Guidance (Azleene, Faimia)

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The Wilderness of Cyphrus is an endless sea of tall grass that rolls just like the oceans themselves. Geysers kiss the sky with their steamy breath, and mysterious craters create microworlds all their own. But above all danger lives here in the tall grass in the form of fierce wild creatures; elegant serpents that swim through the land like whales through the ocean and fierce packs of glassbeaks that hunt in packs which are only kept at bay by fires. Traverse it carefully, with a guide if possible, for those that venture alone endanger themselves in countless ways.

Guidance (Azleene, Faimia)

Postby Tebridiar on December 9th, 2010, 1:48 am

Year 510 AV, Winter, Day 11
She had found her way out here again…

Even though it was riddled with danger, the Sea of Grass was strangely a calming place to be… the winds twisted every blade into wonderful shapes, faint rustling sounds all to be heard. The grass was a bit brittle this time of year, Winter was well and truly beginning. A cold breeze tainted the air.

Again, she knew her calm would be disturbed.

She could see faintly over the grass, two figures stood out. They weren’t the usual, unending greens are browns. They stood out quite distinctly, and they were gradually running into each other. They looked lost…

One had bright red hair, and looked a little small. The other had black hair, and looked a little taller. She quickly parted her way through the grass getting closer. She looked at the ground, picking her way through the safest path, tracking any animal footprints that had been left to show a safe way.

She stopped at where the two people were bound to meet, and she called out to them.

“Hello?” She tried to make her voice sound friendly and clear. “Come towards my voice, I’m trying to help! I’m wondering what your doing in the Sea of Grass?”
Last edited by Tebridiar on December 9th, 2010, 2:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Guidance (Azleene, Faimia)

Postby Azleene on December 9th, 2010, 1:51 am

Azleene glared to where she heard the noise. She shook her head and decided to walk towards to where she heard the girls voice. The breeze was a bit chilly and she shivered a little at the cold. Jeez, I wonder if this is going to be interesting, she thought to herself as she could feel wet, cold grass touch her toes.

She stopped a few inches away from the girl, her icey glare locking on her and she spoke in a cold tone, "I am here to seek adventure.." She replied coldly, "But I bumped into this red-headed girl," She stated bluntly, "Why?" She asked, her voice curious yet cold.
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Guidance (Azleene, Faimia)

Postby Faimia on December 9th, 2010, 5:56 am

Faimia was lost. again. This was the third time today. She couldnt handle it. Before she was lucky enough to catch a traveling merchant that had pointed her this way. Now she was in a field of long grass that itched her skin and made her nose twitch. What was up with all of this grass anyways? It had to be 4 or 5 feet long and she couldn't see or hear anything because of all the wind.

But she did hear one faint voice. All she could make out of it though was; "..I'm trying to help you.." It was a females voice, somewhere infront of her. So she ran forward towards it.
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Guidance (Azleene, Faimia)

Postby Tebridiar on December 9th, 2010, 10:55 am

One girl appeared through the grass in front of her just as the other one did.

The one with the red hair seemed a bit more lively, bursting out like she had been anxious to find someone. The other girl however… she seemed a bit distant. But she did say she was here for an adventure….

“Well, I’m glad I found you… it isn’t wise to wander the Sea of Grass alone, not unless you know a bit about it. People aren’t the only thing that stalk the grass. Come with me!” She beckoned the girls with a gesture from her arm, and looked at the ground beneath her feet. She had been trying to improve her tracking recently, and it was gradually getting easier and easier to pick up on small details in the environment.

She bent down to touch the earth, she could feel very faint remnants of the tracks she had left. She tended to be light footed, so it was hard to find them but the prints were there. She could follow them back.

“Well, you both look lost. I take it you don’t know each other?” Tebridiar looked back towards them. No, they looked just as confused as each other. “Anyway, my name is Tebridiar. I think its best we get out of here, I think we should head for Endrykas, if thats where you intended to go. There you can be, well, a little safer.”

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Guidance (Azleene, Faimia)

Postby Faimia on December 13th, 2010, 1:51 am

Faimia pondered on whether it was safe to fallow this girl, but then she realized she didn't really have another choice. If things got too hectic well.. she knew how to leave a situation quite quickly, and get lost again. But that was later. This was now.
"Sounds good to me," She said. "My name is Faimia, it is nice to meet you, thank you for your help." She knew it was always best to be nice, kind, and considerate.
Faimia didn't exactly know, though, how to deal with the girls last statement. Well, a little safer.. What did she mean by that. What was Endrykas like? Her heart fluttered in excitement at all the adventure she seemed to be getting herself into, like the other girl here, whom Faimia had not gotten her name, loved adventure. Though she had never been on one, most likely unlike the other girl.
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Guidance (Azleene, Faimia)

Postby Tebridiar on December 14th, 2010, 8:00 pm

Tebridiar smiled softly at the girl, Faimia.

She seemed very nice, friendly. And eager to get out of here.

The other girl seemed a little more… restricted. A little bit harder to reach. But she would try her best. She smiled eagerly, shaking the red haired girls hand.

“As for your friend here, or whether she is your friend or not, we shall have to see. Miss? Are you coming too?” She said, looking at the girl. She seemed a bit more feral.

Was she a Kelvic?

She decided to silence that thought, she shouldn't get suspicious of people she didn't know. She barely knew any facts about either of them.

Maybe that would change...

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Guidance (Azleene, Faimia)

Postby Azleene on December 15th, 2010, 2:26 am

Azleene kept her cold gaze locked on Tebridiar, "How can we trust you?" She asked. She had very bad trust issues, but you can't blame her, her family got slaughtered.

Another breeze came upon the three and an utter silence was risen.
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Guidance (Azleene, Faimia)

Postby Tebridiar on December 16th, 2010, 7:23 pm

What to make of this woman…

Blunt, a little arrogant. Surely she should be happy someone had found her? Some people… Tebridiar tutted to herself.

She wondered what she should say to make this girl trust her. She decided not to offer her hand to shake, this girl didn’t seem to appreciate pleasantries, considering she used none herself.

“Well, Im not saying you have to trust me. But if you know anything about this place, you would be begging me to take you to Endrykas.” She wondered if this sounded a little nasty… “Sorry, I’m not trying to be nasty, girls. But I can’t continue on and leave you out here.”

They looked a little bit unequipped. Bow they had got this far she had no idea… but she had to get them out of this.

“So, what do you say? Coming to the city?”

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Guidance (Azleene, Faimia)

Postby Azleene on December 16th, 2010, 9:34 pm

Azleene thought about it for a few seconds, maybe she could trust this girl, I mean she didn't really seem evil. She finally nodded, "Okay, fine, sounds good to me."
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Guidance (Azleene, Faimia)

Postby Faimia on December 17th, 2010, 6:09 am

Faimia Stared at the argumentitive girl. Was that how people outside her town acted like. Un-respectful, and plain rude? This Tebridiar was possibly risking her neck to help them and she had to be rude enough to ask why she should trust her. How odd. She couldn't exactly say that she could get a long with this girl. But if she was tagging along then Faimia had no choice.

Faimia sighed and turned to the helpful young woman and asked. "how far is this Endrykas?" She paused. "It doesn't look like we have much daylight left.."
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