Date: 56th of Summer, 517 A.V.
Time: Early Morning
Time: Early Morning
"So you're wanting to get out of that tent, eh?" Randal inquired
The carpenter was strong, tall, and ruggedly attractive. His body was toned from a life of work, his hands and skin noticeably rough and dense from the same.
In comparison, the young man that stood before him was thin, of relatively average height, and had somewhat pointed features.
"Well," Trevor chuckled, "I do, but I've never really even picked up a hammer--but I'm willing to. I'm even willing to learn how to swing it."
Randal nodded and a slight smile formed on the edges of his lips. The man's eyes were calm, thoughtful, deep and empathetic--those of a leader. Randal's demeanor spoke of grizzled strength, upon which a kind spirit was layered and interwoven within.
"If that's true, then we're going to need tools," Randal said. "And more than hammers too."
"We could hike up to the general store if you need me to get anything for myself?" Trevor suggested.
Randall slipped the straps of a backpack off of his shoulders, as Trevor made the offer to acquire a set of tools if need be.
"No, you'll be fine for today," Randal waved away Trevor's concerns.
The carpenter went down on to one knee, as he dislodged his pack from his person and placed it upon the open dirt. Randal flipped open the bag's flap and began to dig within it. The rather large backpack was home to a number of very grizzled and well-preserved pieces of building and wilderness tools, but Randal ignored the bulk of said items as he searched within it.
The carpenter seemed to know just what he was looking for within his crowded bag--and Trevor wasn't all that surprised, despite it being packed to the brim, Randal's backpack look relatively organized.
"Here we are then," Randal said, as he withdrew a wide roll of leather that was about as long as his pack was deep.
The man momentarily shifted the roll of leather into the crux of his arm, before moving his backpack to the side of his left leg and laying the leather roll down to where it had been sitting in front of himself. And then, with but a push, Randall let the roll of leather unfurl upon the ground.
The roll was slow to open because of its weight, but when it did it settled heavily on the ground and a great spread of tools were revealed to be lurking, stored within its confines.
"Most folks around here are willing to get their hands dirty when I help them out, so..." Randal selected and hefted up one of two, large axes that now lay before him on the unfurled leather roll into his hands, "I have two."
Randal offered the axe to Trevor.
"It's a woodcutting axe; stronger and heavier than a hatchet, but probably lighter than anything you might expect from something that fells trees," Randal explained.
Trevor took the tool from Randal; it wasn't the first time he'd seen an axe, or even held one, but it was the first time he'd held this specific type of axe. The wood of the bladed tool, despite being sanded down, still felt odd and a bit rough to Trevor's relatively soft hands.
"I appreciate it," Trevor said. "I was hoping we could build something simple today, something that I could replicate myself?"
"Really? Are you looking to learn?" Randal inquired, as he retrieved an axe for himself from the tool roll.
"I'd like to be able to get the basics down, if you're willing to teach me while I help you get something for me to sleep in situated and built," Trevor said. "I'd like to be able to help myself as much as possible while I'm here."
"Hm," Randal said. "Will you help me roll this back up? Just grab that end there."
As Randal had directed, Trevor reached out for the end of the leather tool roll.
"Of course," Trevor replied to Randal.
The carpenter grabbed ahold of the opposite end of the roll.
"All right, just roll while I pull, if you would," Randal instructed.
It wasn't long before together the two had re-rolled Randal's tool kit and the man had fit it back within his backpack.
"Alright," Randal said, with his axe in hand, as both he and Trevor rose to stand once more. "Let's get to teaching you to lash together a home, shall we?"
Trevor couldn't help but smirk a bit, upon realizing that Randal was receptive to his request for tutelage.
"Sure thing," Trevor replied in a confident tone. "And thank you."
Seasonal Wordcount: 12,587 + 780 = 13,367