[Verified by Kaleidoscope] Allister

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Postby Allister on May 9th, 2017, 2:43 am

Allister Useless

The Looks -
The Make Up -
The Setting -
The Props -
The Program -
Last edited by Allister on May 10th, 2017, 2:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
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The Answer to Boredom
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Postby Allister on May 9th, 2017, 2:52 am

The Looks


Summer 518 Update:
**Allister has spent several seasons doing manual labor as well as eating better thanks to his bondmate. His form has tightened into a less awkward presentation though still ghastly. His muscles are hard, toned and vascular but still on the lean side. His stance has gained more of an intimidating silhouette as lines have deepened thanks to increased strength and endurance. His hands are rougher but hold a slight curl now thanks to his due diligence.**

Allister is tall and skinny with muscles like a half-starved athlete. Wiry would make a good descriptor. He has pale skin which is a result of strange skin condition. His hair is striped like that of his animal form with most of it being bone white or tan depending on the time of year and black stripes that run from front to back. His limbs are lanky but tough which is shown through lean muscle and dense joints. Allister's joints are swollen from being cracked on a regular basis and his fingers look worn as callouses and scars seem to cover every digit. His fingernails always have dirt under them and the human's posture is not great.


Allister was the property of a mistress with a pension for the drink. In exchange for fine wine and the occasional touch-up, the woman would rent her slave's skin as a blank canvas to the local tattoo shop so that the artists and apprentices could practice on a live subject. Those with the tools were rarely sober and the post-service care was almost non-existent. This left many scars, raised lines and an almost constant itch somewhere on the kelvic's body. Allister has many tattoos on his hands, arms and body. There are multiple smiling or laughing mouths, written forms of laughter, skulls, dead animals and many other random things including the Common word for 'useless' in large letters across his abdomen. One of the most prominent is the neatly scribbled Common word 'Damaged' across his forehead. He also bears the crocodile brand of the Lynint Dynasty on his left side which marks him as a former slave.


Allister is very pale. He is not a healthy individual in terms of diet, exercise or hygiene. He has never been taught these things and then the added aspect of a pigment deficiency gives him an almost ghostly appearance.


In his animal form, Allister is a striped hyena. His fur is mostly light (bone in the winter and spring, tan in the summer and fall) with stripes of black including a prominent ridge that runs from the black fur on his head down his spine and to his tail. The wild dog is less predator and more scavenger than many of its cousins. A stout and dense skull sits on a thick neck which attaches to a massive but short torso which is supported by relatively skinny legs. The forelegs are longer than the hind legs which gives the hyena an intimidating stance since its back is sloped downwards towards the tail. Big feet are supported by bulky pads which are separated by blunt but powerful claws which are best used for traction, digging and ripping as opposed to slashing like some canine claws.

Allister's dog form is close to the top portion of his species in size but near the middle in mass due to a lack of proper exercise or diet throughout his life so far. At eighty-one pounds, his four foot body and half foot tail appear much slimmer which reveals his rib cage despite the thick fur. His tail is short due to a painful decision made by his previous master though it is still long enough to cover the scent glands that hang at the base of his tail. These are in a naked skin sack and will spray a noxious liquid when provoked or frightened.

Allister's hyena skull has a very high and prominent sagittal crest, a short facial slope with two front-facing black eyes and a tapered snout. He has large, pointed ears and chin scruff which looks like a straggly, unkempt beard which will grow longer as he ages. His fur is very much a contrast of bone and white with black stripes and a black swath over his head, spine and tail. The fur itself is coarse and long but will shed and lengthen in colder weather. Likewise, if the climate becomes increasingly warmer, he will shed and don a thinner, shorter coat.

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Last edited by Allister on August 19th, 2018, 1:57 am, edited 7 times in total.
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The Answer to Boredom
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Make Up

Postby Allister on May 9th, 2017, 3:14 am

The Make Up


Summer 518 Update:
**Allister's bond with Madeira has changed him. Her constant presence has given him a new outlook on life and a goal: make Madeira happy. He holds nothing above her and nothing will ever be permitted to harm her if has his way. The kelvic would die for her but would rather watch others die instead. She has permeated every aspect of his life. To Allister, Madeira Craven is the One True God and worthy of whatever she requests.**

Allister is an unstable prankster who has an affinity for pain but would rather find a way or place to belong. His early years were plagued with abuse and violence but also a strong learning curve of skills which, despite his name, have served him well. The smiles of others bring him joy so he finds ways to entertain people often at his own expense. There are times when he takes jokes too far, however, and the laughs are replaced by shouting, screaming or crying. His young ignorance, poor upbringing and lack of true direction often lands him in situations where it's easy to may the wrong choice. He's not a bad guy and not hard to understand but the Kelvic can be difficult for many people in terms of getting along.

Race: Kelvic - Striped Hyena
Gender: Male
Human Size: 6', 180#
Kelvic Size: 28" high @ shoulders, 48" long + 6" bobbed tail, 90#
Age: 5
Birthday: 81st of Summer, 513 AV
Birthplace: Kenash
Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Isur
Poor Language: Fratava


Allister is submissive to women, scratches often and is prone to mood swings especially from one extreme to the other (This just means that if he's very happy or very sad, he's much more likely to flip the other way than if he's just in an okay mood or slightly down.


Break Down :
Starting: 26
Intimidation: 1
Meditation: 1
Seduction: 1
Endurance: 3

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Endurance 10SP,+1,+3,+2,+3,+5,+5,+5,+5,+2,+4,+2,+3,+5,+3,+1 59 Expert
Observation +4,+2,+4,+5,+5,+2,+5,+5,+5,+1,+5,+5,+4,+2,+3,+5,+5,+3 65 Expert
Acrobatics 5SP, +2,+5,+1,+1,+1,+1,+3,+2,+3,+2,+2 28 Competent
Bodybuilding +5,+1,+1,+4,+5,+4,+2,+4,+1,+4 31 Competent
Singing 5SP,+1,+1,+3,+3,+1,+5,+1,+1,+3,+1,+1 26 Competent
Unarmed Combat 10RB,+1,+1,+1,+1,+1,+3,+1,+3,+1,+1,+1,+2,+1 28 Competent
Acting 5SP,+1,+2,+1,+2,+2,+1 14 Novice
Auristics +3 3 Novice
Climbing +2,+3 5 Novice
Cosmetology 5SP 5 Novice
Dancing 5SP,+1,+1,+1,+1,+2,+1 12 Novice
Escape Artist +1,+2,+2 5 Novice
Instrument-Body +3,+1 4 Novice
Intimidation +1,+1,+2,+3,+2,+1,+3,+2 15 Novice
Investigation +1 1 Novice
Land Navigation +1 1 Novice
Leadership +2,+2,+1.+1 6 Novice
Logic +1,+3,+3,+1,+3,+1,+2,+2,+2,+3,+1 22 Novice
Massage +1,+1 2 Novice
Meditation +1,+2,+1,+1,+1 6 Novice
Negotiation +1,+1 2 Novice
Organization +1 1 Novice
Persuasion +1,+2,+3,+3,+1,+1 11 Novice
Planning: +1,+1,+1 2 Novice
Politics +1 1 Novice
Preparation +1 1 Novice
Projection 10SP,+2,+2,+1,+1,+2,+3,+1,+1,+1 24 Novice
Rhetoric +2,+1,+1,+1,+2,+1,+1,+2,+2 13 Novice
Running +2,+1,+1,+1,+1,+2,+1,+1,+1,+2,+1 14 Novice
Sailing +4,+2 6 Novice
Seduction 5SP,+1,+1,+5,+1,+4,+2 19 Novice
Spiritism +1 1 Novice
Socialization +3,+3,+1,+1,+2,+1,+3 14 Novice
Stealth +1,+1 2 Novice
Storytelling +1,+2 3 Novice
Tactics +2,+1,+1 4 Novice
Taunting +2 2 Novice
Tracking +1,+1 2 Novice
Weapon-Dagger +1 1 Novice
Weapon-Quarterstaff +5,+4 9 Novice
Weapon-Razor +1,+1 1 Novice
Wrestling +1,+1 2 Novice


SP: Projection: The art of slowly detaching
SP: Singing: Basic volume control
Acrobatics: Being an ‘Anchor’
Acrobatics Stance: Feet facing opposite directions
Acrobatics: Holding arms out grants extra balance
Acrobatics: How to cross one foot in front of the other across a boom
Acrobatics: Swinging from a beam by flexing and releasing abdominal muscles
Acrobatics: Landing in an imperfect squat
Acrobatics: Overshooting the landing
Acrobatics: Controlling your body in the air
Acrobatics: Dodging a weapon strike
Acrobatics: absorbing shock
Acrobatics: Dodging an opponent's charge
Acrobatics: Twist jump from standing
Acrobatics: Using one’s core is a must
Acrobatics: Using the environment
Acrobatics: using leather to protect hands from rope burn
Acrobatics: using counter balance
Acrobatics: landing on your feet
Acrobatics: countering the sway of a ship from the rigging
Acting: faking a scowl
Acting: Setting the scene
Acting: playing the role of Sagallius
Acting: Changing the level of the voice
Acting: faking sincerity
Acting: Using humor to hide anxiety
Akalaks: Have no women in their race
Akalaks: Have two souls
Allister: Determined to train
Allister: social pariah
Allister: Ytang calls him “arseling”
Allister: jealous of Ssanya
Allister: Not so unlike Aysel
Allister: Angry when Madeira is distant
Allister: No borders when it comes to protecting Madeira
Allister: Murderer
Allister: Jealous of Daniel
Allister: Gets under people's skin
Allister: Misses Madison
Allister: mouthy and quick-witted
Allister: Ashamed of tattoos
Allister: Enjoys a position of submission
Allister: Taken by necks
Allister: Excited by fear of pain, scared of leaving Madeira alone
Allister: Afraid of ships
Allister: does as he is told
Allister: Proud of himself for the first time in his life
Allister: Determined to be better for Madeira
Allister: Doesn’t have a mind for sailing
Allister: Feelings of hunger
Allister & Madeira: A new bond
Allister: Out of control
Allister: Felt strong standing next to Madeira
Allister: Tends to overdo it
Allister: Often misreads situations
Allister: Recognizes sadness
Allister: An easy student to correct
Allister: Uses his ugly tattoos to remind him of Madeira’s goodness
Allister: A willing tool for Madeira
Allister: Showing off as a hyena
Allister: not worth Madeira's love
Allister & Madeira: Immovable Object + Unstoppable Force
Alvadas- Purpose adds to frustration
Auristics: using a sense of smell to perceive auras
Auristics: personal magic
Aysel: Helps run Lhavit
Aysel: A bit of an asshole
Bodybuilding: lifting Madeira
Body Building: lifting dead weight
Bodybuilding: Moving heavy crates
Bodybuilding: Full body exercises
Bodybuilding: Doing a pull up
Bodybuilding: Lifting the weight of an opponent Unarmed Combat: Hold the hair, punch the head
Body Building: levering mass
Bow: Front of the ship
Chiona Dusk: Murdered an Ethaefal
Chiona: Interacted with the artifact
Chiona: Can't be held responsible
Climbing: Curling feet helps with grip
Climbing Technique: Hand over hand, foot over foot
Dance: Simple slide with partner
Dancing: Takes footwork
Dancing: Matching motions to the song
Dancing: Taking an unwilling partner into a dip
Dance: emoting
Dhani: Race of snake-humans
Egrew: tough fifty-something taskmaster
Emma: cockblocker
Emma: Made life a game
Emma: an asset to the family
Endurance: Maintaining proper breathing through a long song
Endurance: the efforts of a beast of burden
Endurance: Climbing stairs...and more stairs
Endurance: putting up with discomfort
Endurance: ignoring pain
Endurance: suffering through discomfort
Endurance: climbing with a heavy burden
Endurance: Holding a weapon through a shock
Endurance: Working hard after working a shift
Endurance: Training even when you’re sore
Endurance: Holding onto a weapon despite taking a strike
Endurance: Repeatedly taking damage to the same place
Endurance: Fighting a stronger opponent takes a lot out of you
Ethaefal: Turn to dust when they die
Escape Artist: Slipping a choke
Escape Artist: Dodging retaliatory blows
Escape Artist: Using props to aid in getting away
Fratava: Language of Svefra
Illusion: the horse of shining ink
Illusion: the helpful, magical talking book
Intimidation: threatening body language
Intimidation: growling
Intimidation: wordless threats
Intimidation: using kelvic animal features to scare
Intimidation: threatening a ghost
Induction to Auristics
Insults: The advantages of immasculating someone
Journeyman: A vicious, mouthless monster
Kelvic - The strength of bonds
Kelvic bond: sensing when something is wrong
Laviku: Loves and cares for Mota as long as Mota respects the sea
Land Navigation: Reading a map
Leadership: the voice of authority
Lhavit: Strange and terrible happenings
Lhavit: Paradoxical, both inviting yet confusing
Lhavit: Was plagued by a strange fog
Lheili: Chiona's lover
Location: The Twuele
Location: Alheas Park
Location: the Crooked Playhouse
Location: Infinity Manor
Location: the Cosmo Center
Logic: To protect, one must be able to fight
Logic: You can't just kill people
Logic: Hearing the change in accent to know Emma from Madeira
Lore of intuition
Lore of how to start a fire
Lore of protectiveness
Lore of introspection
Lore of confession
Lore of the difference between reality and dreams
Lore of feeling stress in the Kelvic bond
Lore of the similarities between the Craven and Dynasty's
Lore of the Constellations expedition of spring 518
Lore of artifact found in the Unforgiving, the maledicted skull of a monster
Lore of the simple delight of a good back scratch
Lore of learning how to control situations
Lore of the risks of Auristics
Lore of the purpose of Auristsics
Lore of identifying Madeira's aura
Lore of the signs of Overgiving
Lore of the excitement of working as a sailor
Lore of Leth
Lore of the history of Syna and Leth
Lore of a mental breakdown
Lore of the stable influence of Madeira
Lore of protecting loved ones
Lore of a depressive episode
Madeira: struck Allister
Madeira: closed the bond
Madeira: Radiant in pregnancy
Madeira: Filters information for Allister
Madeira: a patient teacher
Madeira: isolation from the bond brings violent thoughts
Madeira: a source of strength
Madeira: idol worship
Madeira: has a good laugh
Madeira: loves Allister
Madeira: her happiness is all that matters
Madeira - Give me strength
Madeira: Looks similar to Madison, but is not
Madeira: Too good for a sailor, too good for Allister
Madeira’s secret malediction
Madeira: Gentle yet fierce, and better than the rest
Madeira: admirable
Madeira: kept her promise
Madeira: needs more than just physical protection
Madeira: must be protected
Madeira: lost control
Madeira: protectiveness
Madeira: has a vulnerable heart
Madeira: Makes all of the small stuff disappear
Madeira: The sun, the stars, the wind and the rain.
Madeira: Physically filled out in Riverfall
Madeira: Understands Allister’s needs
Madeira: All Allister will ever need
Madeira: Perfectly beautiful
Madison’s approval
Malediction: a way to be useful beyond death
Massage: Kneading knots in muscle
Meditation: controlling emotions
Meditation: centering oneself with pain
Meteors: Used to make skyglass
Misc. - Being odd give you an advantage
Misc. - Even the smallest talents are useful.
Mota: Is a Svefra
Mota: Going to help Allister not fear ships
Mota: Calls Allister ‘Sketches’
Mota: Taught Allister a new way to view the world
Nickname: Thrall
Organization: accoutning for multiple pieces of an operation
Overcome fear by confusing it
People: Aysel, a Lethaefal
People: Zach Grasswind
People: Doctor Alessia
People: Talora
People: "Uncle Frode"
Persuasion: pleading
Persuasion: the uses of stubbornness
Persuasion: Offering a deal to get one’s own way
Persuasion: the use of pleading
Planning: Making a cover up
Planning: How to get away with murder
Politics: making a rousing speech
Preparation: Setting up a training space
Projection: Re-attachment
Projection: detaching the tongue
Projection: the symptoms of a bad reattachment
Projection: safe detachment
Projection: using a projected limb to choke oneself
Rak’keli: Goddess that blesses followers ability to restore hurts and illnesses
Reading: learning to sound out sounds
Rhetoric: Using insults to distract an opponent
Rhetoric: Repeating someone to aggravate an already angry person
Rhetoric: Making an apology
Rotsam: spiritist of Lhavit
Running: Hard to maintain posture on a slope
Running: It’s easier with four legs
Sailing: Outer Oceans are more dangerous than the Suvan
Sailing: using the box knot
Sailing: shoring up the bowspirit
Sailing: the rigging above the sails is called a top
Seduction: sweet talk
Seduction: Dipping to kiss
Seduction: the predatory approach
Shinya: Lhavit's guards
Shroud: An oddly shaped net
Singing: Basic humming patterns
Singing: Basic harmonisation
Singing: Conveying emotion in tone of voice
Singing: Simple improvisation
Singing: Can carry away sorrow
Singing: Used to help alleviate frustrations
Singing: Building up a song over time
Socialization: reassurance
Socialization: apologizing
Song: Maid from Alvadas
Soulbeads: a Spiritist tool
Spiritism: an unwilling vessel
Ssanya: Enjoys giving pain
Ssanya: Full name
Ssanya: Alluring red flower
Ssanya: Tiny, tanned Dhani
Stealth: covering the sound of footsteps
Stealth: Using the shadows
Stealth: Keeping quiet
Story: Arrival in Alvadas
Story: the Valterrian and the betrayal of Aquiras
'Sunshine': Strangely giggly drink
Svefra: Family groups are called ‘Pods’
Svefra: use their hands while speaking
Syna: Goddess of the sun
Tactics: developing a strategy
Tactics: Creating a diversion
Talora: Helps run Lhavit
Taurina: Tastes like earthen, salty sadness
Taurina: Attractive, little Drykas
Taurina: Caring and kind
Taunting: Hurling an insult -“Stick up your arse”
Taunting: Using expression
The touch of a ghost
Tracking: following a smell
Tracking: following a scent
The Twuele: Has lots of floors
Unarmed Combat: Kicking a vulnerable opponent while their focus is elsewhere
Unarmed Combat: Slapping Mota across the face
Unarmed Combat: Lifting to incapacitate
Unarmed Combat: Fake one way and go the other
Unarmed Combat: Blocking while dodging
Unarmed Combat: throwing an opponent
The Unforgiving: Known for pools of wild djed
Urahli: Scarred Akalak
Urahli: Powerful and quiet
Urahli: The light soul
Unarmed Combat: sucker punch
Unarmed Combat: throwing the first punch
Weapon-Dagger: Cutting up a body into pieces
Weapon-Quarterstaff: Hold it like you mean to do harm
Weapon-Quarterstaff: Stance is everything
Weapon-Quarterstaff: Never twist when you don’t have inside control
Weapon-Quarterstaff: A tight grip is essential
Weapon-Quarterstaff: Hand positioning for power and speed
Weapon-Quarterstaff: A twirl can be more than just for show
Weapon-Quarterstaff: A good weapon for leverage
Weapon-Quarterstaff: Choking the life from someone
Weapon-Razor: Small but sharp
Whole body use necessary for balance
Youchi: tastes like fear and fruit
Ytang: The dark soul to Urahli
Zintila: Alvina of the Stars
Zintila: Leader and ruler of Lhavit
Zintila: Wants Madeira to keep an eye on Chiona

Kelvic Crossover

As a striped hyena, Allister has acute eyesight even in low light situations but suffers from a weaker sense of smell than most dogs and cats and also has a skewed sense of hearing. There are certain common frequencies that simply don't register. These aspects of the senses transfer over into his human form but in less severe ways.

Allister fits the typical hyena lifestyle in that he prefers night to day. His animal species is monogamous which fits with the built-in desire to bond but the young Kelvic has not experienced any such feelings to this point in his life. Accustomed to the dirt and grime, the striped hyena will burrow and dig his own den just about anywhere he feels is the safest corner. In the wild, one hyena will greet another by licking the mid-back region, pawing at the throat or sniffing noses. It is because of this animalistic connection that Allister has an innate draw to necks and noses.

There are things Alister does not know about his animal side. The striped hyena is very protective of its family. It is clever and a ferocious scavenger with the ability to adapt and survive in many different environments. A striped hyena will often feign death in a struggle or to avoid detection but will not hesitate to defend its food, home, mate or pups from a threat twice its size.

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Last edited by Allister on April 14th, 2019, 7:18 pm, edited 33 times in total.
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The Answer to Boredom
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Postby Allister on May 9th, 2017, 3:19 am

The Setting




Allister bonded with a young woman in Alvadas by the name of Madeira Craven. She has become more than just a companion but the entirety of his world. He goes with her on her travels and tries to find ways to serve her even if the act doesn't seem logical.


Born a Slave

Kenash is known for slavery. The Lynint family was chief among the Dynasties in Kelvic breeding. They liked to perform with animals and binding an enslaved kelvic in its animal form was far easier than trying to tame and train a wild creature. It was this program which spawned Allister. He was left with his mother long enough to be named and weened. Allister was kept apart from his mother to prevent any kind of relationship though he never forgot his name because every time she passed by his cage, she would whisper it to him. The runt never grew to be impressive and was passed from the Dynasty’s personal kelvics to be sold before he turned one.

The Lynint had a reputation to uphold in their stock and only selected the best new kelvics to keep in their stable. The scrawny runt with some kind of skin issue was certainly not going to make for a good show pet or a stud. A freeborn Isur woman who was more of a drunk than a smith purchased the pup at a sizeable discount. The society high-class Lynint’s cared not what happened to their cast-offs and never tracked a Kelvic once it was sold.

Cruel Master

The Isur woman was not kind to her slave. Allister was beat the day she took him home to ‘teach him a lesson’. Every time he failed a task, he was punished. This made him afraid of her but the Isur smith was no fool. She kept the Kelvic isolated and was the only one who would bring him food and water albeit sparingly. This developed a twisted link between the two where the childish hyena knew his life depended on the stout woman. The regular beatings and constant badgering simply became a part of his world and one he readily accepted. The lad wanted nothing more than to please his mistress.

She quickly realized, however, that he would be useless in getting work done around her forge so she gave him the name that most fit his skillset; Useless. It was an odd mix to watch the high-spirited Kelvic and half-drunk Isur in their dynamic. As a growing youth, the Kelvic was clumsy and the cause of much laughter for his mistress. She would force him to perform impossible tasks knowing that he would fail just to amuse herself. This became a routine and slowly grew into a performance as the woman would invite her ne’er-do-well friends along for the spectacle.

Allister started to get more coordinated and the tasks stopped being tragically funny. To restore some of the lost luster, the Isur and her rowdy friends would hurl objects as well as taunts while the Kelvic tried to balance a privy bucket on his head or during his dance through a tub of baby granadiles. The pain ensued well into the stages of his life where the child looked like he was becoming a young man. Still, Allister’s skills improved and when his performances lacked their comedic value, he was beat. Since he was used to the thumpings, the Kelvic took it in stride as just an evolution of his relationship with the blacksmith woman.


Allister never fully recovered from that night. Something inside the young spirit broke and his pliable attitude became something of an act. The Kelvic started to find ways to draw favors from his mistress. Having tasted wine, he remembered the way it muddled his thoughts and soured his stomach so Allister set about testing various methods to induce a blackout on the Isur. Kenash was such a loud city, he had to find ways to explore and learn. The wanderlust of his animal side grew stronger with each passing day.

The beatings continued but Allister was beginning to not care. He was never pummeled into a pile of goo nor was he cast aside entirely. His mistress still had him perform on a regular basis but the act had changed a bit since he was little. The human form was now that of an odd man with a metal smile and some of the more morbid humans in the swamp would come and pay the Isur just for a look at her walking joke. His pale skin and numerous tattoos went well with the up and down expressions of a being with no idea what he wanted other than to be rid of his present circumstance. The mix of placating and selective defiance always proved to be a hot sell in the dank storehouse attached to the smithy.

A Taste for the Fairer Sex

As he aged, Allister started to feel things he hadn’t before and experience longings that he didn’t understand. Part of this was the need for a bond that all Kelvics endure but the majority of it was reaching the sexual maturity of his species. The dark eyes of the slave started to take more in depth notice of the women who attended his performances. It came naturally for him to flirt and fawn over them. Because of his ridiculous appearance, Allister was allowed leeway in the realms of personal space and physical contact since it always appeared to be part of the act. Some women even seemed to enjoy the attention of the oddball teenager.

The Kelvic would peck kisses and whisper at the prettier ones while being sure to dance on the laps of the more voluptuous women so that he could gain a more intimate knowledge of their bodies. It was during this period of time when some of the audience would bring skin power, dyes and paints that were used to color the pale and somewhat ghastly male figure. Everything became a part of the act but it also became a part of Allister. He began to conjure stories to recite where he would ask for certain types of dyes or makeup. Then, at the next show, someone in the crowd would bring him the supplies.

The performances started to feature less pain and more guile as Allister grew into this new persona. Despite making his mistress more money, she still beat him so he constantly threw himself at the women in the crowd even when they weren’t alone. Finally, the time came when two masked women were so taken that they negotiated a fee to have the Kelvic rented into their services for a night. Allister was shown the true meaning of seduction and learned more than he expected or could have even imagined from the duo of temptresses. When the carnal festivities were over, one decided she wished to have more time –alone- with him.


Allister was aching to spend as much as he could with the woman but she did not want him for sex. Honesty of conversation spurred on by wine led him to discover that she worked for some group that sought to free all of the slaves in Kenash. The blonde woman with bloodshot eyes recruited the hyena right then and there.

Giddy. Emboldened. Stupid. Allister was ready to start a revolution but the cool, light touch of the woman brought him back to the swampy soil on which Kenash was built. She taught him much about how power worked in places like his home and unraveled a massive plan that he could be a part of if he could master a talent which he must keep secret. She showed him how to move things without touching them. The woman, named Madison, explained that all creatures had djed –the magic of life- inside of them and that by tapping into his own magic, Allister could do these things.

The Price of a Life

They spent the entire next day practicing the skill but lost track of time. Allister’s Isur mistress was clever enough to have tailed the women who rented her property. When the bell came and went for him to be returned, the black-hearted smith found the magistrate and sent him to fetch her slave. The guards beat Allister like he had never been before and left him lying like the trash that he had been labeled by society. The woman was reprimanded and fined seeing as how she belonged to a Dynasty.

For attempting to flee the bonds of his circumstance, Allister was sentenced to be publically executed. The Isur woman was told she could seek compensation from the Dynasty of offending woman, Madison. This seemed good enough for her but the noble Dynast didn’t seem to like the turn of events. She confessed to being part of the resistance movement and volunteered her life in exchange for Allister’s freedom. It was the cause she recruited him for, after all.

The magistrate was brought in to make the final decision and he declared that should enough information be provided, he would see to it that the Kelvic never went back to his former mistress. Madison was publically tortured until she gave up eight names of co-conspirators and Allister was bound in chains and forced to watch. After bells of enduring this madness, the Kelvic was in tears then simply dehydrated his eyes. He chewed on his restraints but to no avail. The young man even contemplated chewing off a hand to help the only person who had ever been kind to him but his indecisiveness took too much time. Madison died of her wounds.

The Word of Authority

The magistrate kept his word. He took Allister from the Isur woman… and bound him on a ship for the Upper Suvan to be sold. When a storm rose from out of nowhere and capsized the vessel. The waves tore the broad hull of the slave transport apart with volatile efficiency. Many of the slaves escaped into the water but the storm continued to rage and claimed many more of them. Allister never learned to swim and so he let go of life while whispering the name of his only friend – the only name he had ever heard aside from his own; Madison.

The End is the Beginning is the End

Allister woke up on the shores of a strange land. He was alone aside from a few corpses and shipwrecked debris. He was still bound by one arm in a shackle but the board was no longer a heavy piece of hull. The Kelvic lugged his short plank round for a while as he scavenged some basic supplies and a few trinkets to remember his journey thus far. With a chuckle and a curse, the young man moved along the beach with nothing to guide him.

As Lhex would have it, the beach was not so bad. The slave freed by providence was in his own pants, shirt and boots but had nothing else. However, Allister was able to gather some random knick-knacks and supplies along the way to where ever he was going. He even found several of the crewmen's corpses which had a decent amount of coin. The thing that really lit the dark-eyed man was a slightly used leather jacket. It was black, hooded and had all kinds of interesting buckles and straps around the cuffs and waist. Despite being slightly big for the kelvic, the jacket felt comfortable and safe. Bells of walking led to fidgeting which brought to light some hidden secrets - namely that the jacket had knives hidden inside the sleeves. This made Allister laugh until he coughed then he pressed onward.

After half a day of foraging debris along the scrub brush-covered and rocky beaches, the kelvic came across an inlet. There were several fishing vessels hard at work reeling in nets of cargo that could be sold but more importantly- eaten. The Kelvic was dumbfounded. He had smelled fish before in terms of the way the odor permeates everything when there is a large quantity. Kenash had a strong fishing industry but the slave had never been allowed near that part of his home town so he had not witnessed the act of it until now.

With a grin and his eclectic collection of stuff, the man walked around the small arc of a coastline to see as much as he could. One such vessel was smaller than the others and a kindly woman with short black hair noticed the pale, sickly fellow. She introduced herself as Marina and began a conversation that led to Allister catching a ride to a new city; Alvadas.

Upon arrival, the Kelvic thanked the woman and her mate for the ride. He had told jokes and sang songs for them in exchange for his passage. The port he arrived in was strange but fascinating. It became clear that these people were not like the Kenashians but many people still looked at him in odd ways. The main difference was that no one seemed to care. With a chuckle and some whistling, the man made his way towards what he hoped would be his new home. Useless wasn't even sure what hope was but if it felt like Madison's smile it couldn't be all bad.

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Postby Allister on May 9th, 2017, 3:19 am

The Props


  • Black Hooded Leather Jacket
  • White Linen Shirt
  • Crocodile Pants
  • Crocodile Boots
  • Linen Undergarments
  • -

Skill Related
  • -

  • Backpack
  • Waterskin
  • Comb (Wood)
  • Brush (Wood)
  • Soap
  • Razor
  • Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
  • Eating knife
  • Flint & Steel
  • -
  • Wrist Razor-(2) One in each jacket sleeve
  • Quarterstaff
  • -

The Muffin Tin

This battered brass tin looks unassuming. It's dented, tarnished, and has seen a lot of miles under its rather decorative lid. Latched by a simple mechanism, when this tin is opened, there will be one large steaming hot muffin as if fresh from the oven inside. The muffin's flavor and style will vary each time the lid is lifted. However, each muffin will prove to be nutritious and filling. If the muffin is removed and the lid closed, then opened again, another yet different fresh hot from the oven muffin will be present. If the muffin is left in place and the lid dropped, the same muffin will remain in the tin - fresh and hot - until it is removed.

There will be an unlimited amount of muffins in this tin. This magic item can be used to provide a whole host of muffins to a crowd, however, there is no way to control the flavors and sometimes the flavors will vary drastically. The 'banana nut' are particularly tasty as are the 'chocolate chunk' ones. However, the 'raw meat' flavored ones may not appeal to everyone. Any flavor of muffin is possible, even perhaps flavors one didn't know existed. The muffins will never be poisonous.

Awarded for a Weekend Challenge found here.

Acquired in character here.

The Amulet of Desire

Winners will receive The Amulet of Desire. A stranger will find you wherever you are. It might be a begger who offers you a gift, a monkey who throws this at you, or in some strange way this item will be passed to you. It is a necklace. Over time and through roleplay you will come to understand how this item works. When you hold it in your hand and turn a careful circle until you stand in whichever direction the person, place, or thing that you desire will cause the amulet to glow. The person place or thing you desire can change moment to moment. It will continue to glow as long as you concentrate on that object of desire and point in the direction it lies relative to you. This item will only work if you are within a 10 mile distance of the one thing you desire.

Please remember, your character must have a LORE of the item person or location your character desires or else they don't know it exists to desire it. If you want an idea concept or fact, this will not work with this item. It works only on physical things.

Awarded for a Weekend Challenge found here.

Acquired in character here.


Anchor bracelet - Braided night leather cord with brass fittings has a loop on one end and an anchor on the other. Obviously a seafarer's charm, it was the only thing that washed up on shore with Allister. He wears it on his left wrist and it's long enough to be wrapped around the bones four times before being looped back into itself. It has no significance other than it's the only (first) thing that the kelvic has ever owned. To his knowledge, it holds no special powers or meaning..."It's just a thing" that has become the object of a very consistent fidget.

Heirloom :

Price Breakdowns :
Jacket w/Hood 0.6.5 GM
    Leather *2
    Dyed *1.5
    Belts & Buckles *10
    Used-Good *.75
    =14.6.25 = 15 GM
Crocodile Garments
    These are standard issue in Kenash
Bracelets 40 GM
    Spiritist Beads 37 GM/1.5 foot
    Bound into 2 pieces
    6 Skull beads (no value)
    Craftsmanship 3 GM


Infinity Manor, Zintia Peak, Lhavit

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Last edited by Allister on May 8th, 2019, 2:43 am, edited 12 times in total.
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The Answer to Boredom
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Postby Allister on May 9th, 2017, 3:19 am

The Program


Summer 517
~Purchase~ ~Cost~ ~Balance~
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Jacket -15 GM 85 GM
Wrist Knife(2) -2 GM 83 GM
Summer 517 -Poor -45 GM 38 GM
Medical Supplies* -5 GM 33 GM

Fall 517
~Purchase~ ~Cost~ ~Balance~
Wages 182 GM 215 GM
Living Expense -135 GM 80 GM

Winter 517

Spring 518
~Purchase~ ~Cost~ ~Balance~
Carry Over -- GM 80 GM
Quarterstaff -1 GM 79 GM
Bracelets -40 GM 39 GM
Expenses Paid* -0 39 GM

Summer 518
~Purchase~ ~Cost~ ~Balance~
Carry Over 39 GM 39 GM
Wages 182 GM 221 GM
Expenses -135 GM 86 GM

Fall 518
~Purchase~ ~Cost~ ~Balance~
Carry Over 86 GM 86 GM
Contest* +300 GM 386 GM
Nano* +300 GM 686 GM
Expenses Paid* -0 686 GM

Winter 518
~Purchase~ ~Cost~ ~Balance~
Carry Over 686 GM 686 GM
Item -- GM -- GM


Spring 519
~Purchase~ ~Cost~ ~Balance~
Carry Over 686 GM 686 GM
Item -- GM -- GM

Summer 519
~Purchase~ ~Cost~ ~Balance~
Carry Over 686 GM 686 GM
Item -- GM -- GM

Fall 519
~Purchase~ ~Cost~ ~Balance~
Carry Over 686 GM 686 GM
Item -- GM -- GM

Winter 519
~Purchase~ ~Cost~ ~Balance~
Carry Over 686 GM 686 GM
Item -- GM -- GM

Thread List

~Title~ ~Date~ ~Experience~ ~Lores~ ~Misc~
Name Date --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--
Name Date --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--
Name Date --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--

Summer 517
~Title~ ~Date~ ~Experience~ ~Lores~ ~Misc~
The Heathen & the Hopeful 3rd Observation +1, Singing +1, Dancing +1, Acrobatics +1 Allister: Misses Madison, Singing: Can carry away sorrow, Dancing: Takes footwork, Acrobatics: Using one’s core is a must --Misc--
Useless & Slightly Insane 28th Stealth: +1,Acrobatics: +2, Projection: +2, Observation: +4, Singing: +1, Dance: +1 Stealth: Using the shadows, Allister: Feelings of hunger, Stealth: Keeping quiet, Projection: Re-attachment, Madeira: Looks similar to Madison, but is not, The touch of a ghost, Singing: Basic humming patterns, Dance: Simple slide with partner, Madison’s approval, Madeira: Gentle yet fierce, and better than the rest, Story: Arrival in Alvadas, Allister & Madeira: A new bond, Allister: Out of control, Madeira’s secret malediction --
Liquid Laughter 34th Seduction: +1, Unarmed Combat: +1, Singing: +3, Instrument (Body): +1, Observation: +5, Projection: +1, Acting: +2, Intimidation: +2, Rhetoric: +2 Ssanya: Enjoys giving pain, Unarmed Combat: Lifting to incapacitate, Singing: Simple improvisation, Song: Maid from Alvadas, Acrobatics: Twist jump from standing, Singing: Basic harmonisation, Ssanya: Full name, Ssanya: Tiny, tanned Dhani, Allister: Ashamed of tattoos, Acting: Changing the level of the voice, Dhani: Race of snake-humans, Allister: Enjoys a position of submission, 'Sunshine': Strangely giggly drink, Allister: Taken by necks, Ssanya: Alluring red flower --Misc--
Party of a Lifetime 68th Meditation: 1xp, Logic: 1xp, Observation: 2xp, Projection: 2xp, Running: 2xp, Unarmed Combat: 1xp, Wrestling: 1xp Projection: the symptoms of a bad reattachment, Soulbeads: a Spiritist tool --Misc--
In Sickness and In Health 90th Endurance: 1xp, Investigation: 1xp, Singing: 1xp, Storytelling: 1xp, Persuasion: 1xp, Intimidation: 1xp Alvadas- Purpose adds to frustration, Kelvic - The strength of bonds, Madeira - Give me strength, Misc. - Being odd give you an advantage, Misc. - Even the smallest talents are useful. Donation: -5gm

Fall 517
~Title~ ~Date~ ~Experience~ ~Lores~ ~Misc~
A Curtain Call's Refusal 20th Observation: 4xp, Singing: 3xp, Instrument- body: 3xp, Endurance: 2xp, Running: 1xp, Stealth: 1xp, Body Building: 1xp, Intimidation: 1xp, Dancing: 1xp, Spiritism: 1xp, Acting: 1xp Location: the Crooked Playhouse, Madeira: a source of strength, Acting: playing the role of Sagallius, Story: the Valterrian and the betrayal of Aquiras, Endurance: putting up with discomfort, Madeira: idol worship, Stealth: covering the sound of footsteps, Lore of protectiveness, Intimidation: threatening body language, Allister: does as he is told, Spiritism: an unwilling vessel --Misc--
Girl Talk 74th Observation: 2xp, Tracking: 1xp, Projection: 2xp, Planning: 1xp, Rhetoric: 1xp Lore of the difference between reality and dreams, Tracking: following a smell, Projection: detaching the tounge --Misc--
The Family of Unsavory Cravens 89th Intimidation: 3xp, Endurance: 3xp, Unarmed Combat: 1xp, Observation: 5xp, Storytelling: 2xp, Logic: 3xp, Socialization: 3xp, Bodybuilding: 1xp, Persuasion: 2xp, Tactics: 2xp, Meditation: 2xp, Rhetoric: 1xp, Acting: 1xp, Politics: 1xp, Projection: 1xp, Dance: 1xp, Seduction: 1xp Madeira: must be protected, Illusion: the horse of shining ink, Illusion: the helpful, magical talking book, People: "Uncle Frode", Lore of feeling stress in the Kelvic bond, Socialization: reassurance, Bodybuilding: lifting Madeira, Lore of the similarities between the Craven and Dynasty's, Madeira: admirable, Endurance: ignoring pain, Meditation: controlling emotions, Tactics: developing a strategy, Madeira: needs more than just physical protection, Politics: making a rousing speech, Acting: faking sincerity, Persuasion: pleading, Meditation: centering oneself with pain --Misc--

Winter 517

Spring 518
~Title~ ~Date~ ~Experience~ ~Lores~ ~Misc~
Allister's Aerial Pursuit in Acrobatics 1st Acrobatics: +5, Socialization: +3, Climbing: +2, Unarmed Combat: +1, Bodybuilding: +5, Endurance: +3 Allister: Afraid of ships, Acrobatics: Being an ‘Anchor’, Mota: Is a Svefra, Svefra: Family groups are called ‘Pods’, Laviku: Loves and cares for Mota as long as Mota respects the sea, Mota: Going to help Allister not fear ships, Overcome fear by confusing it, Mota: Calls Allister ‘Sketches’, Shroud: An oddly shaped net, Climbing Technique: Hand over hand, foot over foot, Climbing: Curling feet helps with grip, Whole body use necessary for balance, Allister: Determined to be better for Madeira, Acrobatics Stance: Feet facing opposite directions, Allister: Excited by fear of pain, scared of leaving Madeira alone, Syna: Goddess of the sun, Acrobatics: Holding arms out grants extra balance, Acrobatics: How to cross one foot in front of the other across a boom, Bow: Front of the ship, Acrobatics: Swinging from a beam by flexing and releasing abdominal muscles, Acrobatics: Overshooting the landing, Allister: Doesn’t have a mind for sailing, Rak’keli: Goddess that blesses followers ability to restore hurts and illnesses, Fratava: Language of Svefra, Acrobatics: Landing in an imperfect squat, Unarmed Combat: Slapping Mota across the face, Allister: Proud of himself for the first time in his life Allister’s muscles will continue to be sore 3-5 days post workout. Continued practice and stretching can help with reducing the effects, as can healers and salves.
We're Going on an Adventure 5th Observation: 3xp, Acrobatics: 2xp, Running: 2xp, Endurance: 3xp, Unarmed Combat: 2xp, Sailing: 2xp, Body Building: 1xp, Escape Artist: 2xp, Tactics: 1xp, Wrestling: 1xp, Projection: 1xp Lore of Leth, Lore of the history of Syna and Leth, Lore of a mental breakdown, Lore of the stable influence of Madeira, Lore of protecting loved ones, Madeira: struck Allister, Lore of a depressive episode, Allister: not worth Madeira's love, Projection: safe detachment, Projection: using a projected limb to choke oneself --Misc--
There's This Things Called a Learning Curve 24th Running +2, Acrobatics +3, Endurance +5, Bodybuilding +2, Observation +5, Land Navigation +1, Logic+1, Unarmed Combat +3, Socialization +2, Weapon-Quarterstaff +4 Acrobatics: Controlling your body in the air, Acrobatics: Dodging a weapon strike, Akalaks: Have no women in their race, Akalaks: Have two souls, Allister: Determined to train, Allister: Ytang calls him “arseling”, Bodybuilding: Doing a pull up, Endurance: Training even when you’re sore, Endurance: Holding onto a weapon despite taking a strike, Endurance: Repeatedly taking damage to the same place, Land Navigation: Reading a map, Logic: To protect, one must be able to fight, Running: It’s easier with four legs, Unarmed Combat: Fake one way and go the other, Unarmed Combat: Blocking while dodging, Urahli: Scarred Akalak, Urahli: Powerful and quiet, Urahli: The light soul, Weapon-Quarterstaff: Hold it like you mean to do harm, Weapon-Quarterstaff: Stance is everything, Weapon-Quarterstaff: Never twist when you don’t have inside control, Weapon-Quarterstaff: A tight grip is essential, Ytang: The dark soul to Urahli --Misc--
Binding Ink 38th Acrobatics +2, Acting +2, Dancing +2, Endurance +2, Escape Artist +2, Logic +2, Meditation +1, Observation +5, Persuasion +1, Projection +3, Rhetoric +1, Running +1, Seduction +1, Singing +3, Socialization +1, Tactics +1, Taunting +2, Unarmed Combat +1, Weapon-Razor +1 Acrobatics: Using the environment, Acting: Setting the scene, Allister: Felt strong standing next to Madeira, Allister: Tends to overdo it, Allister: Often misreads situations, Allister: Recognizes sadness, Allister: An easy student to correct, Allister: Uses his ugly tattoos to remind him of Madeira’s goodness, Allister: A willing tool for Madeira, Allister: Showing off as a hyena, Allister & Madeira: Immovable Object + Unstoppable Force, Dancing: Matching motions to the song, Dancing: Taking an unwilling partner into a dip, Emma: Made life a game, Endurance: Maintaining proper breathing through a long song, Escape Artist: Dodging retaliatory blows, Escape Artist: Using props to aid in getting away, Logic: Hearing the change in accent to know Emma from Madeira, Madeira: Makes all of the small stuff disappear, Madeira: The sun, the stars, the wind and the rain, Madeira: Physically filled out in Riverfall, Madeira: Understands Allister’s needs, Madeira: All Allister will ever need, Madeira: Perfectly beautiful, Mota: Taught Allister a new way to view the world, Persuasion: Offering a deal to get one’s own way, Rhetoric: Making an apology, Running: Hard to maintain posture on a slope, Seduction: Dipping to kiss, Singing: Used to help alleviate frustrations, Singing: Building up a song over time, Tactics: Creating a diversion, Taurina: Tastes like earthen, salty sadness, Taurina: Attractive, little Drykas, Taurina: Caring and kind, Taunting: Hurling an insult -“Stick up your arse”, Taunting: Using expression, Weapon-Razor: Small but sharp --Misc--
Day of Long Shadows 60th Endurance: 2xp, Observation: 2xp, Unarmed Combat: 1xp, Running: 1xp, Intimidation: 1xp, Leadership: 1xp, Persuasion: 1xp Endurance: suffering through discomfort, Madeira: her happiness is all that matters, Allister: jealous of Ssanya, Unarmed Combat: throwing the first punch, Intimidation: using kelvic animal features to scare, Persuasion: the use of pleading --Misc--

Summer 518
~Title~ ~Date~ ~Experience~ ~Lores~ ~Misc~
To The Music 15th Bodybuilding: 4xp, Endurance: 4xp, Climbing: 3xp, Acrobatics: 3xp, Observation: 4xp, Sailing: 4xp, Logic: 2xp, Acting: 1xp, Intimidation: 2xp, Unarmed Combat: 1xp, Planning: 2xp, Running: 1xp Acrobatics: using leather to protect hands from rope burn, Acrobatics: using counter balance, Acrobatics: landing on your feet, Acrobatics: countering the sway of a ship from the rigging, Acting: faking a scowl, Allister: social pariah, Egrew: tough fifty-something taskmaster, Endurance: climbing with a heavy burden, Intimidation: growling, Intimidation: threatening a ghost, Lore of the excitement of working as a sailor, Madeira: closed the bond, Madeira: isolation from the bond brings violent thoughts, Nickname: Thrall, Sailing: Outer Oceans are more dangerous than the Suvan, Sailing: using the box knot, Sailing: shoring up the bowspirit, Sailing: the rigging above the sails is called a top, Svefra: use their hands while speaking, Unarmed Combat: throwing an opponent --Misc--
Pain Without Love 45th Bodybuilding +5, Acting +2, Endurance +5, Unarmed Combat +3, Acrobatics +1, Rhetoric +2, Logic +1, Planning +2, Weapon-Dagger +1, Escape Artist +1, Organization +1, Observation +5, Preparation +1, Weapon-Quarterstaff +5, Running +1 Preparation: Setting up a training space, Weapon-Quarterstaff: Hand positioning for power and speed, Allister: Angry when Madeira is distant, Bodybuilding: Full body exercises, Endurance: Holding a weapon through a shock, Rhetoric: Using insults to distract an opponent, Rhetoric: Repeating someone to aggravate an already angry person, Allister: No borders when it comes to protecting Madeira, Allister: Jealous of Daniel, Logic: You can't just kill people, Planning: How to get away with murder, Bodybuilding: Lifting the weight of an opponent, Unarmed Combat: Hold the hair, punch the head, Acting: Using humor to hide anxiety, Bodybuilding: Moving heavy crates, Allister: mouthy and quick-witted, Endurance: Working hard after working a shift, Weapon-Quarterstaff: A twirl can be more than just for show, Weapon-Dagger: Cutting up a body into pieces, Weapon-Quarterstaff: A good weapon for leverage, Weapon-Quarterstaff: Choking the life from someone, Insults: The advantages of immasculating someone, Escape Artist: Slipping a choke, Endurance: Fighting a stronger opponent takes a lot out of you, Allister: Murderer, Unarmed Combat: Kicking a vulnerable opponent while their focus is elsewhere, Planning: Making a cover up, Acrobatics: Dodging an opponent's charge, Organization: accoutning for multiple pieces of an operation, Allister: Gets under people's skin, Madeira: Too good for a sailor, too good for Allister Magical Muffin Tin (Weekend Challenge Reward-See SS thread)
Broken Without You 50th Endurance: 5xp, Body Building: 4xp, Singing: 1xp, Unarmed Combat: 1xp, Observation: 5xp, Socialization: 1xp, Persuasion: 3xp, Negotiation: 1xp, Running: 1xp, Acrobatics: 1xp, Seduction: 5xp, Logic: 3xp, Meditation: 1xp, Leadership: 2xp, Rhetoric: 1xp Lore of intuition, Kelvic bond: sensing when something is wrong, Socialization: apologizing, Unarmed Combat: sucker punch, Persuasion: the uses of stubbornness, Madeira: protectiveness, Acrobatics: absorbing shock, Madeira: lost control, Body Building: lifting dead weight, Body Building: levering mass, Seduction: sweet talk, Madeira: has a vulnerable heart, Lore of introspection, Emma: cockblocker, Madeira: has a good laugh, Lore of confession, Madeira: loves Allister --Misc--
The Red in the White 83rd --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--

Fall 518
~Title~ ~Date~ ~Experience~ ~Lores~ ~Misc~
Welcome Home 53rd Endurance: 5xp, Bodybuilding: 4xp, Observation: 5xp, Singing: 1xp, Dance: 1xp, Seduction: 4xp, Projection: 1xp, Intimidation: 3xp, Weapon- Razors: 1xp, Unarmed Combat: 1xp, Rhetoric: 2xp, Leadership: 1xp, Tracking: 1xp, Logic: 2xp Dance: emoting, Endurance: the efforts of a beast of burden, Emma: an asset to the family, Intimidation: wordless threats, Leadership: the voice of authority, Location: Infinity Manor, Location: the Cosmo Center, Lore of how to start a fire, Madeira: kept her promise, Rotsam: spiritist of Lhavit, Seduction: the predatory approach, Tracking: following a scent, Youchi: tastes like fear and fruit +Item gained, +Trait received, -Injury, -Mizas spent
Fear and Loathing in Lhavit 55th --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--
By The Light of the Moon 55th ✦Singing +1, ✦Observation +3, ✦Endurance +1, ✦Massage +1, ✦Logic +1 ✦Madeira: Radiant in pregnancy, ✦Singing: Conveying emotion in tone of voice, ✦Location: Alheas Park, ✦Chiona Dusk: Murdered an Ethaefal, ✦People: Aysel, a Lethaefal, ✦Lhavit: Strange and terrible happenings, ✦People: Zach Grasswind, ✦Shinya: Lhavit's guards, ✦Aysel: Helps run Lhavit, ✦Ethaefal: Turn to dust when they die, ✦Location: The Twuele, ✦Madeira: Filters information for Allister, ✦Lhavit: Paradoxical, both inviting yet confusing, ✦The Twuele: Has lots of floors, ✦Aysel: A bit of an asshole, ✦Endurance: Climbing stairs...and more stairs, ✦Massage: Kneading knots in muscle, ✦Zintila: Alvina of the Stars, ✦Zintila: Leader and ruler of Lhavit, ✦Allister: Not so unlike Aysel, ✦Lheili: Chiona's lover, ✦People: Doctor Alessia, ✦Meteors: Used to make skyglass, ✦Lore of the Constellations expedition of spring 518, ✦People: Talora, ✦Talora: Helps run Lhavit, ✦Lhavit: Was plagued by a strange fog, ✦The Unforgiving: Known for pools of wild djed, Lore of artifact found in the Unforgiving, the maledicted skull of a monster, ✦Journeyman: A vicious, mouthless monster, ✦Chiona: Interacted with the artifact, ✦Chiona: Can't be held responsible, ✦Zintila: Wants Madeira to keep an eye on Chiona --Misc--
Skinnydipping 63rd --XP-- --Lore-- --MISC--
Mindreading for Idiots and Beginners 72nd Observation: 5xp, Socialization: 3xp, Seduction: 2xp, Running: 1xp, Endurance: 3xp, Acrobatics: 2xp, Auristics: 3xp, Rhetoric: 2xp, Intimidation: 2xp, Deduction: 3xp, Projection: 1xp, Massage: 1xp Lore of the simple delight of a good back scratch, Lore of learning how to control situations, Madeira: a patient teacher, Malediction: a way to be useful beyond death, Reading: learning to sound out sounds, Auristics: personal magic, Lore of the risks of Auristics, Lore of the purpose of Auristsics, Induction to Auristics, Auristics: using a sense of smell to perceive auras, Lore of identifying Madeira's aura, Lore of the signs of Overgiving +Item gained, Trait recieved, -Injury, -Mizas spent

Winter 518

Spring 519
~Title~ ~Date~ ~Experience~ ~Lores~ ~Misc~
Life in Pieces 1st --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--
It's a Playground 37th --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--
Name Date --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--
Name Date --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--

Summer 519
~Title~ ~Date~ ~Experience~ ~Lores~ ~Misc~
Name Date --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--
Name Date --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--
Name Date --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--

Fall 519
~Title~ ~Date~ ~Experience~ ~Lores~ ~Misc~
Name Date --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--
Name Date --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--
Name Date --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--

Winter 519
~Title~ ~Date~ ~Experience~ ~Lores~ ~Misc~
Name Date --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--
Name Date --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--
Name Date --XP-- --Lore-- --Misc--

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Last edited by Allister on March 8th, 2019, 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Answer to Boredom
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