Roselina narrowed her eyes at the two as they came outside, and the diaper landed next to her. They looked very happy with themselves, meaning that they had probably done something.
The look on their faces was probably similar to the one she would have sported on her face, after she had done something she shouldn't have done as a child. She was always in trouble back then. She supposed she still was now.
She muttered to herself seriously for a moment, looking at diaper, before giggling and going to the two. "What have you been doing?" Looking more closely, she could see the jar that they had stolen.
With a sigh she leant down and took the jar off of them, and looked down at them with a smile. "Sneaky aren't you?" All kids were like that though. She stepped inside, occasionally looking back at the children, and shouted.
"I found them."
Roselina, pretty sure that Garland would have heard that, put the jar back in the kitchen and went out to the two children, who were now playing together like they hadn't done anything wrong. The kids looked over at her when she yelyelledith a sigh she sat down next to them, making sure that they weren't running off again to make more mischief.
"Sweet Dreams."