Spring-47-517 AV
Shai was gorwing, learning, discovering how little hands pinched and grasped, and little legs pushed and bent. He was beginning to crawl in playtime, no longer the stationary child, and every time he touched the ground she found the beginnings of sores on his legs, a problem that needed fixing sooner rather than later. Not that the semekhe child spent much time on the ground, not with the community around her.
It had been a surprise to her, how many unexpected faces were a part of her bosu's life. Quzon had been the most unexpected ally in the raising of her bosu.
The large man had proved himself a worthy partner in a fight, and a helpful hand in times of chaos. He had come to them and expressed his interest in a firm alliance with the family, and that was a welcome change, but to see him fussing over Shai, watching him and lending his time and his hands to the child's care...
It wasn't a bad thing. He was as good as any of the women in the child's life if the laughter and smiles were any indications. She would not have expected such a thing from the man she had met nearly a year ago.
Still she was happy to have the man to interact with her little one. It meant that there were a number of men in his life, to combat the plethora of women.
One of which she planned to see today. Jasmine had mentioned earlier in the season that she was looking to purchase some zibri, and since Naiya had a Zibri with a still birth, she had been able to take the calves from the adults Jasmine wanted and foster them with the other. It meant that she might have to beg milk off the other pavilion, but it was a fairly low risk, and she doubted they would refuse her.
She wrapped her sling around her shoulder, tightening the knot over Shai's rear, and then rotating him slowly into place in the sling. He was big enough now to sit in the sling and lay against her chest. It meant she lost the use of one arm in small ways, but if she needed both, it was easy enough to lay him down.
She beckoned to Diani, her readiness being what the girl had waited on. They had tied the Zibri close so they would be easy to fetch, and easy to herd off to the Stormbloods.
Naiya took two, the mother and her bull calf, while Diani took the other two. These ladies were gentle, mellow creatures. It was part of the reason she was happy to sell them to her friend, they wouldn't cause a hassle like some of the others might.
Making their way to the other pavilion was easy enough, Naiya had been able to find them in the web, and from there they walked the well-worn paths from spoke to spoke until they reached the familiar herd of the Stormblood pavilion.
"Good morning, greetings." She spoke to the animals, watching to make sure there was no fighting as the new animals approached. She glanced around for Jasmine, or anyone who could fetch the blonde woman, unwilling to loose the zibri without being sure that they wouldn't flee.
Naiya space Pavi | Common | Tukant
other space Pavi | Common | Tukant
other space Pavi | Common | Tukant