It seems like a good idea to be to separate the plans I have for Michael into short, medium and long term. Short plans will be ones I hope to accomplish in only a few posts, medium ones in a few seasons, and long ones for plans stretching years or goals that I will likely never see come to fruition.
Short Term: Buy a Boat
Because what's a captain without his ship? There's a whole Suvan Sea I want to get exploring, but first I need to get myself a trusty stack of wood and some sails to get around in.
Medium: Become a Knight
In his service to The Returned Michael's job is to spy on the Syliran Knights and, where possible, further Uldr's agenda within the order. In order to do that the first task Michael needs to accomplish is to pass his squire training.
Medium: Go on a Voyage
The world is a big place, and Michael can't sait to go and see more of it. If a chance presents itself Michael would like to visit another region, preferably one accessible by sea.
Medium: Meet a God
Because gods play such a big role in Mizahar, and each of them bring their own various values and beliefs to the table.
Long: A World Without Death
Lord Uldr's vision must be realized. The cycle of rebirth must be broken so that the world can finally have absolute, unending peace. How this can be done exactly is still unknown, but a good start seems to be creating as many more chained ones as possible.
Long: Master of Magic
The path to becoming a true wizard is a long and dangerous one, but the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.