direction.

At this point, she decided to take a break. She kept some of her focus on the ‘fur’ and continued to expend a small bit of djed to keep it alive. However, even as she rested her magic use, she could see that not all the hairs were the same. Some were longer or shorter, some were thinner or thicker while others had slightly different shades of brown. It had clearly been unintentional and she even noticed one that was particularly curly.

After a couple chimes of rest, she glanced at Riyanna who nodded. Sayana gathered her focus once more to continue making the little hairs on her arm. Despite her best intentions, she only completed about half her forearm before she felt magically and mentally exhausted. She had gotten a little quicker and ‘planted’ a couple hairs at a time, but by the end she was feeling wiped.

For nearly a chime she held her focus on her djed and then at last released it, watching her arm ever so slowly revert back to normal.

“You might want something to eat,” the Warden offered and held out a piece of dried meat. Sayana’s reined in hunger seemed to burst at the seams as she grabbed it greedily. “Thank you,” came her muffled reply.

“Now remember to take it slow,” Riyanna advised. “Better something small that goes wrong rather than something life threatening. And give your body time to rest. If you stretch it too much or too often, it might not revert back as easily… if at all.”

The Eypharian nodded solemnly. If nothing else, the Warden stressed the dangers of the magic.

“And in the meantime while you recuperate, study animals and your own body as much as you can. Even understanding your own flesh and bone can help immensely.”

Sayana thanked the Warden for the lesson and also the scrap of dried meat. She felt like all her energy had deserted her, and it was a struggle to finally mount up on Stardust, her white mare. The ride back to the Citadel was uneventful and washed over her like a blur. By now only faint marks of the blemishes could be seen on her right high, while the hairs had completely vanished.

Despite any aspirations that someday she might be able to fly or express true freedom of form, it was more than clear that it would take some time. From then on she would be seeing other animals and even her own flesh and blood as things she could not only examine, but to become.
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To Be, To Become

Postby Sayana on May 24th, 2017, 11:10 pm


Don't forget to edit/delete your grade request. If there's anything I may have missed, please PM me and I'll be happy to look into it.

  • Endurance: 1
  • Meditation: 5
  • Morphing: 4
  • Endurance: Fasting for an extended period of time
  • Morphing Initiation: Isolate body from mind
  • Morphing Initiation: Allowing one's body to be fluid
  • Meditation: Strip away thoughts from mind
  • Morphing: Must be prepared to lose one's identity
  • Morphing Model: Creating a goosebump
  • Morphing technique: Use of hands to help mold flesh physically
  • Morphing: The changes slowly revert back to normal without active djed use
  • Morphing: The risk of a change becoming permanent
  • Morphing: Know your morphing model completely
  • Morphing can only incorporate animal and plant material
  • Riyanna: Patient yet strict teacher
  • Morphing Model: Adding hairs to arms
  • Morphing Model: Creating basic fur
  • Morphing: If a body is stretched too much it might not revert back as easily
  • The benefit of studying animals for morphing

Comments: Testing the self-grading policy.

Your Grader,

Boxcode design: Firenze
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