I do require that you have patience with me if i don't post with the codes instantly. As I'm working on Job Threads, and important arch plots for Ramona. I also hope to see this thread earn as much reputation as it could. Thanks, and have a good Summer!
P.S. Make sure to highlight the list of what you want above and copy and paste it when you're making a reply. As you guys might know or have experienced, the Code tool is a little buggy so... to make things simple just copy and paste the list as is, please.
This is my little place to call for comfort right now. As i develop my photoshop skills, I'd like to make everyone happy with my designs. I've done a few works here. Though, I can work on different designs. If there's complaints anything in particular you need, please follow this form below for boxcode designs.
Grading Codes
- Background Color(s): Any ideas what kind
of background color that you want, if any? - Font Ideas: What kind of fonts would you like me to use? Or any preferences, if you don't have anything in mind?
- Images: Whst kind of images would you like me to use, or do you have anything in mind?
- Sayings: Any Quotes, or sayings you'd want to have included with your design?
- Face Claim: I kind do small photoshop skills with people, so you might be in luck, but mostly I'm looking for basic/advanced themes.
- Notes: Anything you'd want me to know here, please.
Grading Codes
- Background Color(s): Any ideas what kind
of background color that you want, if any? - Font Ideas: What kind of fonts would you like me to use? Or any preferences, if you don't have anything in mind?
- Images: Whst kind of images would you like me to use, or do you have anything in mind?
- Sayings: Any Quotes, or sayings you'd want to have included with your design?
- Face Claim: I kind do small photoshop skills with people, so you might be in luck, but mostly I'm looking for basic/advanced themes.
- Notes: Anything you'd want me to know here, please.
- Face Claim: Just let me know who's your face claim is please.
- Theme: Any specific mood you want me to portray?
- Theme: Any particular them you want displayed?
- Sayings:Any quotes you want added?
- Images: Any particular images or preferences of images that you would like?
I do require that you have patience with me if i don't post with the codes instantly. As I'm working on Job Threads, and important arch plots for Ramona. I also hope to see this thread earn as much reputation as it could. Thanks, and have a good Summer!
P.S. Make sure to highlight the list of what you want above and copy and paste it when you're making a reply. As you guys might know or have experienced, the Code tool is a little buggy so... to make things simple just copy and paste the list as is, please.