[Riverfall Location] The Oathmaster's Tower

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Riverfall Location] The Oathmaster's Tower

Postby Puck on August 22nd, 2010, 6:33 am

The Oathmaster's Tower

On the first tier, not thirty feet from the Gideon Arena, is the Oathmaster's Tower. Originally created as an office for Gideon Vayne, the tower has since been heavily modified to suit the Undanas. This is where all Nakivak will go to conduct business regarding their status. From receiving an Undan to physical examinations, it occurs here.

This three story square building is comprised of white washed stone bricks, reaching thirty feet into the sky. A pair of windows can be seen on the third floor, yet nowhere else does natural light infiltrate the Oathmaster's Tower. Green lawns surround the premises, stone pathways cutting through to lead one to the main street or alternatively to the Gideon Arena. The facade of the tower is neither dilapidated nor extravagant, more aptly described as austere. A slight coating of wax can be seen on the structure's single wooden door, protecting it from the constant dampness of Riverfall.

The First Floor
Each Nakivak is given a thorough physical examination under three circumstances: induction into the class, suspected pregnancy, successful birthing. The first is to ensure the surrogate is able to carry children, for the Akalak do not wish to waste time with useless Nakivak. The second examination is to confirm a pregnancy so the Nakivak may receive a gold Undan. Then lastly, the third physical checks for signs of damage from the birthing, to help estimate whether or not a Nakivak may continue her service. This examination occurs on the first floor. A pair of raised beds sit against the far and right wall, orthogonal to each other. Torches burn behind muted glass, throwing dim light across the room. There is no carpet on this floor, nothing but the stone floor between its occupants and the earth. To the left is a white quartz counter complete with cabinets and a wash basin. Here is where the Undanas stores various tinctures and poultices for his Nakivak subjects. Where the counter ends by the far wall, two sets of stairs can be seen. The left leading up to higher floors, while the right descends down to a door.

The Second Floor
The second floor is Urvinisic's quarters. It may be completely bypassed as the stairwell wraps around the inner wall of the structure, and one must first open the door on the second floor landing to enter the man's quarters. Though this may prove to be problematic as Urvinisic keeps said portal locked to all but the Undanas. Just as well, due to the instability of the second floor's denizen, Tuvos formally disallows any Nakivak or visitors from entering; although he does have suspicions that the occasional female may be spirited away to its confines when he is away, Tuvos has not the willpower and Sovus has not the evidence to do anything.

The Third Floor
Here is Tuvos Jerusc's quarters. Upon leaving the second floor, the staircase follows the building's inner perimeter up to a simple wooden door. Inside one finds a room just as severe and efficient as the rest of the structure, with a few exceptions. A bed rests in the near right corner, extremely reminiscent of the ones found below except significantly closer to the ground. A pair of windows adorning the far wall allows natural light to fill the room for part of the day, and the same glass covered torches provide illumination otherwise. In the room's center is a large, oaken writing desk surrounded by a trio of chairs- one for the Undanas, the Nakivak, and the sire. This is where the Undanas will speak with the male upon confirmed pregnancies or hear out any problems regarding his charges. Flanking the desk are two tall cabinets where information regarding individual Nakivak is stored. Another counter runs along the length of one wall, and is where the Tuvos stores most of his living supplies such as food and water. Completing the plain room is a ladder leading up to the rooftop.

The Rooftop
Ascending to the roof of the Oathmaster's Tower, one finds a small smithing arrangement. A gazebo style roof adorns the tower, four supports upon which a steep roof that won't collect rainwater rests. One of the pillars, much larger than the rest, is a small forge the Undanas uses to create the bracelets for his Nakivak. A waist high balustrade runs around the perimeter of the roof to prevent undue accidents, and nestled at its base can be found supplies of small metal ingots and molds wrapped in tarps. Various tools hang from hooks on the three extraneous pillars, completing the workshop.

The Sub-Floor
Descending from the first floor will lead one to the sub-floor. At the end of the single flight of stairs is an old iron reinforced door with an equally aged lock. Under a majority of circumstances, this entrance is kept locked to outsiders and only Tuvos holds the key. Despite this, many believe the sub-floor to be a suite of containment cells for prisoners. This rumor largely came about because of the tower's history as a structure related to the Gideon Arena.

Tuvos Jerusc :
Race: Akalak
Age: 394
Children: Two (Oroyun Jerusc, Limino Jerusc)
Position: Undanas, The Oathmaster
Skills: Metalsmithing 84; Medicine 67; Interrogation 48; Observation 45
Description: Tuvos Jerusc can be seen as either the wizened, compassionate elder or the ruthless dictator. The aforementioned is the kind half, while Sovus is is seen as merciless. More often than not Nakivak or others will deal with Tuvos, as he is the dominant half. Despite this, he has no stomach for inflicting harm or displeasure upon others, and has to cede to Sovus whenever such an act is needed. The darker side of the Undanas is exacting and unwavering in his interpretation of what needs done. If a Nakivak runs away, Urvinisic shall hunt her down. When a crime is committed, they are thrown in the holding cells. There is no room for interpretation or compassion, the laws must be followed to the letter.

Urvinisic :
Race: Akalak
Age: 172
Children: None
Position: Nakivak Hunter (Cerulean)
Skills: Tracking 54; Hunting 43; Riding 31; Light Crossbow 30; Poison 26; Weighted Net 26
Description: Young and brash, Urvinisic has had many troubles in his life. Neither he nor his other half, Norivek, could truly be considered good people. Where Urvinisic is short tempered and belligerent, the other is apathetic at best. As such, Urvinisic often takes over in situations, because his brother can rarely be bothered. Shortly after Urvinisic had turned 44, he was arrested and tried for petty theft from the city. He faced Woredev Icarvu in the arena, and received two broken bones and extreme humiliation from the man in addition to a season of servitude to the city for his crime. A year later, Urvinisic made an attempt on Woredev's life for the slights regarding his honor. Needless to say, the attempt was foiled and Woredev punished the offender once more. Urvinisic made two more attempts on Woredev, the third culminating in his punisher demanding the council expel him as Cerulean. Now, the Oathmaster has recruited Urvinisic for his tracking and hunting skills to chase down the Nakivak who choose to run. Due to the fact that Nakivak can be tracked via their bracelets, no Nakivak has escaped as of yet.
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[Riverfall Location] The Oathmaster's Tower

Postby Kavala on September 28th, 2010, 7:09 pm

Timestamp: Late Summer 510 AV during Hatot's Rite.
Purpose: Confirmation of Pregnancy/Reporting in

There were certain things Kavala would spare Hatot from witnessing. And while he understood his people's culture, experiencing it first hand was a completely different thing. To a Nakivak, the Oathmaster's tower represented many things: freedom, survival, and yes, even slavery. As the Konti paced up its imposing steps and through its well-waxed doorway, she knew there was not enough coin in the world to tolerate Hatot along for this particular visit. There were too many memories in her eyes.

Inspections. Confessions. Was she taking care of Riverfall's property - namely her body? Was she crazy? Damaged? Fit or unfit? They watched her kind closely. Checking for disease came in many forms. Not all of it was the kind like warts that broke out on genitals after repeated visits by captors who cared nothing of their slaves except they live long enough to feed the Zith they were being sold too. Some of the gifts slavers gave infected the mind and ravaged nerves and mental capacity. There was the disease pain that caused too much drink or the one involving drugs mixing on the same topic. There was also the disease of the spirit - the dark creeping depression that left about ten percent of the rescued women soul-less and uncaring. Kavala was none of these.

Kavala had been to the tower before. She knew where to go. Quietly she showed her bracelet to an attendant and made her way into the main room to wait for her audience. A great deal had changed since she'd been here last. She'd been on the table before, exposed, examined and found fit. She'd also been in the workshop long enough for her heavy silver bracelet to be fastened around her wrist. She'd talked to hollow-eyed girls and smiling happy girls. She'd seen pregnant women escorted in on the arms of their proud sponsors. And she'd seen frightened women escorted to special rooms to allow complete strangers access to their bodies for the sole purpose of procreation. They lived, though, all of them. And because they lived, the Akalak lived as well.

To the outsider it was almost horrific.

To someone firmly locked in the inner circle of the system, it was not so bad at all. She was content in her role. And had Hatot not come into her life, she very well could have been one of those women escorted to the 'meeting' rooms to accept the attentions of a stranger. Her life was worth that. At least that. But she'd been given more. And so it was she took a quiet seat and waited until the Oathmaster deemed himself unburdened enough to come talk with her. And once he did, she'd rise, bow giving him the respect he deserved, and launch right into the prepared speech she had laid out.

"Sirs." The Konti inclined her head with respect and then continued. She always acknowledged both halves. To her, the Akalak were two men in one body. They weren't split personalities or entities to be treated with singularly. They came in pairs and that was how the best of them lived their lives. The worst of them had tattooed faces and she had been instructed to avoid them so she did. "I'm here to report my pregnancy by Hatot and Radris. I was told to make sure I was actively attempting to fulfill my contract by seasons end and I have done so." There was no use hiding anything. She knew this was strictly against the Council's orders to Hatot for they stated he wait until after his Rite. Kavala, on the other hand, had been ordered to make herself available and more actively attempt to fulfill her contract. There was no hiding her feelings for the duo she fully acknowledged she was with, and truthfully the pregnancy was a respite from having to accept anyone else's sincerely offered contract - which she could not by Riverfall's own law do. "Hatot said he would come settle things here after his Rite due to the fact there was no formal contract and the exchange of silver for gold." She added softly. The Oathmaster intimidated her slightly. There was something dangerous about him, regardless of his kindness. And she'd heard all the rumors about him as well. Having fleeing Nakivak hunted down with his Cerulean pet. Kavala glanced around, shifted her feet, and waited for him to take in what she'd said.

Kavala's hair was swept up. There was a chavas mark clearly outlined on her left gill. She did not speak of it, knowing that a bond to her Akalak contract would not get her out of her Nakivak Status. A scarf captured the long translucent strands of hair and kept them out of her face. It's long flowing ends trailed down to caress her neck, sometimes hiding the mark, sometimes outlining it. Kavala was dressed for the occasion in a feminine scarf dress that flowed around her legs in light cotton that staved off the summer heat. She showed no outward signs of pregnancy, nor would she for at least another season or more. But the doctors could tell easily enough if what she said was true. She could with animals, sensing the additional life force within. But here were healers for people, not animals, so their gifts definitely drifted in other directions.

Taking a breath, she continued. "I would also like to see the debt held against me. I have been saving my Mizas and will have enough to pay off the inital loan for horses for Sanctuary. But I would like to see what else has been associated with me so I know what my target payoff goal is. I am grateful for my life and I am proud to wear the bracelet. But once my child is born, I would like the ability to pay off my debt so I may remain with Hatot and Radris as an equal without the possibility of someone else taking out a contract with me." Kavala said firmly, not knowing if this was even possible. Some women could easily buy out of their contracts. Some Akalak even bought them out so their servitude and debt became more personal, even though it was never spoken of. Some women though, the other Nakivak whispered, would never be free of their contracts because of the sheer amount of debt packed onto them for multiple reasons but mainly for the fact they were good strong breeders and the Akalak wanted them taken full advantage of.

She stood quietly; respectfully... waiting for the Oathmaster's response.

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  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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[Riverfall Location] The Oathmaster's Tower

Postby Puck on October 24th, 2010, 9:56 am

Many Akalak that lived to the extreme age of Tuvos had managed to form some sort of agreement with their other half. A merging of the two souls that came with spending multiple centuries together. Time could bring even the bitterest of enemies together, except in his case. While he and his other half certainly had an arrangement on who would deal with what, there was a defined boundary between them. Everybody could nigh instantly tell which personality they were dealing with, and Kavala was no different.

The wizened Akalak's skin was paler than most, as if time had washed away its pigment. Yet despite the weathered look he smiled sincerely and almost spryly. His greeting was warm, though if he had recognized Kavala amongst the sea of Nakivak he tended to there was no indication. His grandfatherly smile remained plastered on his face the entire time she spoke, and when she first paused to await a response he replied with the calm conviction of four centuries. "Very well, we will check to confirm your pregnancy and health. I have Clarissa up in my room doing some herbal work for me, it should make everything quick and painless." He paused for an instant, ruminating over her next statement before addressing her once more, "Oh, you're Hatot's Nakivak. That means... That means you're... Ah yes, Kavala is it not? Right well I'll be expecting Hatot, and he will forge your new undan."

He looked a little bit regretful as Kavala stated her desire to be free. "As much as I hate to lose such a wonderful Nakivak, it is only fair that you know your debt. One moment, I have a record of all debts in my room. Have yourself a seat on one of the beds I'll return momentarily." Without another word the Undanas removed himself from Kavala's presence, walking up the stairwell. She heard faint conversation as he reached the toop, and in a few chimes he came down with both a book and a human in tow.

Without a word the woman walked over to Kavala and put a hand on her forehead. "This is Clarissa, Kavala. She's going to tell me if you're pregnant." The Oathmaster reclined, opening his ledger and flipping through the list of names within it. Finally the woman spoke, removing her hand from Kavala's forehead and pressing it to her belly, "Hello, simply breathe easily for now, still your mind." A warm glow emanated from the woman's hands and bathed Kavala for a moment, though with her own healing gnosis it was unlikely the Konti was injured at all. Yet still the pleasant energy bathed her, and in the next few instants it ceased and the healer went about her work checking Kavala's body. In many places susceptible to damage, the same glow would appear and bathe her skin just to be sure

Tuvos barked out a number, "Twenty two hundred gold Mizas, a rather small debt. If you wish to keep Sanctuary, it will be fifty three hundred. You borrowed twenty two hundred worth of livestock and supplies from the council, and the premises was worth thirty one hundred when you contracted it. Although this isn't recent, have you incurred any other debts since you became Nakivak?"

Clarissa ended her examination with Kavala's feet, standing up from her kneeling position to face Tuvos. "Right well, I didn't detect any physical abnormalities, and she is indeed pregnant. Now if you will excuse me, I need to finish this last poultice." With that the healer trotted the stairs and left the Undanas was once more alone with Kavala.
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[Riverfall Location] The Oathmaster's Tower

Postby Kavala on October 24th, 2010, 7:04 pm

ImageKavala stammered slightly, flushed, and apologized. "Yes, Kavala. I ... I forgot to introduce myself. My apologies." So she wasn't all calm like she thought she would be - nervous was a new state of mind for Kavala - one she'd thought she'd parted ways with after her tragedy. It was another reason she hadn't brought Hatot or Radris. The Oathmaster's Tower was a place of rawness. Raw nerves. Raw memories. Raw joy. She nodded, listening to Tuvos' words, grateful that he said nothing and seemed unconcerned about all the little fears she'd been harboring since the last council meeting.

She allowed herself to be lead to a room filled with beds. The konti took a seat on the first one, folding her hands nervously in her lap. Her bag, heavy with the weight of mizas within it, clanked onto the floor, tucked by her feet. Her wait was not a long one. The healer appeared soon enough, a gentle woman with understanding eyes, though her bedside manner was brisk. Easy. Kavala sat quietly as the healer probed her body, checking out Riverfall's property to see if it was taking good care of itself. She was. Kavala was stronger, more fit, and perhaps healthier than she'd ever been. Coming here, she'd been soft, battered, locked within herself. The woman housing a piece of Riverfalls' future would never be that same victim again.

Kavala waited, then nodded as the healer backed up her statement. She repressed the urge to ask if the healer could tell what she was having. Her child would be a boy. It would have to be, for Hatots' sake and for his pride. When the healer left, Kavala stopped and picked up the bag full of miza's at her feet.

"I have not added to my debt load since the horses and sanctuary. In fact, I've been saving. I have the twenty five hundred initial borrowing here in this bag to pay back." She reached into her bag and pulled out the cloth bag filled with mizas. She handed it to him and waited for him to count it. "Can I watch you write down my repayment or can I receive a receipt?" It wasn't that Kavala didn't trust Tuvos, it was just that since she'd been in Riverfall, her business skills were increasing. She knew it was important to have proof of payment on anything. "I'll have the rest of the debt most likely by the time my child is born, if not shortly thereafter if business stays good." She was hoping the next round of foals for the spring would be sold for coin rather than trade good or services like they were last year. That would add enormously to her profits. And once she fully owned Sanctuary, she'd be able to keep Sanctuary's profits for herself and her family as well.

"Hatot and Radris will return with me at their convince to switch over my undan into their own style once hes returned and recovered. Do we need an appointment for that or is it something he has access to do at any time? He is well versed in weaponsmithing." Kavala said softly, asking if he were free to come do it privately or if someone needed to be in attendance.

NoteHatot is planning on coming back with Kav in another thread they are doing.. is it okay if we rp the changeover in there or do we need a mod or to come back to this thread?

Last edited by Kavala on December 18th, 2010, 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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[Riverfall Location] The Oathmaster's Tower

Postby Puck on November 12th, 2010, 8:02 pm

The wave of nervousness was not lost upon the Undanas, and before he answered Kavala's questions he posed one of his own, "you have not been feeling depressed lately? No thoughts of perhaps returning to Lex's cycle before your time? If so, you should be aware that while not every Nakivak experiences those thoughts, it is not overly uncommon." He smiled warmly, but beneath the facade Tuvos was probing her. He did not truly believe she was suicidal, but such thoughts always started somewhere; be it delusions, social anxiety, or any other disorder with the mind, it was all the same. If she hesitated, answered yes, or showed any other indicator of mental stability at this accusation, he would have to continue the questions. It was only a sneaking suspicion that Kavala might be damaged and unfit for motherhood, though. Even if she was, he would only be sure to keep the Konti away from her child. Though it went against many safety protocols, if the Nakivak's keeper was dedicated to ensuring her safety, the Undanas would often allow them to stay together. It was with a look of sorrow that Tuvos realized he may have to rip Kavala and Hatot apart. For the continuity of our people, Tuvos. It must be done. Sovus, the Oathmaster's other half, was right.

He forced Kavala to think on the topic by continuing, "Regarding your debt, then." Tuvos spilled the sack of coins onto the bed behind Kavala, and wizened fingers began rapidly sorting the coins into groups of approximately fifty. His experienced hands worked quickly, the many years of dealing with Nakivak debts showing through. After four or five chimes, the elderly Akalak finally spoke to Kavala, "very well, all is accounted for. I will deduct twenty two hundred from your debts." He scooped the mizas back into their container, filling it with their weight. He then placed the book on the bed where he had scattered the Mizas, and wrote in the deduction. As the Undanas turned over to another page, Kavala would see a series of receipts. There he recorded the transaction onto a receipt, and ripped it from the book for the Nakivak. "There, you now owe a meager thirty one hundred gold Mizas if you wish to own Sanctuary."

"Now, regarding your transition. It's rather simple, and you only need to be here for one part. Hatot will come and forge your golden undan, I have no part in its creation other than ensuring he doesn't completely botch it. Its dimensions, decoration, and so on are personalized according to the Nakivak; the only stipulation is that it cannot be weak enough to be broken off. After Hatot has forged the golden undan, I will cut the silver bracelet from your wrist and he shall attach the new one. After that, he's responsible for your safety. it would probably be best if you come along, gold is not difficult to forge so it should not take overly long." Tuvos had said this a thousand times to a thousand different Nakivak, and Kavala was no different in that respect. For your sake, you had best hope she continues to be as such. A slight grimace crossed the Undanas' face as his other half spoke to him, and though it was bitter he knew it would be true. He did not have the strength to tear apart the two, and Sovus would not be gentle. Considerably more subdued now, he spoke once more, "Right... We will schedule the forging in five days time. Be here at dawn to begin the creation."

NoteYou can roleplay the changeover in another thread without a mod. The role of the Undanas is only to watch over and ensure Hatot doesn't create a faulty bracelet or otherwise break the rules. Thus, feel free to mod him. I will read along though, in case an event or topic comes up that would involve something unexpected from him, and so on.
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[Riverfall Location] The Oathmaster's Tower

Postby Kavala on December 13th, 2010, 8:08 am

ImageKavala shook her head thoughtfully. "No. I do not think about killing myself ever." She had been depressed though, off and on. It was part of her life, part of what she was and who she was. Some of it had to do with Hatot never formally filling out her contract, but mostly it had to do with a lot of responsibility and a lot of people dependent upon her that she was unused too. Her feelings and her mental health really had nothing to do with her status as a brood mare for Riverfall. In fact she hadn't cared until she met Hatot about who ended up taking her contract. One was just about like another as far as she was concerned. They weren't human, that was all that truly mattered in her perspective.

Now though, a lot had changed.

Kavala nodded. Five days time? She shook her head. "Hatot is off on his Rite of Manhood. I have no set schedule for him to be back. When he returns though, and at his discretion, we will come for the forging. I'd gladly come with him. I'm not too certain he's ... well that he fully approves of this operation so I am not sure he will bring me at all. If he does, then that's that, but if he does not then there is nothing I can do about it. I will continue to report as required though and bring payments to work off my debt. I do want to be a free woman of my own volition as quickly as possible. I do not plan to leave Riverfall, but I do understand the significant debt I have acquired in order to be here". The Nakivak said softly, looking thoughtful and grieved all at once.

Kavala preferred to take care of things herself, but in this instant there was no getting around what must be done. If Hatot did not suggest or willingly show up to the tower with her, she would come on her own or simply leave the silver bracelet as it was. No one would bother her for a contract now that it was well known she was carrying Hatot's Child.

Kavala bid her farewell of the Oathmaster and retreated quietly. Staying in the tower for longer than was necessary simply . She was on foot and didn't mind the walk back to Sanctuary. The exercise did her good and helped her clear her head while she was at it.

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  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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[Riverfall Location] The Oathmaster's Tower

Postby Kavala on May 19th, 2011, 7:56 pm

ImageTimestamp: 25th of Spring, 511 AV
Purpose: Status update/bracelet change/Pay off Sanctuary

Kavala walked into the Oathmaster's Tower unafraid. Her slim form was back, even if her strength wasn't at her best and she'd need some real exercise in the next few seasons to bring her back to her true form. She knew she'd get some time off from her obligation if indeed she wasn't released from it outright. Two seasons she'd be free to relax, rest her body, and get on with her life. It was a liberating feeling. Coin as heavy in her backpack even as the bundle slung across her chest shifted, woke up, and started fussing.

Tasival wasn't a bad infant. He was quiet for the most part, a silent observer of life only willing to comment here and there. But sometimes she swore another looked from his quiet gaze and in those times his moods grew stormy and he reacted far differently than the infant she'd come to know over the last five days. Sleep had captured her a great deal, but when she wasn't sound asleep she was fussing with the child, bonding with him, getting to know who he really was and welcoming him to the world.

Now it was time to introduce Tasi to the Oathmaster.

She wandered the lower quarters a little while until she found the familiar face she had been looking for, Tuvos, and then placed her quiet request to meet with him. "Greetings. I'm Kavala Denusk. I have come to report my child was born healthy and to pay off more of my debt and to find out my current status. Can you help me with that?" Kavala said softly, knowing there would be a very physical exam of both her and her child and a determination of her status. Her Undan would change, and so too would her life.

The Konti started feeling nervous, and as a direct result of that Tasi began to fuss. She soothed him carefully, smoothing back his shock of white hair and deep sapphire skin. "Shhh little one. All will be well." She said softly and waited.
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  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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[Riverfall Location] The Oathmaster's Tower

Postby Smudge on June 25th, 2011, 5:44 pm

OOCSince i'm incredibly late, i gave you the entire rundown of the conversation in a single post. Still we can argue for one or two more, but you should keep in mind that it will not change the otucome. Hopefully i have written it properly.

Tuvos Jerusc was a busy man. Still he did his best to solve problems as quickly as his time would let him. Today was no different, as the old Akalak quickly appeared before Kavala; he looked almost awestruck when he saw the small Akontak child. It was a great honor to even gaze upon creatures which had spirits so close to gods themselves. Even in his long years, he had not seen many and could still be surprised by the small life.

Smiling at the girl before him, he spoke quietly: “Clarissa here will… Clarissa!” he called out to the girl as she was indeed not standing next to him. A mere moment later a woman showed up behind him, and if Kavala cared enough, she would recognize her as the one who gave her the physical examination that confirmed her being pregnant.

“As I was saying, Clarissa here will inspect the child for any physical deformations or otherwise present ailments while we discuss business.” He would wait briefly for Kavala to hand over the child and if she had done so, he would sit down at the nearby desk and gesture her to sit on the opposite side.

“It has come to my understanding that you wish to pay off the Sanctuary debt, I am indeed glad to hear of this.” Gesturing his hand towards the table, he wanted the Konti to lay down the payment so he could count it for himself.

If she kept following his instructions, he would quickly confirm that all coins were accounted for and she was indeed debt free. We just lost the ability to keep her here using her debt, there is only one other thing to do, and you know it! The other side of the oath master wasn’t considering much besides the continuity of the race.

Scribbling down a note that let Kavala out of her debt was followed by handing the paper over to Kavala. “Alright, now we should discuss the future of your Nakivak status. As things currently stand, the race in itself can’t afford to lose a Nakivak so refined that she gave birth to an Akontak. You will be given some time to recuperate and will have your golden bracelet replaced with a silver one.” The Akalak stopped there, going through one of the drawers. Finally he pulled out a silver bracelet and placed it on the table between them. “When Clarissa returns, we will have you undergo a physical exam as well and then we can conclude our affairs for today.”

Kavala would have a couple of chimes to wait before Clarissa came back, but no matter what she said in the time she had, Tuvos wouldn’t budge. Finally Clarissa appeared with Tasival in her arms and nodded to the pair. “I found nothing, the child is healthy” handing the child over to Kavala, she would gesture her that it was her turn. The examination would not take long and through the entire length of it, Clarissa would do her best to soothe Kavala.

“yes, you are perfectly healthy, but should practice as much bed rest as possible during the coming season..”

Once finished they would appear back at the desk with the oath master and he would reattach the second bracelet on her hand after gently taking off the first.

“I believe that is all for now, you will be contacted once the time for recuperation is over. That should be no less than two seasons, just so you know.” The old man sighed. You did what was right, the race needs her. Finally with a nod, he gave Kavala the permission to leave. “We shall be seeing each other again, in two seasons time…” the old man stopped and let the Konti exit with a smile on his face. He would then disappear again, attending to other pressing duties.
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[Riverfall Location] The Oathmaster's Tower

Postby Kavala on June 27th, 2011, 5:34 pm

Image Kavala hated this. She hated all of it. This was the part where she became chattel instead of a real person. Tasi was on display too, which made it even harder. She'd come to the tower feeling like she was under an archer's outstretched and notched bow. If she didn't report, then they'd come to find her and that'd be even worse. So she stood there, and with gritted teeth carefully handed her child over to the healer for inspection.

Next came the saddlebag of coin. She would have had enough money to fully pay off Sanctuary if she hadn't had to pay the Cerulean to help find Ragnor's family. But this she hadn't minded. They sold horses, both adults and foals that well made up the difference. In fact, she liked to think she'd helped Ragnor from her foal money, not from Sanctuary's salary altogether with her healing and training. And if the Akalaks had any questions, Kavala kept excellent records. Her horses, in fact, she owned outright, so any profits on their sales belonged to her and her alone.

"I brought three thousand and one hundred Mizas. Between unexpected emergencies, employee salaries, and the operation expenses of Sanctuary, it didn't quite come to thirty-one hundred, but we had a great crop of foals this year, and I sold most of them off that I didn't want to keep for my breeding program. It was just enough. Things will be tight for a while, but next season we should be keeping the full profit and I'll be able to hire more folks, and possibly even keep more horses. In two seasons time, we'll be fully operating in the black with a tidy profit without these payments." She said thoughtfully, relieved when he pulled the book forward and there was no more red ink in it against her name. She'd heard stories that sometimes the Akalak Council would tack on debt just to keep a person in the region, things like security or education, training or even transportation. But Kavala had deliberately operated as independently as she could so that she could indeed.

Kavala watched the Akalak's eyes. He was a cold bastard, or at least his darker half was. She knew stories - they'd all been told them - how he'd personally hunted women down who had run after his decisions. In fact, there was a whole floor in the tower devoted to 'detainees' who were flight risks. Their patron's visited them there, though it was nothing more than purposeful rape. Kavala, if she cooperated, would have freedom that most Nakivak's didn't have. And she would have the illusion of free will. But the truth was that in two seasons time she'd have to lay down with whomever wanted her contract and break her vows to Hatot and Radris, loose her Cheva mark, and any semblance of the illusionary life she'd built around herself. Kavala's azure gaze went cold at the Akalak's words. Most women were rested a single season, ninety days, but he was generously giving her half a year.

Was it a reward? Kavala wasn't certain.

"How many children do I have to have for Riverfall? Two? Four? Is there anything but age that can remove this status? Do you know how hard it is for us? Do you understand that sometimes we come to care for the men who have our contract and get us with children? And your whole society teaches them once the duty is done, they need to walk away? I can understand you indebt Konti, but humans? How can you even let your fellow men go through so many deaths? It damages them. It even damages their children. Konti are stronger, Tuvos, and many would come to volunteer to help you. Go talk to Mura. Do a trade. Send some of your young men there, ask them to bring some of their young women here. Don't force anything on them, but young people will do what comes naturally and it will be successful. I promise. It doesn't have to be like this. I know I was dead anyhow, where I was. I know they made me a whore. But this is worse than that. You are educated, honorable, thinking men. They were beasts."
Kavala said softly, tears rising in her eyes. She wouldn't cry though. He wasn't worthy of her tears. "Hatot and Radris haven't even met Tasifal. I sent him a message when the child was born, but he's not even come to see him once. What do I tell him when hes older? Do I even get to keep him? Hatot said he signed papers so I could keep the child in my possession, but rules for Nakivak's are different than rules for Akalaks. So too is the law." There was a quiet rage in her voice. "I love him, and still he doesn't come. I have his cheva mark, and once you give my contract to someone else, it will disappear because I broke my vow. Doesn't that mean anything? I don't want to break my vows, Tuvos. It had to mean something, because we made an Akontak together."

Even as she made her argument, the child was returned and laid into a cradle so that the healer could impersonally inspect Kavala's body and find her fit. She hated the woman's touch, though the healer was gentle and compassionate, and hated too that Tuvos stayed for that part as well.

Then the gold bracelet that Hatot and Radris had so carefully constructed was cut off her wrist - for there was no way to remove it otherwise - and the other one affixed on - soldered shut and permanent. Kavala hated it immediately. With the gold, she belonged to someone and no one else had the right to look. With the silver, every one had the right to look and know that they could have her - willing or not - by just asking for her. And once that happened, she'd better be willing or else there were other ways, darker ways, that the Nakivak never talked about. She'd seen those ways though. Small rooms, only a single breeding bed, iron on the windows and door. They kept women there that were unstable due to mental trauma, unwilling, so they could be made use of rather than thrown away or allowed to die.

Oh, she'd breed for them. But next time she wouldn't let someone lure her in with a heart. When her rest was over, she'd go to the Cerulean or someone equally hard so there was no risk of caring, no feelings of abandonment, no wondering what was wrong with her that Hatot and Radris couldn't at least drop by and see Tasi. There was a quiet rage in her, one that was building. One child should have been enough. One Akontak, and they didn't want to let her go now? Instinctively she knew it would have been the same had it been an Akalak or Konti child. She'd had an easy birth, being in good shape, and they wouldn't let her go until she was too old. Kavala knew this instinctively. Over and over again she'd be put with men, forced to bear their children, and would never have the choice to do what she really wanted to do, if she was absolutely honest with herself.

Kavala wanted love. It was one of the reasons she had disliked Kashik so much when the woman had chased down and married her brother. Kashik had Vanator to care for her, take the pressure off, and he was a worthy man to chase after and ride side by side with through life. Under this system, Kavala had no right to pick someone for herself.

She had no right to fall in love and be there for just one person. Each time it would end, either the Akalak damaged and turning away or them being ripped away by an expired contract and a child that then had only one parent to raise it. Each time another would come in place of the one she'd began to care for. And the truth was she cared too much for them and even gave too much of herself to them to even be in this position. Nakivaks should be hard, healthy, and emotionally detached. Kavala was invested - deeply - and needing more than they were willing to give. And in her experience, they didn't return the love. They didn't know how. They couldn't.

Rage grew in her. It even surprised her how much it grew in her. She contained it while he gave his speech. She contained it while he afixed the silver back on her wrist. She even contained it when he dismissed her. But as she was walking out, and just before he disappeared, she could hold her tongue no more.

"No. I won't be seeing you in two seasons. When its time, just send them to Sanctuary. I'll do my duty, but I won't be your trained dog that will jump through all the hoops you assign for me. I have a child to care for and a facility to manage. I won't come back to this tower, Oathmaster. I won't be your slave. I won't subject myself to these inspections and pokings and prodding. I'm a healer, probably better than she is. I'll honor the debt I owe Riverfall and keep myself healthy. But no more of this. Its humiliating and unnecessary. Just send someone when a person comes forth interested after its time. I'll whore for him there, not here. I never want to see this place again, and I shouldn't have too." With that, she marched out - if Tuvos would let her - head stuck in the air and all the pride she could muster as a tired new mother, infant son clutched in her hands.

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Please Note:
  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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