[Att New Players!] How Do I Figure Out This Timestamping?

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[Att New Players!] How Do I Figure Out This Timestamping?

Postby Gossamer on December 4th, 2009, 4:17 am

Hey All-

I was requested to repost something to everyone so that some of the newer players will have some sort of clue on how to keep track of time on Mizahar. We are going to take an example PC, his activities, and track them throughout a season. :) First though, we need a few little reminders.

Because Timestamping and tracking your threads can be sort of confusing, we are trying to keep as close to real life as possible on the game. Thus, Mizahar has 365 days that are broken up into 4 seasons; Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. We skip weeks and months. Each Season is broken up into 91 days, except for Winter which has 92 (to make 365 days a year). A day has 24 hours, which are sometimes called Bells. There are 60 minutes in an hour which are sometimes called Chimes. The Sun rises around hour 7 and sets around hour 19 depending upon the season. If someone wants to meet you somewhere 45 chimes after the 10th bell, they want to meet you at 10:45. :) Also, you can only start new threads in the current season (Which helpfully follows real life time pretty well).

The Current Timestamp SeasonWinter - Dec Jan Feb - Blue Watchstone
Spring - March April May - Green Watchstone
Summer - June July August - Yellow Watchstone
Fall - Sept Oct Nov - Red Watchstone
is: Winter 509 AV

Okay.. now for the fun stuff. How the heck do I post in multiple threads at different times and keep my threads straight? Your pc should never be limited to one thread at a time. Honestly, its easier to have them scattered all over, which is why we have Timestamping to keep track of things.

Here we go... lets take Character Bob (I know I'm really creative tonight!) for example and track his movements! Bob the small village bakers son who lives 10 days outside of Avanthal in Taldera decides to set out on his own away from his family Winter of 509.

He leaves his family Winter 1, 509 and makes a journey to the big city... planning on being there in 10 days. That thread is called Journey Away From Home. He fights monsters that try to eat him, meets a band of roving bandits, and is ultimately rescued by the Icewatch outside of Avanthal.

He gets to say Avanthal Winter 10, 509 (cause his family lived about 10 days away from the city remember, despite all his adventuers).... and once in the city, goes to see Queen Morwen. She lets him in to hear what he has to say... that thread is called Meeting The Queen.

He meets a fabulous group of PCs and they have a few social threads scattered across several months... Drinking in in the Black Reindeer Tavern (20th of Winter), Ice Crystals in the Mind (40th of Winter)..... then has a real date on the 30th of Winter in a thread called Dancing at the Winter Ball.... adopts a stray dog on the 50th in a thread called "Taking in a Stray" and decides to leave town on the 60th to look for lost treasure with his new friends in a thread called "The Golden City... Does it exist?"

All those threads can be going on at once! Seriously! Often threads stall because someone disappears or gets really busy with real life, so its good to have other threads going on at once. You just need to plan out your characters time and manage it so everything is feasible. You cant', for example, be in Taldera and then in Eyktol ten days later. You need to allow for travel time, but you don't always have to rp travel. So don't be afraid to be at multiple times at multiple places... thats what tracking your threads in your CS is all about... and why we call time 'fluid time'. It's fluid because you can be many places at different times during the same season. You know where you are at all times and when you have what we call 'Available fluid time' to participate in things that come up as they come up. Each time you join or start a new thread, add it to your list in the correct place.... like this..

Bob's CS Thread List - Winter 509

1st - Leaving Home
10th - Audience with the Queen
20th - Black Reindeer Drinking
30th - Winter Ball
4oth - Crystals in the Mind
50th - Taking in a Stray
60th - Golden City - Does it Exist?

This way, when Bob's buddy John says... Hey Bob.. can we go Ice Fishing on the 45th, Bob can check his fluid time, see hes not doing anything on the 45th and say sure... whallah.. new thread started and going on. Bob can be a very busy boy very quickly, so be sure you don't get TOO busy.

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Re: [Att New Players!] How Do I Figure Out This Timestamping?

Postby Ghede Muut on December 16th, 2009, 6:38 am

Ah! This post was enlightening.

One question remains though: how do I figure out the day?

Is it character-bound, meaning the day that I start my particular adventure would be my very own day one of whichever season Mizahar is in;

or is it calculated through real-world comparison (which would make today, December the 16th, the 17th day of the Winter season in Mizahar, assuming I'm not making any mistakes and the season changed back in November the 30th to the first day of Winter)?
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Re: [Att New Players!] How Do I Figure Out This Timestamping?

Postby Gossamer on December 16th, 2009, 8:45 am

Time on Mizahar is fluid. That means, while the seasons do correspond to the Real World/Life seasons, they days do not. You can be anywhere (or multiple anywheres) in any given season.

So, the current season is Winter 509. There's 92 days in it. Today is Dec 16th. You just start your PC today. You can start a thread Winter 1, 509AV anywhere to Winter 92, 509 AV... you just pick a day and run with it. Say it's Dec 31st, 2009 and you start your PC. You can still start a thread Winter 1st or Winter 92nd. It doesn't matter... everything in a season can take place at the same time. The only reason we timestamp is to keep track of where you are, what you know, and what you have at any given period. If you start your PC today (Dec 16th) and say join a thread going on the 46th (halfway through winter) and earn a magical dagger in that thread... you cannot use that dagger in any threads EXCEPT the ones after the thread you got it in (Winter 46th on into the future). So if you pull that spiffy dagger in a thread on the 7th of Winter (before you got it) a mod will go "Hey.... Check your Timestamps... you don't have that dagger yet!

So.. the short answer to "What day is it?" is really simple. It's any day in winter you want it to be. :) You can work multiple threads during multiple timestamps all at the same time. Just please keep them all straight in your CS! You'll save yourself huge headaches keeping everything updated. :)
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